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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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I think we should go have a word with our MPs  :shifty:




God, I can't wait to eventually rub their faces in it as we lift the premiership for all to see..........one day.


They'll all be pushing up daisies by then my friend..!!

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I think we should go have a word with our MPs  :shifty:




God, I can't wait to eventually rub their faces in it as we lift the premiership for all to see..........one day.


They'll all be pushing up daisies by then my friend..!!



....oh no they won't, you see........the futures bright...........the futures....................black and white. I forsee us back in the top 4 in 3 years, no later. Then the sky's the limit. I have seen it in the stars!


(not the daily star)

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Jaysus - when is it ever going to stop with the Daily Mail? When they've got him crucified?


And who's the "former player" who says it's fucking chaos? - do they mean Shearer?


I mean we only have one former player in the Keegan era and that's Rozenhal?


They are indeed the scum of the earth.

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Jaysus - when is it ever going to stop with the Daily Mail? When they've got him crucified?


And who's the "former player" who says it's f****** chaos? - do they mean Shearer?


I mean we only have one former player in the Keegan era and that's Rozenhal?




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I hope Keegan never talks to these cunts again.


It is a fucking disgrace. You would think NUFC was some sort of criminal organisation the constant bad press we get.


What must Mike Ashley and Chris Mort think when they see this stuff?


Liverpool fans boycott 'The Sun'. NUFC fans should boycott the whole lot of them. The tabloids and the broadsheets do nothing but sneer at us.

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The exception that proves the rule?


Taken from NUFC.com: -


Mirror in "not total twaddle" sensation


We might not agree with all of Brian Reade's piece as follows, but there's enough of worth to justify it being presented to a wider audience:


"You'll be familiar with Kevin Keegan's charge sheet as it is being repeatedly read above a backing track of cackling laughter to certify why both he and the people of Newcastle are clinically insane.


He's a bottler who talks in riddles, hasn't watched a live game for three years, is committing the cardinal sin of returning to an old club, and his only qualification is he used to be a local hero in an era when men permed their heads and soaked their armpits in Brut.


The gags and the accusations of madness were to be expected, yet I've been taken aback by the ferocity of the cynicism from people who frequently lament how clubs are selling their soul to corporate monsters. A ferocity summed up by the esteemed writer who accused the Geordies of harbouring "empty and increasingly pathetic dreams."


So what's pathetic about wanting to see your team play in a passionate, entertaining way, led by a manager you love, trust and believe in? That's what drew me to football in the first place. That's what it used to be all about.


Ah, they say, but football has changed dramatically in the 11 years Keegan has been away, as though he's a Japanese sniper emerging into sunlight after 63 years in the Burmese jungle. He's only 56 for Christ's sake, and been a genuine football man at the highest level for most of those years.


Does the fact that the Premier League has changed mean Keegan has suddenly become a bad judge of a player or lost his ability to motivate them?


Granted, the mind-boggling amounts of cash swilling around football has transformed the game, but certainly not for the better. Has Roman Abramovich's billions enhanced it? Has the American pincer movement on Anfield and Old Trafford improved it? No. Ask Kopites how they feel about their so-called saviours from across the pond now, or the thousands of Man United fans frozen out of Old Trafford because their wallets aren't thick enough.


Those who love the game should save their anger and cynicism for our friends in the north who ushered the Americans into Anfield and Old Trafford, instead of turning it on Mike Ashley for inviting Keegan back.


Who says ill-advised romantic gestures are worse for a club than the ill-advised sale of a club's soul to foreign businessmen who have no knowledge of football or love for the fans?


What's wrong with an owner attempting to give his supporters what they want?


Keegan's return may be an unmitigated disaster but who cares? Certainly not the only people who matter, the Newcastle fans. What right have outsiders to tell them they'd have been better off watching Sam Allardyce's brand of eye-bleedingly bad football fail?


Critics say he won't win them the Premier League so what's the point? But he doesn't need to. All he has to do is repeat what he did last time around by taking them back up to the division they belong in.


They're now in the top flight's third division with West Ham. If he gets them into the second with Aston Villa, playing exciting football, he'll be deemed a success. Into the first with Arsenal and his body will be interred in Newcastle Cathedral.


I wish him luck. Not because I was once a big Keegan fan but because I'm still a football fan.


One of many who can see that if our game is to survive as a sport for the masses, clubs need to bring in more men like him, whose sole intention is to make the people happy, and less foreign sharks whose only intention is to make the people emotionally and financially skint."

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"Keegans return may be an unmitigated disaster" These are the ars*hol*s that have the unmitigated GALL to criticize us for not having patience ? ? ? ? ? ? :kasper: :kasper: :kasper

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Its fucking relentless, they are trying to destroy us.


The only thing i can think of why they are doing this and that because they are shit scared, we have a new owner who is willing to put give massive transfer budget, a manager who truely loves the club and fans who are very loyal. We could be come a huge threat to the top 4 and it has those wankers in the south scared shitless.


Ive never known the media to be so obsessive about a club.

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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


Many people just moan about things but take no action to sort them out - the answer is clear ; get your news online(or preferably, via the Blogs because you will actually get the truth instead of Govt propaganda a la' the BBC or unresearched  crap like the MSM - you will then be able to get a further step down the road to putting these prats out of work where they deserve to be - the Market Rules ; no customers, no business....

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He writes: Keegan himself has no experience of scrapping or discernible aptitude for grinding out results, which is what made his appointment so risky in the first place.


Well, he saved us from relegation, got us promoted and essentially did the same with Fulham and Manchester City. It's not so much that they write this inaccurate twaddle but that they get paid for it that amazes me.

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Rod Liddle has a profile next to his article & it says

is the most controversial commentator on sport
, you go  Rod with your "look at me I am know f*** full but I am outrageous ".


Most Of The Press - I dont give a s*** if Dennis Wise & the crew are based in London. As people who do a bit globe trotting know it is fooking easier doing that from London than Newcastle. The People mentions Zola may be joining us & be based in Italy, if that is his patch then I guess it is a good place for him to based, if he is meant to be watching kids at Wallsend Boys Club then maybe it isn't.  There seems to be more rumpus over where the scouting crew are based then the tax-free Gilibrator scandal that Douglas Hall set up for club/himself.


Martin Samuel is on the Sunday Supp this morning

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Ron Liddle:


I daresay a home defeat to Boro will end with the Keegan Out! chants ringing around the ground, Wisey smirking in the stand.


Meanwhile Boro will continue with the admirable Southgate; the smallest of those three great towns of northeast football and likely, once again, to finish top of the pile. Come on, Boro.


Sums up the southern press in a nutshell. Support the 'boro because they are no threat and have a shit fan base which means they can never be a big club. Well Ron, today your fiendish dreams will be crushed because boro are going down  :knuppel2:

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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


My jaw dropped reading that. I live near to London I might have to go and pay him a visit. Talk about over the top and how dare that prick assume that everyone outside of Newcastle thinks like he does. I`m fuming. No fans I know from a variety of clubs think any of that.

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