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Kevin Keegan


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I don’t really agree. As plenty of ex-pros come across as absolute idiots and offer no insight. Or they’re basically just a shock jock type that says stupid shit for a reaction. Or they’re a personality vacuum. Oh or all of the above. 

I don’t necessarily have a problem with women pundits per se. Say it all the time when this debate comes up, but Emma Hayes is brilliant when she gets on ITV and Sky Sports have a northern female co commentator who is decent. But it’s more the quality of analyst the channels have in general. 

It will never be accepted by the wider public. But I would rather listen to a decent journo or analyst, statto type from online channels than a lot of these gravy train, jobs for boys wankers. 

I quite like the BT Champions League goals show for this reason. Even if they do all look permanently impressed with themselves and like they enjoy the smell of their own farts. 

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1 hour ago, Big Geordie said:

Being the age I am, I don't understand as to why we can't have male pundits for blokes games, and females for lasses games? (as they did for the latter, during the Women's World Cup)?


People want to work hard and reach the top of their profession.  In football, the top level right now is the mens game, the woman's game doesn't come close.


Imagine telling someone that due to their gender, no matter how hard they work or how well they do they'll never be allowed to go any higher than League Two, it's the same principle.

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I’ve no issue with female pundits - though I too don’t like the direct comparisons occasionally offered; the ‘when I was playing for England / Liverpool / Chelsea’ etc, or ‘when I was managing England / Liverpool / Chelsea’.  The pressure, scrutiny and technique levels are markedly different - playing in front of a hostile 60,000 crowd or in front of hundreds of millions on TV or in matches which can be worth a nine figure sum carry a much greater level of pressure.  Playing for the Arsenal women’s team is not the same experience as playing for the men’s team.  Yes, it would be great if one day it is.  But at the moment, it isn’t. 


I quite like having a female voice in the punditry world, in the same way that I like there being journalists and not just ex-professional footballers.  But I’m with KK on quite a bit of what he said.  



Edited by TheBrownBottle

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I think coverage is outdated in general.... sitting a studio with a 60 year old former player/failed manager whinging on.


Look at Carra and Micah going into the box and having a bit craic with Shearer before the game. Just something a bit different, a bit lighthearted. Remember when carra and neville did that at sjp, went and had a pint with the fans. That's the stuff we want to see. Even get out into the town. Amazing what you will learn.


In essence, stop sitting on ya arse and yapping on about clubs you have very little insight on. Of course alot of pundits can't do this because they have alienated themselves with every fan base in the country.

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26 minutes ago, STM said:

I think coverage is outdated in general.... sitting a studio with a 60 year old former player/failed manager whinging on.


Look at Carra and Micah going into the box and having a bit craic with Shearer before the game. Just something a bit different, a bit lighthearted. Remember when carra and neville did that at sjp, went and had a pint with the fans. That's the stuff we want to see. Even get out into the town. Amazing what you will learn.


In essence, stop sitting on ya arse and yapping on about clubs you have very little insight on. Of course alot of pundits can't do this because they have alienated themselves with every fan base in the country.

I think this is it.

In this country especially we just have former players, usually from the top 6 clubs taking turns to lick the arse of their former clubs.

Alan former Arsenal player Smith here with his latest insight.

That’s good, but at Arsenal we once won the league. You got anything to say about this match involving Newcastle and Burnley Alan? At Arsenal…..


Fucking hell, it took Matt Le Tissier to start talking about being an anti-vaxxer and how aliens are visiting earth for them to realise that he talked fucking shit.


Turn on the radio and it’s no different. You have Alan Brazil just telling story after story of him getting absolutely fucked off the drinking, be it last night or from 1980.

Last week I shit you not he started listing the big sporting events he was given tickets for, which he never turned up for because he stayed in the hotel drinking. Big boxing match held in Vegas, Champions League finals etc. 

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2 hours ago, MrRaspberryJam said:


Kevin Keegan says he has 'a problem' with female pundits talking about the men's game, insisting: 'I don't think it crosses over that much' 


'It is a great time for the ladies’ game. When I was England manager [from February 1999 to October 2000], I went to coach the England ladies and I had this perception of what the quality would be like and they were so much better than I thought they were going to be.


'I joined in and then I thought, "I’m getting out of this". I couldn’t get the bloody ball and one of them nutmegged me, that finished me off.'



So he walked off when things didn't go his way! Who would have thought?


Sorry guys, it was an open goal.



Edited by Cronky

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Really wish we had a channel like AFTV. They have about six podcasts, five variety shows, Box To Box where they interview an opposition fan for their upcoming game, and then all the fan cams, vlogs and dissection. It’s probably 30 videos per game and all television style production. 

know we have a few channels but they’re no where near. True Geordie seems to care more about boxing and Youtube beef than NUFC. Adam P - admirable but boring and kind of creepy. I went on True Geordie’s new channel, The Club, and it’s just more big six bullshit. 

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I prefer  it as it was . Des Lynam , Motty , Terry Vegetables , Cloughie , Big Jack , Atko ( with his little sayings " Theyve set their stall out " ... " Little bit of eyebrows , shows him the lollipop " and so on . Todays lot are anodyne in comparison - Lineker , Shearer , Murphy etc seem determined to have the least contentious view of anything 

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54 minutes ago, Astroblack said:

Really wish we had a channel like AFTV. They have about six podcasts, five variety shows, Box To Box where they interview an opposition fan for their upcoming game, and then all the fan cams, vlogs and dissection. It’s probably 30 videos per game and all television style production. 

know we have a few channels but they’re no where near. True Geordie seems to care more about boxing and Youtube beef than NUFC. Adam P - admirable but boring and kind of creepy. I went on True Geordie’s new channel, The Club, and it’s just more big six bullshit. 

The absolute fucking state of this ???




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3 hours ago, STM said:

I agree with him, most of the women pundits aren't qualified whatsoever to talk about football at the highest level.


However, a lot of the male pundits they have are also unqualified, largely because they are thick as shite.


That's the thing though, I do find the female commentators a bit jarring, but the pundits are often more analytical than their male counterparts, a lot of whom, as you rightly say, are thick as shite.

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All complete bollocks, this. Plenty of people who are shit at football can make well observed points, irrelevant what sex they are. You don't need to be of an equivalent footballing quality to talk about a player/game. It's a laughable position to take.

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Not sure I agree with him. I want the best commentator for the job. That doesn’t always mean they have to have the experience of playing at that level. 

I can’t say I would be unhappy watching a CL final and they invited an ex nufc player who hadn’t won or played in the CL. Sorry les Ferdinand, you’ve spoilt this. 

BUT, back to the best person for the job, I don’t support a token woman if she is terrible. Pick the best people, some of the women are fine. But like the men, some are awful. Just sort the quality control out. 

someone entertaining is just as important to me. 

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3 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

All complete bollocks, this. Plenty of people who are shit at football can make well observed points, irrelevant what sex they are. You don't need to be of an equivalent footballing quality to talk about a player/game. It's a laughable position to take.


This is it. I’m a bit surprised about the misogynistic shite on this thread so far 

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I can understand the logic of a woman who played in the WSL, especially well before its current peak, commenting on elite men's football and some people having an issue with it. Its similar to what John Terry said about Robbie Savage commenting on title races and the Champions League when he has no experience of either. I don't really agree with that thinking but I understand why he thinks that way. But I disagree with the notion female pundits have no place in the men's game. They've still dedicated their lives to football and know the game better than most, and tbh most come across far better than some of the men doing punditry anyway. I'd have the likes of Karen Carney commenting on a match over clowns like Robbie Savage and Michael Owen any day of the week. 


There's also the symbolism of having women around men's football too which is very important in breaking down barriers for women following football in general. I still know plenty of idiots who think women can't even comment on football or if they do their opinions aren't taken seriously simply because they're a woman and what would a woman know about football? If having women commentating, doing punditry etc helps eradicate that kind of thinking then I'm all for it. Young people are growing up now being used to seeing women in and around football coverage and should hopefully never think like that. 


Another point is that people put way too much stock in punditry. A football match is about the 90 minutes on the pitch, who really gives a shite about what happens before, after and during half-time? Half the time pundits are just saying daft shite to get a video trending on social media, its becoming more and more performance art than anything that should be taken seriously. 



Edited by Decky

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Just now, Orphanage said:

Go on then explain why me preferring male commentators on mens football makes me ( or anyone else ) a misogynist . 


Ok then, I will. If your preference for a commentator is based on their sex, and you prefer male commentators for no other reason than because they're male, that's prejudice against women because they're women, which is misogyny.

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A blanket position of not liking or always preferring male commentators over female is misogynist. If it’s on the grounds of particular pundits then that may well not be misogynistic however if it’s coming from a place where you’ve already decided you don’t want women pundits then it’s clearly biased. There are some good women pundits and some shit ones. There are some good male pundits and some shit ones. Don’t really care who’s talking about the football in all honesty as long as people aren’t having shit takes and don’t have horrible personalities 

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