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It looks like Hughton was the right man at the right time...


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I don't know how good a coach he is but he seems to fit in well as part of Keegan's team, while Pearson always acted and sounded like a Souness type. It's a happy camp again.

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i think our new found attacking ability, probably due to smiths bench place, has taken a lot of pressure off the defence as more of the opposition are having to track back meaning when they have the ball they have no outlets.

Absolute bollocks.  Give the players on the pitch some credit for turning things around instead of having a dig at one that didn't play.

Well said. It's difficult to know how much of this was down to Hughton or Keegan or indeed a combination of the back room staff but it's really down to a pragmatic formation that utilises three of the best players at the club - Martins, Viduka and Owen (with the latter in a new role) that also leaves us well stocked in midfield and solid (-ish) at the back. The main difference is the goal threat that front three gives us which is something that has been sadly lacking previously and created pressure on the team as a whole and especially the back four. I also think the lack of 'legs' in midfield is perhaps overstated. Butt has always been a grafter and still works hard even if he hasn't got the box capabilities he had in his 20s (inevitably). I even think Geremi can get up and down quite well and has mostly been shown up in wide roles due to his lack of pace (playing on the right of a middle 3 makes this less noticeable than when he's played on the right of a 4 or as a wing-back). Barton has shown what he is able to do recently too. I'm not saying we shouldn't be able to do better in terms of getting players in come the summer but I think that middle 3 is pretty competitive when on form, as has been shown. It's all about confidence too of course.

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Dick Bate, Noel Blake, Terry Burton, Steve Cotterill, Mervyn Day, Dario Gradi, Stewart Houston, Martin Hunter, Chris Hughton, Sammy Lee, Lawrie Sanchez, Alan Smith.


Chris Hughton - Tottenham Hotspur First Team Coach Newcastle United.  bluerazz.gif


"I was invited by a written invitation from the F.A. and as soon as the invitation came through, I accepted it.


"It's very much a compliment and to be in the first batch of coaches to take it is excellent. Hopefully, when we complete and pass the course that will also prevent the potential situation in four years time where we would want to get on the course but there might not be any room left.


"There's such a broad spectrum of people here too. There's people from all four divisions and those people hold different positions within the clubs. That variety is very important.


"The course re-iterates to the students the importance of knowledge and education and that's something that you take back to your club. It's exciting to be involved."





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KK said it's him and Round that has been working on our set-plays, and that the rewards are showing.

For the record, I'm starting to think that Geremi's been told to play his corners short, for one of our players to flick it on in the box.

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Some highly esteemed company there :razz: Not sure why Dario Grady needed to do the course like.


Imagine Terry Mac's face if he was told he was booked to go on it.  :razz:


He'd be all right on the Advanced Cone Management module.





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Another thing i notice is the goal celebrations, all the players come together to congratulate the goal scorer not seen that team cohesion for a while...


One of the best things to see in a team. Spot on my friend.

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Another thing i notice is the goal celebrations, all the players come together to congratulate the goal scorer not seen that team cohesion for a while...


One of the best things to see in a team. Spot on my friend.


People noticed the same thing with the huddle that we did when Roeder first took charge and look how that ended up!

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Another thing i notice is the goal celebrations, all the players come together to congratulate the goal scorer not seen that team cohesion for a while...


Viduka seems to be heavily (pun intended) involved in that, noticed him after one of the goals yesterday waving other players over to join in the celebration.

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Another thing i notice is the goal celebrations, all the players come together to congratulate the goal scorer not seen that team cohesion for a while...


One of the best things to see in a team. Spot on my friend.


People noticed the same thing with the huddle that we did when Roeder first took charge and look how that ended up!

We climbed up the table and reached Europe?

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Another thing i notice is the goal celebrations, all the players come together to congratulate the goal scorer not seen that team cohesion for a while...


Viduka seems to be heavily (pun intended) involved in that, noticed him after one of the goals yesterday waving other players over to join in the celebration.


He loves the extra exercise apparently.  ;)

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The same thing was said when Pearson first arrived, it' far too early but the signs are good.

Exactly what I was going to say.  Some of the shite that came out here after 2 or 3 decent defensive performances when he came.  Let's not forget that Houghton was part of the mediocrity at Spurs for many years, and not be too OTT yet.

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The same thing was said when Pearson first arrived, it' far too early but the signs are good.

Exactly what I was going to say.  Some of the shite that came out here after 2 or 3 decent defensive performances when he came.  Let's not forget that Houghton was part of the mediocrity at Spurs for many years, and not be too OTT yet.


How long was he assistant manager there?  :shifty:

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We can't really say whether the performances are in any way related to Hughton arriving.


Would be nice to think he's influencing our ability to pass and move though.

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