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Roy Keane - hard man ?

Benwell Lad

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Some of the furor after the Jason Whittle incident was ridiculous, people emailing and calling the Grimsby police trying to get Whittle done for assault.  Was funny though when Grimsby lost the playoff final at the end of the season.


I wouldn't go so far as to call Shearer a hard man, but I do remember him single-handedly bossing Arsenal off the pitch when we beat them 1-0 thanks to Nobby a few years ago.  Class performance, and he set up the winner as well.

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Justin Whittle btw lads, and it was Grimsby.


yep, and Shearer cried like a little girl to the ref tbh. Anyone who thinks he came out of that and the Keane situation looking hard as nails is insane basically


Asking the ref how he didn't see what in effect was a punch in the face three yards in front of him is crying like a little girl?  Hmm are you perhaps massively twisting the facts to fit some kind of odd chip you've got on your shoulder?

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Justin Whittle btw lads, and it was Grimsby.


yep, and Shearer cried like a little girl to the ref tbh. Anyone who thinks he came out of that and the Keane situation looking hard as nails is insane basically


Your really do despise Shearer are you a Mackem WUM?

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In my experience the ones who mouth off the most about how hard they are tend to be the least dangerous.  The proper hard men tend to keep themselves quiet until something needs doing and then you really don't want to be there.

this'll get laughed out but i always thought kevin scott was pretty hard. never scared of anyone and always in there when things turned  feisty.
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In my experience the ones who mouth off the most about how hard they are tend to be the least dangerous.  The proper hard men tend to keep themselves quiet until something needs doing and then you really don't want to be there.


David Batty is the hardest I've ever seen and would fit that description perfectly.

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  • 4 years later...

dont despise Shearer, just people saying he looked hard as nails during the Keane/whittle incidents are being very daft, he didn't at all


I really think you do have an issue with Shearer.

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