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Memories Of Derby Day


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I'm all against violence but what is done is done......anyone got a clue how to find Geordies v mackem fights on youtube or suchlike? I've tried lots of searches but nothing.....or it's all blurred or fans just standing next to cops and their horses.  :knuppel2:

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  • 2 years later...

Last time at the SoS the atmosphere on the metro was unreal going down there. Some bloke got off the stop before we got to the ground and an irate Geordie believing him to be a mackem volleyed him firmly up the arse as he was getting off sending him careering onto the platform.

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Anyone else at the beam-back at the Arena for the 2-2 at the SoS, when Helder and Domi scored?


Aye, me.


Was alright I suppose, bit of a strange experience, but not the first time I'd been to owt like that. Couldn't get tickets for the first leg of the play offs at Roker, so watched the beam back in the City Hall. Atmosphere at that one was tremendous  ;D .





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Guest jonnyameobi

Coming back from SOL and seeing a fella with a Sunderland shirt on, the whole coach gave him dogs abuse, only for him to turn round lift his shirt up and be sporting a Toon shirt underneath. Fair play, not sure I could do it tho.

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With me with my head in my hands, slumped to my knees on hearing the crowd, in my Grandma's front room, Justin Lockwood's commentary of Kevin Kyle's injury time "equaliser" when we won 1-0 Solano (p) - "The ball's in the net, the sunderland fans all around me are celebrating but the flag is up! They think they've scored! You haven't! SIT DOWN!"

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