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Our rivals in 2008/2009


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I would say villa have an excellent spine but need to freshen up those around it a bit. Therefore they are halfway there while we need to build a spine but will have some class players to play around it if you understand what I mean so we are a bit behind villa at the moment.

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Villa -  Dull, possibly.  Unspired? With MON in charge? The score away to Villa?  They are a difficult team to beat.


Scored more goals than anyone except Man United this season. Not dull.


A traditional, quality winger in Ashley Young? Not dull.


The pace of Agbonlahor? Not dull.


Combined with the power of Carew? Not dull.


The passing of Barry? Not dull.


Currently in with a very good chance of finishing 5th, two years after having looked odds on for relegation, and not even having started spending properly yet? Not dull.


I admire your optimism, but you're just pretending other teams don't exist and not really providing any arguments to back up your theory. It was indeed a great result at WHL but by that measure, West Ham have beaten Man U the last three times they've played. All hail next year's champions from East London.


Everton dull and workmanlike? And fifth in the league.


It is a very competitive league and will get more so.



Villa at the moment remind me very much of Robson's Newcastle. A Shearer would have you in the top 3 in my opinion. Villa should go all out for Villa, he could be the man for you guys.


I don't think scoring goals is actually a problem for Villa at the moment.


No, but a top top striker would really change the dimension of the Villa team, allowing them to defend from the front much like we did with Griffin, bramble, O'Brien and Bernard in defence.


A goalkeeper (not Carson)

A right side midfielder (Milner would do)

A right back (preferably two - Nelson from Benfica will prob be one)

A left back (god knows who)

A goal scorer (god knows)


That's what we need to really push on next season.



Although I like Milner, I'm not convinced he's of a high enough quality to take you into the top 4. Other than that I think you're right, you are about 4 or 5 players from improving on this year's finish. Assuming you don't loose any of your better players that is.

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Villa -  Dull, possibly.  Unspired? With MON in charge? The score away to Villa?  They are a difficult team to beat.


Scored more goals than anyone except Man United this season. Not dull.


A traditional, quality winger in Ashley Young? Not dull.


The pace of Agbonlahor? Not dull.


Combined with the power of Carew? Not dull.


The passing of Barry? Not dull.


Currently in with a very good chance of finishing 5th, two years after having looked odds on for relegation, and not even having started spending properly yet? Not dull.


I admire your optimism, but you're just pretending other teams don't exist and not really providing any arguments to back up your theory. It was indeed a great result at WHL but by that measure, West Ham have beaten Man U the last three times they've played. All hail next year's champions from East London.


Everton dull and workmanlike? And fifth in the league.


It is a very competitive league and will get more so.



Villa at the moment remind me very much of Robson's Newcastle. A Shearer would have you in the top 3 in my opinion. Villa should go all out for Villa, he could be the man for you guys.


I don't think scoring goals is actually a problem for Villa at the moment.


No, but a top top striker would really change the dimension of the Villa team, allowing them to defend from the front much like we did with Griffin, bramble, O'Brien and Bernard in defence.


A goalkeeper (not Carson)

A right side midfielder (Milner would do)

A right back (preferably two - Nelson from Benfica will prob be one)

A left back (god knows who)

A goal scorer (god knows)


That's what we need to really push on next season.





Although I like Milner, I'm not convinced he's of a high enough quality to take you into the top 4. Other than that I think you're right, you are about 4 or 5 players from improving on this year's finish. Assuming you don't loose any of your better players that is.

With Melberg going to Juve, Carson returning to Liverpool and Barry possibly leaving, you'll have a lot to do in the summer.

How much ya think Villa will spend this summer, Brummie?

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I can't see anyone challenging the top four. Even Liverpool - generally regarded as the weakest of the four - are capable of a standard of football that's beyond the rest.


It really all depends on who buys who. But Everton's position is no fluke.

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Villa -  Dull, possibly.  Unspired? With MON in charge? The score away to Villa?  They are a difficult team to beat.


Scored more goals than anyone except Man United this season. Not dull.


A traditional, quality winger in Ashley Young? Not dull.


The pace of Agbonlahor? Not dull.


Combined with the power of Carew? Not dull.


The passing of Barry? Not dull.


Currently in with a very good chance of finishing 5th, two years after having looked odds on for relegation, and not even having started spending properly yet? Not dull.


I admire your optimism, but you're just pretending other teams don't exist and not really providing any arguments to back up your theory. It was indeed a great result at WHL but by that measure, West Ham have beaten Man U the last three times they've played. All hail next year's champions from East London.


Everton dull and workmanlike? And fifth in the league.


It is a very competitive league and will get more so.



If you read my post again, you'll see that I didn't say Villa, the team or the players, were dull.  CentrePaddock said Villa were dull, I was conceding that he could possibly view Villa as such, but I refuted everything else he said.  For the record, I don't think Villa are in any way shape of form dull, nor is MON an uninspiring manager.


You said you I admire my optimism (for Spurs presumably), I hadn't realised I had.  My predictions for 08/09 were:


5. Aston Villa

6. Everton

7. Tottenham Hotspur

8. Portsmouth

9. Newcastle United

10. Blackburn



with the proviso that Pompey could easily go above Spurs and take 7th.  If you'd like to explain where my optimism stems from, I'll be happy to be enlightened.  BTW, my comments to CentrePaddock regarding the away score at Villa referred to Newcastle's match, not Spurs'.  I don't think CP would have been too bothered how Spurs got on there tbh.

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Acutally MJ I think you are being optimistic with 7th or 8th. Got a feeling Ramos is not the silver bullet the media would have us believe.


I think the jury is still out tbh.  There are good players within the squad still (though is dross as well), it depends on how the squad is reshaped and how well Ramos gets them to perform.  He did achieve success against Arse and Chelsea in cup competition, something that MJ never achieved.  Right now I'm not saying just how good Ramos is because I really don't know.

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Got a feeling Spurs will have a real go at top 4 next season. They've got the manager and the beginnings of a good squad. The signing of Modric is a signal of intent and they'll do well next year.


They're still short defensively but I think they'll tighten up whilst still being a threat up front. If we finish above them I'll be well happy.

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Actually the thread started out as a league predictor for next year, it received a name change in the title for some reason.


Bit of both really. I changed the title within a couple of minutes.

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Villa -  Dull, possibly.  Unspired? With MON in charge? The score away to Villa?  They are a difficult team to beat.


Scored more goals than anyone except Man United this season. Not dull.


A traditional, quality winger in Ashley Young? Not dull.


The pace of Agbonlahor? Not dull.


Combined with the power of Carew? Not dull.


The passing of Barry? Not dull.


Currently in with a very good chance of finishing 5th, two years after having looked odds on for relegation, and not even having started spending properly yet? Not dull.


I admire your optimism, but you're just pretending other teams don't exist and not really providing any arguments to back up your theory. It was indeed a great result at WHL but by that measure, West Ham have beaten Man U the last three times they've played. All hail next year's champions from East London.


Everton dull and workmanlike? And fifth in the league.


It is a very competitive league and will get more so.



If you read my post again, you'll see that I didn't say Villa, the team or the players, were dull.  CentrePaddock said Villa were dull, I was conceding that he could possibly view Villa as such, but I refuted everything else he said.  For the record, I don't think Villa are in any way shape of form dull, nor is MON an uninspiring manager.


You said you I admire my optimism (for Spurs presumably), I hadn't realised I had.  My predictions for 08/09 were:


5. Aston Villa

6. Everton

7. Tottenham Hotspur

8. Portsmouth

9. Newcastle United

10. Blackburn



with the proviso that Pompey could easily go above Spurs and take 7th.  If you'd like to explain where my optimism stems from, I'll be happy to be enlightened.  BTW, my comments to CentrePaddock regarding the away score at Villa referred to Newcastle's match, not Spurs'.  I don't think CP would have been too bothered how Spurs got on there tbh.


The quotes were bollocksed up, i was quoting your post, but actually replying to centrepaddock, sorry!


I was admiring centrepaddock's optimism as well, not yours, MJ!


Cross purposes innit.

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I can't see anyone challenging the top four. Even Liverpool - generally regarded as the weakest of the four - are capable of a standard of football that's beyond the rest.


It really all depends on who buys who. But Everton's position is no fluke.


^^^^ this ^^^^ is all true.


The gap between the Sky4 and the rest is huge.

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1. Man Utd

2. Chelsea

3. Arsenal

4. Liverpool

5. Villa

6. Toon  :lol:

7. Everton

8. Spurs

9. Man City

10. Pompey

11. Blackburn

12. West Ham

13. Boro

14. Sunderland

15. Wigan

16. Reading

17. Brum/Bolton

18. West Brom

19. Promoted Team

20. Stoke

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With Melberg going to Juve, Carson returning to Liverpool and Barry possibly leaving, you'll have a lot to do in the summer.

How much ya think Villa will spend this summer, Brummie?


We need to spend a lot. We didn't spend much the last year, so the money is definitely there, he just needs to get deals sewn up quickly this year.


Mellberg - although I fucking love the bloke - has been on a downward slop for two years now, but has done well at RB for us this season. He wouldnt have got a game had we had a dedicated RB at the club. I'm going to miss him, though.


Carson will be sent back, I reckon. Barry I think will stay.


We've got a lot of spending to do. Sorensen will also be leaving and Taylor our sub keeper is very iffy.  Luke Moore will make his move to Albion permanent, and Patrik Berger is not getting a new contract.


An awful lot of work to do this summer, but I am incredibly optimistic. I'm also frustrated though. If he can do this with the smallest squad in the league, then what might he have done with more bodies, if he hadnt ballsed up the January window?


He's a really infuriating manager in many ways, but I absolutely love the guy and wouldn't want anyone else.

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I know this is controversial, but I think Boro could well have a good season next year.


Southgate has the nucleus of a decent side, they've shown it in spells this season. If he buys well, they'll do OK.

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I think we are probably missing some quality and leadership at centre half too. But apart from that I agree. The problem we'll also encounter is the likes of Villa, Spurs, Man City and Everton will also improve as will the top 4.


You're right about us missing some quality and leadership at centre half but we've proven recently that you can get away with that if you can keep the pressure off the defence.  Getting the midfield right will do as much for the defence as it will for the rest of the team, replacing Butt with somebody who can actually find his own team mates with the ball will help in that respect.


Of the 4 teams you mention, I’m not too concerned about them if we get our game right, Spurs and Man City don’t usually have the stamina to put a full season together, Spurs are more likely to win a cup than do well in the league.  Man City is possibly going to press the self destruct button, Everton and Villa may do well but none of us know for sure how either will do at this stage.

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I know this is controversial, but I think Boro could well have a good season next year.


Southgate has the nucleus of a decent side, they've shown it in spells this season. If he buys well, they'll do OK.


Do they really though? With the players he's got at the moment, they're certainly not top half material imo. They're decent, organised, one or two good players - but i don't see anything in their squad, or their manager, to suggest they'll get anywhere soon.


Quite a few people have said this, particularly since they got a result up at our place. Like i say, they're decent enough, but i just don't see it. They're six points away from us (after a terrible season), and three from Sunderland. They'll be nothing but also-rans unless there's some serious change-around there, as far as i'm concerned.

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For what it's worth, i'm going to sit firmly on the fence and say that it's impossible to predict the outcomes, with any accuracy.


For shits and giggles, though:


4. Spurs


5. Liverpool

6. Aston Villa

7. Everton

8. Newcastle

9. Blackburn

10. Portsmouth


I can see Liverpool finally falling away from the pack if they keep Benitez, which they will; i can see Spurs and Villa both spending well, better than Everton; Harry Redknapp isn't going to mastermind Portsmouth anywhere near the top 4; Blackburn will always be decent; and we'll test the water before raging war the season after; Man City - who knows? I reckon they'll slip.



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5th - Villa

6th - Spurs

7th - Newcastle

8th - Portsmouth

9th - Everton

10th - Man City


Agree with most of your comments'selections, Dave, although I would put Everton above Pompey next season...still think NUFc could reach Top 6 IF we get the signings KK wants..

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5th - Villa

6th - Newcastle

7th - Spurs

8th - Everton

9th - Portsmouth

10th - West Brom


I have a suspicion that one of the top 4 might get dislodged next season though. f****** hope so anyway and if it happens next season it will be great for us if we are building the start of a really good side.


west brom above man city?


Aye if Sven goes then man city are f***** next season I reckon. West Brom I fancy to do a Reading since Mowbray is a good manager who knows how to play good football.


Agree with this - WBA might surprise a few people and Mowbray IS a good manager. If they do well, the sky is the limit for him in future, he is only 44..

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5th - Spurs

6th - Villa

7th - Everton

8th - Newcastle

9th - Pompey

10th - Boro


Boro are going down next year imo. To be honest it's actually an injustice if they dont go down this season, absolute garbage outfit

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