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wtf... 18 m? :doh: too much...


Yep. But in today's ridiculous market...


yes he's good but not that good... nee chance... 18 m million bracket price even in this ridiculous market... especially he is not the "power-house DM" ala Mahamadou... for 18 m i think the could go for sissoko at juve that's more the real power-house DM.

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I rate Diarra higher than Sissoko tbh. Sissoko's a bit of blunt instrument.


nahhh mate... if you see juve these days... u know what i mean... just ask nixon...

real madrid... do need power house player because they are piss poor weak at the middle :crazy2:


contrast to barca who had toure & keita...

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Sissoko is a weird one, off the ball he's a machine, but generally crappy when he's in possession.


No idea how he's been at Juve though, maybe the slower pace suits him.


on the contrary he is being very good at juve... he is one of irreplaceable instrument on the middle... overall playing seems more... like essien nowadays... playing some short simple passes... quite also like to accurate power shoot from the middle... his technical skill also has advanced... last game with juve when he play one two with amauri... then amauri scores...

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Guest firetotheworks

What happened to Elano? I know we have one season wonders in the prem but he was only a half season wonder and then seemed to turn to utter shite. Seemed like he had class above the usual one season wonders aswell.

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MARK LAWRENSON has been left red-faced by a hugely embarrassing on-air gaffe that has enraged Liverpool.


The former Anfield defender claimed on Irish radio that Robbie Keane is set to be sold next month — because Steven Gerrard hinted as much to him in a private conversation.


But Gerrard has quickly distanced himself from Lawrenson’s foot-in-mouth comments, insisting no such conversation took place.


Lawro dropped his clanger on Today FM presenter Matt Cooper’s Monday evening show.


He said: “I was having a drink with Steven Gerrard at a function on Saturday and we talked about Robbie Keane.


“He said they shared the same agent and, quite honestly, he thinks something’s going to happen with Keane in January. It sounds like he could be moved on.”


Liverpool reacted swiftly and angrily and insisted those were Lawro’s views and not the club’s.


A Reds spokesman said: “Mark’s remarks are his interpretation of a private chat.


"They do no accurately reflect Steven’s opinion of Robbie and they certainly do not tally with Steven’s recollection of the conversation itself.”


Lawro, who made 332 appearances for the Kop side, also put the boot in on boss Rafa Benitez’s judgment over forking out £20million for Keane.


He added: “He got it wrong. If Liverpool played in a Champions League final, an FA Cup final or a massive game they had to win, you know Keane would not start, he’d not get in the team.”


Lawro tried to dig himself out of a hole by insisting: “I’m sorry if I caused any aggravation but it wasn’t meant to. Gerrard’s name should never have come up.


“It wasn’t Steven saying that, it was me saying it.”




:lol: :lol: :lol:

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What happened to Elano? I know we have one season wonders in the prem but he was only a half season wonder and then seemed to turn to utter shite. Seemed like he had class above the usual one season wonders aswell.


I don't know, but he seems to have really, really lost it now - he's got whiteboy corn rows.

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Breaking News: Pompey have accepted Real Madrid's bid for Lassana Diarra.


Christ, imagine losing Muntari & Diarra in the space of two transfer windows and having to put up with Richard Hughes & Sean Davis in the middle. :lol:


Don't forget big Papa. He's as big as a tank but he can't tackle, head, shoot or stand under his own power

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In a 5 man midfield (okay 3 central midfielders) Sissoko is brilliant. But he can't operate with just one other CM, his passing becomes exposed.


Diarra is great at what he does. Dissapointed we didn't sign him or Muntari when they where available. Shouuld've stayed at Arsenal really, would've come through superbly as last season went on.

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Don't know the hell is happening with Diarra. He's hardly played a game at any of the clubs he's been at but he keeps getting these transfers, seems a bit mad.




My colleague who supports Pompey thinks he is the best player they've had in their entire history!

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I rate Diarra higher than Sissoko tbh. Sissoko's a bit of blunt instrument.


Sissoko = s***


Hardly "s***". An average player in my humble opinion.


hardly average player when his clubs is valencia, pool, & juventus... with quite good transfer fee

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Guest Heneage

Sissoko is really good very much physical player but is really up the creek when he tries to do anything overly technical, as long as he keeps it simple he's really good.

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