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Guest kingdawson

My point still stands though. Brummie saying that you can either be a "cheque book" manager or a good coach is nonsence.


I didn't say that.


I said what Spurs need now is someone who knows how to coach the best out of the players they've got (you've got some very good players), not someone who falls back on the chequebook.


And yes, MON did spend money in the summer, but he's also a good coach.

That's where I think Redknapp fails.


But what do you base that on? doesn't the evidence show your wrong (the job he did at Spammers and pompey)?



I completley understand when people say they hate the way he conducts business, but i think you're wrong here.

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My point still stands though. Brummie saying that you can either be a "cheque book" manager or a good coach is nonsence.


I didn't say that.


I said what Spurs need now is someone who knows how to coach the best out of the players they've got (you've got some very good players), not someone who falls back on the chequebook.


And yes, MON did spend money in the summer, but he's also a good coach.


That's where I think Redknapp fails.


Yet with all of his top coaching skills Villa finished in the bottom half in his first season there, it wasn't until he brought players in that the team started improving.


Is that really any different to Redknapp at Portsmouth? Who you finished 3 points ahead of last season even though they gave up on the league with a month still to go so they could concentrate on the FA cup.



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My point still stands though. Brummie saying that you can either be a "cheque book" manager or a good coach is nonsence.


I didn't say that.


I said what Spurs need now is someone who knows how to coach the best out of the players they've got (you've got some very good players), not someone who falls back on the chequebook.


And yes, MON did spend money in the summer, but he's also a good coach.


That's where I think Redknapp fails.


I still laugh whenever I think of his daft celebration that he did when Muntari scored against you lot at Villa park last season.(twice i think!). Villa fans seemed to enjoy it. :lol:



Harry Redknapp has confirmed Tottenham's interest in Lyon striker Fred but revealed the striker failed to turn up for a meeting





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Guest Heneage

Harry Redknapp the coach who had Pompey operating at a £5m loss on wages and transfers alone. Aye Wheeler Dealer wor Harry.

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My point still stands though. Brummie saying that you can either be a "cheque book" manager or a good coach is nonsence.


I didn't say that.


I said what Spurs need now is someone who knows how to coach the best out of the players they've got (you've got some very good players), not someone who falls back on the chequebook.


And yes, MON did spend money in the summer, but he's also a good coach.


That's where I think Redknapp fails.


I still laugh whenever I think of his daft celebration that he did when Muntari scored against you lot at Villa park last season.(twice i think!). Villa fans seemed to enjoy it. :lol:



Harry Redknapp has confirmed Tottenham's interest in Lyon striker Fred but revealed the striker failed to turn up for a meeting







Harry Redknapp also confirmed after the Burnley game that he knew nothing of any possible deal for Cudicini.  I wouldn't believe anything he said tbh.  For what it's worth Fred wasn't at WHL tonight but Fred's brother and agent were.  Robbie Keane's agent was also there, but I'm sincerely hoping that there is no significance to that.

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Harry Redknapp is a cheque book manager?  lol now i have heard it all.




I don't get it....



Harry's a wheeler dealer, always has been. Just now he's doing it on a bigger scale...


Exactly wheeler dealer, at West Ham barely had any resources except upcoming talent like Defoe, Lampard, Carrick, Ferdinand.  To call him chequebook manager, because he is in a position to sign players now is something else.  He brings in alot of bargains/free transfers in his career its hardly chequebook style.


He over spent so much at Portsmouth that they now have had to sell a lot of the players he bought, they're wage bill was something like 95% of turnover under the saggy eyed one.

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Kanu, Campbell, James all bargains.  He has always had to sell to buy in most cases.  When was the last big name player he signed that was proven in the Premier League besides Defoe.  After all, a chequebook manager signs the top, top players who can cut it in the Premier League usually - aside Defoe?  Whooo?


Crouch - £11 million

Defoe - £9 million

Muntari - £7.1 million

Utaka - £7 million

Nugent - £6 million


Doesn't matter if they're not all proven in the league, that's over £40 million spent on 5 players..  Apparently now he's finally got money to spend at the Spuds though...

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Guest Heneage

Even just ignoring transfer fees the guy has really clogged up Pompeys wage bill.



Traore, Mveumba, Lauren, Jermaine Thomas, Vignal, Lua Lua, Stefanovic, he's known for buying and selling players.

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Kanu, Campbell, James all bargains.  He has always had to sell to buy in most cases.  When was the last big name player he signed that was proven in the Premier League besides Defoe.  After all, a chequebook manager signs the top, top players who can cut it in the Premier League usually - aside Defoe?  Whooo?


Crouch - £11 million

Defoe - £9 million

Muntari - £7.1 million

Utaka - £7 million

Nugent - £6 million


Doesn't matter if they're not all proven in the league, that's over £40 million spent on 5 players..  Apparently now he's finally got money to spend at the Spuds though...


Pretty much all of them were gambles and have worked out well excluding Nugent and i also said not including Defoe, as i obviously mentioned him.  At West Ham he was pretty big with the chequebooks too huh?  Brought up players who are now winning medals left, right and centre so DEFINETLY chequebook manger.

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redknapp is a prize cunt. he's a liar and a cheat, and a whiny wobbly jawed prick managing a club that fits the same exact description. the only credit he should get is for sucking as much cock in the football hierarchy as his throat can gobble down.

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Harry Redknapp is a cheque book manager?  lol now i have heard it all.




I don't get it....



Harry's a wheeler dealer, always has been. Just now he's doing it on a bigger scale...


Exactly wheeler dealer, at West Ham barely had any resources except upcoming talent like Defoe, Lampard, Carrick, Ferdinand.  To call him chequebook manager, because he is in a position to sign players now is something else.  He brings in alot of bargains/free transfers in his career its hardly chequebook style.


your right, he spent very little at pompey.


oh wait......................


Kanu, Campbell, James all bargains.  He has always had to sell to buy in most cases.  When was the last big name player he signed that was proven in the Premier League besides Defoe.  After all, a chequebook manager signs the top, top players who can cut it in the Premier League usually - aside Defoe?  Whooo?


Good point.


Disagree actually, Harry has left Pompey fucked financially in a large part due to the wages of those 'bargains' he picked up, Sol is on £100k+, Distin and James £60k+, he also spent a lot on the likes of Utaka, Muntari, Diarra, Diop, Benjani, just about every Spurs player he'd heard of. Pretty sure Pompey (with £30m+) were one of the biggest 'net' spenders the summer before they won the cup.

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Reports coming out of Spain claim Portsmouth have sealed a loan deal for Osasuna midfielder Sunny.


From SSN



Oh my goodness! How depressing.


Young Nigerian midfielder, although I think he will be representing Spain in the future, who is a big talent.


Wish we were in there for him. Damn.


Tony ADams is getting some itneresting deals done for sure. First Pele and now Sunny.

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Reports coming out of Spain claim Portsmouth have sealed a loan deal for Osasuna midfielder Sunny.


From SSN



Oh my goodness! How depressing.


Young Nigerian midfielder, although I think he will be representing Spain in the future, who is a big talent.


Wish we were in there for him. Damn.


Tony ADams is getting some itneresting deals done for sure. First Pele and now Sunny.


He is a good player, but he is already on loan from Valencia, so don't they have to sanction the move and not Osasuna?

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Jesus.  Kaka, Sunny has been f***ing s*** this season.  Simply f***ing s***.


Really? Well I can't lie I haven't followed him this season, but I have faimly in Spain and apparently a lot of good things were being said of Sunny while he was at Valencia.


Oh well ...


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Jesus.  Kaka, Sunny has been f***ing s*** this season.  Simply f***ing s***.


yep this is what i heard too. Loads of potential but not living up to it


Can't see Sunny getting upto much under the PL cosh.

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Jesus.  Kaka, Sunny has been f***ing s*** this season.  Simply f***ing s***.


yep this is what i heard too. Loads of potential but not living up to it


does that not apply to every nigerian player, ever?


Racist.  :yikes:

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