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A lot of places are now reporting Joe Cole to Arsenal done, £100k a week. That's A LOT.

Think we could be in for an exciting summer!






                            Song - Diaby


                    Nasri - Fabregas - J. Cole


                            Van Persie


This excited me a lot, Joe Cole has for a long time been a favourite player of mine!


Arsene just needs to address GK and CB and we should be good.

He has said that this season the defence was the weakest point and he would address it so i have faith in him to do so. Would also like another Song type player to play alongside him.

I think Gallas is all but gone now.

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Honestly it would strengthen us massively. But Fabregas is just too good to let go, but we would be a stronger team with Toure brought in.

Difficult decisions Arsene.

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It's rare Wenger has let a player go before he has peaked, i think he'll get his way, but we'll get maximum for him. I don't know if i want Yaya he hasn't really said anything nice about Arsenal, ever.


But somebody like him.

I think it could be for the best a loss of a massive character and amazing player but if it attracts say a GK/CB/CM with the money it will probably be for the best, unfortunately.

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Arsenal really need a keeper,so I expect them to spend heavyish on a quality one.


They really do need a good keeper, yes. Don't expect them to splash the necessary cash on a quality one, though.



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Arsenal really need a keeper,so I expect them to spend heavyish on a quality one.


They really do need a good keeper, yes. Don't expect them to splash the necessary cash on a quality one, though.



wenger seems allergic to the idea of spending any real money on a keeper which i find odd. Surely gk is the one position above all else you need to have right if your going to do anything

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It's rare Wenger has let a player go before he has peaked, i think he'll get his way, but we'll get maximum for him. I don't know if i want Yaya he hasn't really said anything nice about Arsenal, ever.


But somebody like him.

I think it could be for the best a loss of a massive character and amazing player but if it attracts say a GK/CB/CM with the money it will probably be for the best, unfortunately.


Didn't Wenger piss Yaya about on a trial he had there years ago?

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am i the only one who finds this funny - "New Real Madrid manager Jose Mourinho will have only £45m to spend on transfers, unless the Spanish giants can raise extra funds through player sales"


imagine ONLY having £45m to add to a squad that had £200m+ worth of signings 12 months ago, finished the season with 96 points and scored over 100 league goals

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West Ham sign Hitzlsperger according to SSN. Wouldn't have minded him here at all.


Decent player, very popular indeed when he was with us. Still comes up to watch us play, had a box for one of our matches last season and 40 odd of his family and mates over.


Also has the best English accent ever - a bizarre mixture of Brummie and German.

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A lot of places are now reporting Joe Cole to Arsenal done, £100k a week. That's A LOT.

Think we could be in for an exciting summer!






                            Song - Diaby


                    Nasri - Fabregas - J. Cole


                             Van Persie


This excited me a lot, Joe Cole has for a long time been a favourite player of mine!


Arsene just needs to address GK and CB and we should be good.

He has said that this season the defence was the weakest point and he would address it so i have faith in him to do so. Would also like another Song type player to play alongside him.

I think Gallas is all but gone now.

Fab...........cannot believe you left Arshavin out of that line up and where does Chamakh fit in?
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Wouldn't surprise me to see Doyle go to someone like Aston Villa now. Can't see a team like Wolves having both.


Unfortunately, that wouldn't surprise me, either.


Would be a small step up on Carew/Heskey but you lot need a lot better if you're going to continue to push for 4th and higher.


:fishing: surely?


Doyle better than Carew?  Oh lord.


Carew is a perma-crock these days.


No he isn't.


42 appearances for us last season, 17 goals.

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A lot of places are now reporting Joe Cole to Arsenal done, £100k a week. That's A LOT.

Think we could be in for an exciting summer!






                            Song - Diaby


                    Nasri - Fabregas - J. Cole


                             Van Persie


This excited me a lot, Joe Cole has for a long time been a favourite player of mine!


Arsene just needs to address GK and CB and we should be good.

He has said that this season the defence was the weakest point and he would address it so i have faith in him to do so. Would also like another Song type player to play alongside him.

I think Gallas is all but gone now.

Fab...........cannot believe you left Arshavin out of that line up and where does Chamakh fit in?

I don't feel we can afford Arshavin and Cole, maybe he's off. Perhaps we go back to 442 with Chamakh up top and one less midfielder!

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A lot of places are now reporting Joe Cole to Arsenal done, £100k a week. That's A LOT.

Think we could be in for an exciting summer!






                            Song - Diaby


                    Nasri - Fabregas - J. Cole


                             Van Persie


This excited me a lot, Joe Cole has for a long time been a favourite player of mine!


Arsene just needs to address GK and CB and we should be good.

He has said that this season the defence was the weakest point and he would address it so i have faith in him to do so. Would also like another Song type player to play alongside him.

I think Gallas is all but gone now.

Fab...........cannot believe you left Arshavin out of that line up and where does Chamakh fit in?

I don't feel we can afford Arshavin and Cole, maybe he's off. Perhaps we go back to 442 with Chamakh up top and one less midfielder!





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