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Replacing the Duke for £12m

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Johnson as a replacement for Viduka


fucking hell, honestly


You did notice nobody has voted for him, and he was only included as someone linked to us recently, right?

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There's something a lot more exciting about signing a player you've never seen play so for that reason i've voted for Gomis.

I'd be happy with any of Bent, Ashton or Crouch though. If Ashton could stay fit for a whole season i think he could be brilliant. He's shown flashes this season of what he can do but the guy's made of glass so he just represents too much of a risk.

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I like Crouch from that list.


Ideally you would want someone with more mobility but Viduka's link up play is most important to the current system and Crouch is closest to him in that aspect. I think it would work with Owen and Martins running off of him and perhaps someone like SWP taking up Geremi's role to give us some natural width on the right.

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Toss up between Crouch and Gomis, both will cost about the same we know what Crocuh can do and don't know much about Gomis but from what I have seen he does seem to be the real deal.

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although not great with his head, neither is viduka. what he does have in common with him is great close control and the ability to take the ball out of the air and bring others into play, and bags of skill which he uses to confuse players, and he can do all of this quicker than viduka. he also scores a couple of screamers a season. he's much more mobile than the fat aussie and he shares a great knack of finishing, i actually think his finishing has been better than dukes this season, whats more impressive is he's had to it all from the bench. his attitide can never be questioned and i believe he's got a decent fitness record so far?

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Bent.  Although I think Crouch is the one we would be more likely to get.  Wouldn't mind getting both, as I'm still not 100% certain that Owen or Oba (or both) will stay if the 'right' offer comes in.


Never seen Gomis play, but if Keegan's going over to France to watch him, and thinks he's good enough, then I trust him.

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I think I'd go with Crouch too - 12m for a 27-year old Englishman is good value and as the good Doctor says he has many positive attributes to bring to the team.


That said, I'm a big fan of the Duke, so in fantasy land I'd be aiming a little higher if we wanted to replace him. There's not many big men with the technique and vision Viduka has, and it costs...

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Bent.  Although I think Crouch is the one we would be more likely to get.  Wouldn't mind getting both, as I'm still not 100% certain that Owen or Oba (or both) will stay if the 'right' offer comes in.


Never seen Gomis play, but if Keegan's going over to France to watch him, and thinks he's good enough, then I trust him.


I think Martins will stay but not Owen. I also agree with the sentiment of trusting KK. However, i'm certainly not prepared to jump the gun on a foriegn footballer, like i may have in the past.


I'd actually prefer us to sign Crouch, who is a massive goal threat. I'm quite happy to be proved wrong if we do sign Gomis though and will give him the chance.

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I think I'd go with Crouch too - 12m for a 27-year old Englishman is good value and as the good Doctor says he has many positive attributes to bring to the team.


That said, I'm a big fan of the Duke, so in fantasy land I'd be aiming a little higher if we wanted to replace him. There's not many big men with the technique and vision Viduka has, and it costs...


I've said a few time that Santa Cruz would be my first choice. Regardless of who we sign i'd still play Viduka when fit, he is staying for next season right?

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For me the only one that isn't potentially flawed is Gomis. But he might be for all I know.




Exactly what I said.


the way i read it you contradicted your first sentence with your second, maybe i'm missing something?

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I think I'd go with Crouch too - 12m for a 27-year old Englishman is good value and as the good Doctor says he has many positive attributes to bring to the team.


That said, I'm a big fan of the Duke, so in fantasy land I'd be aiming a little higher if we wanted to replace him. There's not many big men with the technique and vision Viduka has, and it costs...


I've said a few time that Santa Cruz would be my first choice. Regardless of who we sign i'd still play Viduka when fit, he is staying for next season right?


He is contracted for next season, but who knows when he'll be fit. I wouldn't expect to see him before Christmas...


Is Santa Cruz realistic though, he's only been there a year? Do Blackburn need to sell - and if so wouldn't Bentley be sold instead? I don't know anything about their finances but they were pretty damned stubborn in January!


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I think I'd go with Crouch too - 12m for a 27-year old Englishman is good value and as the good Doctor says he has many positive attributes to bring to the team.


That said, I'm a big fan of the Duke, so in fantasy land I'd be aiming a little higher if we wanted to replace him. There's not many big men with the technique and vision Viduka has, and it costs...


I've said a few time that Santa Cruz would be my first choice. Regardless of who we sign i'd still play Viduka when fit, he is staying for next season right?


He would certainly be the best one but Blackburn will never sell him.

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Guest Stephen927

Ashton is far too injury prone for my liking. Would have taken him when he left Norwich, but he has looked far from convincing for West Ham this season.


Haven't seen Gomis play at all. Reports of him seem to be good though, and if he is supposedly the next Drogba then I'd welcome here with open arms. I'm a bit wary.


Would like Bent here, but don't think he'd be signed as Viduka's replacement. If we sign him to replace anyone, it would be for Martins current position in the 4-3-3.

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On the one hand Blackburn are shite financially but Santa Cruz probably isn't on bad wages for them and they couldn't replace his talent. He would be a hard target but a valuable capture.


I'm not sure on his age? but you can't put a price on goals and this guy produces bags of them. Look at Torres, seemed alot of money for his price but an absolute bargain now.

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On the one hand Blackburn are shite financially but Santa Cruz probably isn't on bad wages for them and they couldn't replace his talent. He would be a hard target but a valuable capture.


I'm not sure on his age? but you can't put a price on goals and this guy produces bags of them. Look at Torres, seemed alot of money for his price but an absolute bargain now.


26 I think, coming into his prime.

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