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good times for the national team . bad times for arsene wenger.


Yes bad times for us all, not only Arsene Wenger, Arsenal play fantastic football and if you like flowing football you should like to watch Arsenal, but imagine Arsenal with a team full of Sholas and Brambles, not to mention Alan Smith! Fantastic.


If this is true and it's coming in within the next couple of years then we are going to be watching crap Allardyce type players until they sort out the coaching in this country.

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It's only in the last 10 years or so the number of foreign players has got out of hand. The league managed to survive and be a lot more competitive than it is today for over 100 years with hardly any foreign players.

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It's only in the last 10 years or so the number of foreign players has got out of hand. The league managed to survive and be a lot more competitive than it is today for over 100 years with hardly any foreign players.


Yeah, but that was before we knew what we were missing out on! We've been spoiled.


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Probably means we will be holding on to the likes of Alan Smith, Duff and Shola this summer.


I'm ecstatic!!!


Wouldn't this make it easier to sell Shola and Alan?


No, because we'd need to keep them for our 'quota'.


Duff isn't English by the way.

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Some interseting stats on the "English" game on the BBC site... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7417746.stm


I like this Arenal stat...The average number of Englishman in the Arsenal side this season was 0.34% :D


Its not a % BTW its how many in the team, as in we've got 4.76 avg english players in our line ups not 4.76%.


Still, Arsenal are laughable in terms of those statistics.



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It's only in the last 10 years or so the number of foreign players has got out of hand. The league managed to survive and be a lot more competitive than it is today for over 100 years with hardly any foreign players.


Yes but then we had a load of players coming through - times have changed, kids don't even play on the street anymore.

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The reason why you hear people talking about this a lot, but nothing ever happens is because it would not be possible within Europe, due to it contravening one of the founding principles of the EU. FIFA can talk about it all it wants, it's never going to happen, the EU is bigger and more powerful than FIFA and I really can't see them budging on this one, so FIFA's fucked and this idea is dead in the water. If they did introduce it anyway, it'd only take one player to take FIFA to the European Court of Human Rights and the whole thing would be overturned straight away. If that happened FIFA would be hit with damages claims by any player or club that could prove it had suffered in some way due to the rule and that would undoubtedly leave FIFA bankrupt.


Here's the summary of the appropriate EU Regulation (there's more at the link below if anyone's interested):


The Regulation firstly entitles all nationals of a Member State to take up and engage in gainful employment on the territory of another Member State in conformity with the relevant regulations applicable to national workers.


This entitlement is enjoyed without discrimination by permanent, seasonal and frontier workers or by those who pursue their activities for the purpose of providing services.


A worker on the territory of another Member State is entitled to the same priority as the nationals of that Member State as regards access to available employment and to the same assistance as that afforded by the host Member State's employment offices to their own nationals seeking employment. Recruitment may not be dependent on medical, occupational or other criteria which discriminate on the grounds of nationality.

Source: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l23013a.htm

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The reason why you hear people talking about this a lot, but nothing ever happens is because it would not be possible within Europe, due to it contravening one of the founding principles of the EU. FIFA can talk about it all it wants, it's never going to happen, the EU is bigger and more powerful than FIFA and I really can't see them budging on this one, so FIFA's fucked and this idea is dead in the water. If they did introduce it anyway, it'd only take one player to take FIFA to the European Court of Human Rights and the whole thing would be overturned straight away. If that happened FIFA would be hit with damages claims by any player or club that could prove it had suffered in some way due to the rule and that would undoubtedly leave FIFA bankrupt.


Here's the summary of the appropriate EU Regulation (there's more at the link below if anyone's interested):


The Regulation firstly entitles all nationals of a Member State to take up and engage in gainful employment on the territory of another Member State in conformity with the relevant regulations applicable to national workers.


This entitlement is enjoyed without discrimination by permanent, seasonal and frontier workers or by those who pursue their activities for the purpose of providing services.


A worker on the territory of another Member State is entitled to the same priority as the nationals of that Member State as regards access to available employment and to the same assistance as that afforded by the host Member State's employment offices to their own nationals seeking employment. Recruitment may not be dependent on medical, occupational or other criteria which discriminate on the grounds of nationality.

Source: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l23013a.htm


Is it possible for football to be granted some kind of EU exemption?


I'm not particularly advocating that. It's just that it would probably be in the interests of every EU country apart from the UK for that exemption to be made, and you can never under-estimate the power of self-interest. There is serious concern in Europe about the dominance of the Premiership.

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Love to see the PL break away from FIFA and UEFA. They are so corrupt and always seem to have an anti English agenda, bit like the judging at the Eurovision song contest ;P


What do they need FIFA and UEFA for ? They have the best package in football the Premier League, it generates more revenue than any other tournament. The only things those two institutions bring to table are the World Cup and the Champs League.


If the PL clubs pulled out of the CL, the tournament will be severely devalued and sponsors would be put off, so the money generation would diminish. I don't think the PL would have too many problems enticing the top European clubs to join a Euro super league in place of the CL, (or even inviting the likes of Barca, Real Madrid and Milan into the PL itself) promising more money. As ever money talks.


The PL could also make it awkward for the World Cup, if FIFA banned anyone for playing in the World Cup who made their coin playing in the PL, then since the best players in the world play in the PL, that would severely devalue that tournament. If they didn't, the PL could set up a schedule that suits it's own needs (and in particular, revenue generation needs) and have no obligation to release players to play for their national teams, in fact they could possibly actively discourage it for fear of injury.


The PL has a lot of power now, and it's gaining more, year after year, FIFA and UEFA are shitting themselves and mad policies like this (which due to EU laws, have no hope in hell of getting off the ground, the first legal challenge will bring them down) are solely aimed at reducing that level of power. It's a paranoid power struggle they better hope that the PL doesn't bite back because they could come out of it with really nasty scars.


Before anyone starts, I know it's never gonna happen but it sure would be hilarious to see, love to see Blatter and Platini knocked down a peg or two. They really should bring back stocks, wouldn't it be fantastic to stick those two in them at Hexham market and start throwing eggs and rotten tomatoes at them.


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The reason why you hear people talking about this a lot, but nothing ever happens is because it would not be possible within Europe, due to it contravening one of the founding principles of the EU. FIFA can talk about it all it wants, it's never going to happen, the EU is bigger and more powerful than FIFA and I really can't see them budging on this one, so FIFA's f***ed and this idea is dead in the water. If they did introduce it anyway, it'd only take one player to take FIFA to the European Court of Human Rights and the whole thing would be overturned straight away. If that happened FIFA would be hit with damages claims by any player or club that could prove it had suffered in some way due to the rule and that would undoubtedly leave FIFA bankrupt.


Here's the summary of the appropriate EU Regulation (there's more at the link below if anyone's interested):


The Regulation firstly entitles all nationals of a Member State to take up and engage in gainful employment on the territory of another Member State in conformity with the relevant regulations applicable to national workers.


This entitlement is enjoyed without discrimination by permanent, seasonal and frontier workers or by those who pursue their activities for the purpose of providing services.


A worker on the territory of another Member State is entitled to the same priority as the nationals of that Member State as regards access to available employment and to the same assistance as that afforded by the host Member State's employment offices to their own nationals seeking employment. Recruitment may not be dependent on medical, occupational or other criteria which discriminate on the grounds of nationality.

Source: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l23013a.htm


Is it possible for football to be granted some kind of EU exemption?


I'm not particularly advocating that. It's just that it would probably be in the interests of every EU country apart from the UK for that exemption to be made, and you can never under-estimate the power of self-interest. There is serious concern in Europe about the dominance of the Premiership.


It's not in the interests of the individuals, ie footballers as they are being hindered from being employed. That is what the rule is there to protect, the people not the corporation.

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Guest LFEE

Great move IMO. If added to a maxium transfer/wage budget and squad size... would help put the game in order.


Love watching Arsenal...but I can't see the connection to or the reflection of the premiership. Kind of makes it all pointless.


Would help share the top foreign talent amongst clubs alone with homegrown talent.


Would also give a new dimension to the managment strategy when having to balance the quota..rather than each team turning into a mini home team of their manager e.g Wenger French, Rafa/Ramos Spanish, Mourinho Portuguese.


Would help the Noth East clubs out no end as it would force the top players to re-think their geographical prejudices.


I believe FIFA are trying to gather support of the various heads of state to back it.


I believe Europe in the acception to the rule in this area when compared with North &South America etc etc..so things could happen...


Fingers crossed.

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Great move IMO. If added to a maxium transfer/wage budget and squad size... would help put the game in order.


Love watching Arsenal...but I can't see the connection to or the reflection of the premiership. Kind of makes it all pointless.


Would help share the top foreign talent amongst clubs alone with homegrown talent.


Would also give a new dimension to the managment strategy when having to balance the quota..rather than each team turning into a mini home team of their manager e.g Wenger French, Rafa/Ramos Spanish, Mourinho Portuguese.


Would help the Noth East clubs out no end as it would force the top players to re-think their geographical prejudices.


I believe FIFA are trying to gather support of the various heads of state to back it.


I believe Europe in the acception to the rule in this area when compared with North &South America etc etc..so things could happen...


Fingers crossed.


Things wouldn't happen, I pretty confident of that.


It's a fundementally flawed idea, that wouldn't have a hope in hell of standing up in court, no matter how many heads of state back it (and not many will) unless the EU rips up one of it's fundemental principles.


If you think FIFA are trying to do this to improve the game in England, you are living in cloud cuckoo land, they have only themselves in mind here.

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Guest LFEE

Love to see the PL break away from FIFA and UEFA. They are so corrupt and always seem to have an anti English agenda, bit like the judging at the Eurovision song contest ;P


What do they need FIFA and UEFA for ? They have the best package in football the Premier League, it generates more revenue than any other tournament. The only things those two institutions bring to table are the World Cup and the Champs League.


If the PL clubs pulled out of the CL, the tournament will be severely devalued and sponsors would be put off, so the money generation would diminish. I don't think the PL would have too many problems enticing the top European clubs to join a Euro super league in place of the CL, (or even inviting the likes of Barca, Real Madrid and Milan into the PL itself) promising more money. As ever money talks.


The PL could also make it awkward for the World Cup, if FIFA banned anyone for playing in the World Cup who made their coin playing in the PL, then since the best players in the world play in the PL, that would severely devalue that tournament. If they didn't, the PL could set up a schedule that suits it's own needs (and in particular, revenue generation needs) and have no obligation to release players to play for their national teams, in fact they could possibly actively discourage it for fear of injury.


The PL has a lot of power now, and it's gaining more, year after year, FIFA and UEFA are shitting themselves and mad policies like this (which due to EU laws, have no hope in hell of getting off the ground, the first legal challenge will bring them down) are solely aimed at reducing that level of power. It's a paranoid power struggle they better hope that the PL doesn't bite back because they could come out of it with really nasty scars.


Before anyone starts, I know it's never gonna happen but it sure would be hilarious to see, love to see Blatter and Platini knocked down a peg or two. They really should bring back stocks, wouldn't it be fantastic to stick those two in them at Hexham market and start throwing eggs and rotten tomatoes at them.





Are you a football fan or just a premier league fan?? Think long term. The game is on its arse. Keegan said it himself. I'm not saying FIFA & UEFA get everthing right but I am with them on this...along with agreeing with their stance to never introduce technology/TV replays during play.

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Unfortunately, all I can see is players like Bentley and Walcott going for upwards of £30m.


It won't improve the game at all, the Top Four will still have the pulling power. They'll just snap up the English talent rather than the foreign talent and we'll suffer just as much, if not more, than they will.


At the end of the day, the best teams win things. There are no regulations that FIFA can put in place to stop it, and why should they?


Leave it as it is.

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They will be granted an exemption for the good of the sport.


Looks like they're beginning to panic at the sight of rich English clubs winning the CL every year.


I doubt it very much and if they are then that exemption will be challenged and will be overturned, you can't have it co-existing alongside the free  movement of people in other industries. the PFAs and footballers themselves and even the PL clubs are not short of a penny to  challenge it thorugh the courts.

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Guest LFEE

Great move IMO. If added to a maxium transfer/wage budget and squad size... would help put the game in order.


Love watching Arsenal...but I can't see the connection to or the reflection of the premiership. Kind of makes it all pointless.


Would help share the top foreign talent amongst clubs alone with homegrown talent.


Would also give a new dimension to the managment strategy when having to balance the quota..rather than each team turning into a mini home team of their manager e.g Wenger French, Rafa/Ramos Spanish, Mourinho Portuguese.


Would help the Noth East clubs out no end as it would force the top players to re-think their geographical prejudices.


I believe FIFA are trying to gather support of the various heads of state to back it.


I believe Europe in the acception to the rule in this area when compared with North &South America etc etc..so things could happen...


Fingers crossed.


Things wouldn't happen, I pretty confident of that.


It's a fundementally flawed idea, that wouldn't have a hope in hell of standing up in court, no matter how many heads of state back it (and not many will) unless the EU rips up one of it's fundemental principles.


If you think FIFA are trying to do this to improve the game in England, you are living in cloud cuckoo land, they have only themselves in mind here.


I never said that their thinking is to try and improve the game in England What I am saying is IT WILL improve the game in England and I believe in many other countires.



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