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Danny Guthrie signed from Liverpool on 4 year deal

Guest Redcar Mag

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I don't dislike the lad but think he is average and badly fades in the second half of games.  He is young and if we had properly addressed the CM issue in the summer we wouldn't need to be playing him every game.


Its the poorest CM pairing I've seen us have for a long time, to think in years gone by some fans slagged off the likes of Gary Speed!

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Someone on here recently compared him to Modric - I'm still laughing.....!


A bog-standard midfielder at best who wouldn't have got anywhere NEAR KK's sides of 94-97 - even Batty looked like a creative genius in comparison. The closest comparison of any of KK's midfielders in the Prem was probably Bracewell and he was on the way down then...


Of all the signings last summer, KK seemed to be more enthusiastic about Guthrie than many other signings. Not really sure why you are using Keegan's name to slag off Guthrie in this thread.


'using Keegan's name to slag off Guthrie..' !???

If I wanted to 'slag off' Guthrie, I would do so and I don't need to invoke Keegan to do THAT - I have a mind of my own and if you think my comments were 'slagging' off Guthrie, you mustn't have heard what some of our fans say about players who have been TWICE as good over the years....


If I was going to slag him off, I would simply say he was rubbish - and I wouldn't care what anyone else thought either..! He isn't rubbish, but neither, in my opinion, is he sufficiently good to warrant a permanent first team place in a club as big potentially as NUFC.I said what I thought, and I stick by it...


Neither do I see the logic of saying he would be worth 5-6m'if he was Foreign'...isn't it usually the case that English players cost more and that is why many clubs started buying foreign players in the first place, so how can it be that he would be worth more than he cost NUFC if he was Foreign? It doesn't stack up.

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I quite like the look of him. He did very well early on in the season and in the pre-season games, have faded a bit lately though (KK-factor?). Could well have had a goal or two against West Brom if Martins deliveries would have been better.

He's a tidy, hard working player. He's got the vision and ability to pick a pass, but every now and again, he's a bit sloppy in possession, but I do think that's because of inexperience.

Seems to have a good attitude as well, when he loses the ball, he seems to work extra hard to take it back.

He's a definite starter in CM with Barton for me at the moment, and even if we would go the 4-3-1-2, he'd still probably be in my starting XI, together with Barton and Jonas in midfield.

I don't remember making this post at all :blush: :lol: It's not that bad though, could have been so much worse considering the state I was in when I made it :lol:

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Extremely average in general, although neat and tidy when on the ball. Long-term - not good enough.


KK signing dont forget. ;)


Think he's good to be honest - very happy to have him in our squad. Neat and tidy player who could become an excellent DM if you ask me.

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Has ALOT of technical ability, not convinced he has a great footballing brain though.


I always believe centre midfielders live or die by their production at one end or the other. Over his career Guthrie needs to be able to do one of three things IMO.


To regain/retain the ball and become a holding player (Makelele, Speed).


To score goals from midfield (Lampard, Scholes)


Or create chances and become a playmaker (Gerrard)


At this moment, Guthrie shows none of those "special" qualities, time will tell. Personally, i think we would have some success if a manager coached him into the holding role, as Bobby did with Speed. 



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Guest firetotheworks

Has ALOT of technical ability, not convinced he has a great footballing brain though.


I always believe centre midfielders live or die by their production at one end or the other. Over his career Guthrie needs to be able to do one of three things IMO.


To regain/retain the ball and become a holding player (Makelele, Speed).


To score goals from midfield (Lampard, Scholes)


Or create chances and become a playmaker (Gerrard)


At this moment, Guthrie shows none of those "special" qualities, time will tell. Personally, i think we would have some success if a manager coached him into the holding role, as Bobby did with Speed.   




Im not comparing in terms of ability, but at the same stage what had Cesc Fabregas shown Arsenal fans? Because he didnt really excel in any area other than being very neat and tidy for his first couple of seasons, now Id say hes a play maker. I think thats what Guthrie will become although not to the same level.

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Guest LucaAltieri

Has ALOT of technical ability, not convinced he has a great footballing brain though.


I always believe centre midfielders live or die by their production at one end or the other. Over his career Guthrie needs to be able to do one of three things IMO.


To regain/retain the ball and become a holding player (Makelele, Speed).


To score goals from midfield (Lampard, Scholes)


Or create chances and become a playmaker (Gerrard)


At this moment, Guthrie shows none of those "special" qualities, time will tell. Personally, i think we would have some success if a manager coached him into the holding role, as Bobby did with Speed.   




Spot on.


However, he is still 21. So long as we see a steady improvment year on year, he should be given 4-5 years to see how he progresses. I think a lot of the time we write off younger players too soon.


There's an argument that we did that with Milner, however he hasn't been getting any better for a few years now.


Sinama-Pongolle would be a great advertisement for keeping hold of players into their mid-20s providing they keep making steady improvments. Liverpool got rid of him at what? 21? Far too soon in hindsight.


Guthrie has shown promise and should be held on to for a good few years yet.

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Just said in the match thread how much he's grown in his last few performances. If he can get in the box more often like he did for his goal today, he is going to have a bright future. Excellent today.

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Guest timmy boy

He would look a  hell of a lot better with a player beside him who has an engine to get forward  as well. Butt because his legs have gone is always about 5 yards away from him.

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Personally think he's a bit similar to David Batty, though maybe not as wild in the tackle.


He's not as tough as Batty but he's a lot better going forward. Batty was more like Butt in that he didn't carry the ball into the opposition half and usually passed sideways.

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Good to see him getting forward a bit more today.


Vastly more use to us in the final third than Butt.


It was noticeable that Butt was playing deeper today and Guthrie was the one pushing forward which is how it should be. If Butt sticks to what he's good at he's less of a liability.

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