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grudges against players


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Guest diddimz


G Neville----Rio Ferdinand----Terry--------A.Cole,

Dyer-----Roy Keane----Vieri-----C Ronaldo,

----------Solskjaer----- Drogba

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Dunno what people have against Dyer really... let himself down with the Bowyer fight but other than that he's just been unlucky with injuries.


threw sir bobby's faith in him back in his face by being a twat about being asked to play on the wing and chucked the captain's armband on the floor iirc. sir bobby wanted to make him vice captain with a view of taking over from big al. dyer also - - - dodgy video's with lampard, out on the piss in town too much for a pro footballer, crashing his porsche into the swing bridge...

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Roy Keane - for making referee baiting part of the game and deserting his country in a time of need.

Diouf - apart from spitting on anyone who gets in his way and hitting women probably the most odious player around in the last 10 years.

Chimbonda - just plain horrible and a cheat to boot.


Anyone detect a theme ?


Just to dispel any accusation of bias I had a lot of time for Peter Reid, Mick McCarthy and Kevin Ball. All real football people and great sportsmen.

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Dunno what people have against Dyer really... let himself down with the Bowyer fight but other than that he's just been unlucky with injuries.


threw sir bobby's faith in him back in his face by being a t*** about being asked to play on the wing and chucked the captain's armband on the floor iirc. sir bobby wanted to make him vice captain with a view of taking over from big al. dyer also - - - dodgy video's with lampard, out on the piss in town too much for a pro footballer, crashing his porsche into the swing bridge...


Don't forget chucking out tenners from his car as he drove along the quayside, total tosser.

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Dunno what people have against Dyer really... let himself down with the Bowyer fight but other than that he's just been unlucky with injuries.


threw sir bobby's faith in him back in his face by being a t*** about being asked to play on the wing and chucked the captain's armband on the floor iirc. sir bobby wanted to make him vice captain with a view of taking over from big al. dyer also - - - dodgy video's with lampard, out on the piss in town too much for a pro footballer, crashing his porsche into the swing bridge...


Don't forget chucking out tenners from his car as he drove along the quayside, total tosser.

urban myth ?
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Dunno what people have against Dyer really... let himself down with the Bowyer fight but other than that he's just been unlucky with injuries.


threw sir bobby's faith in him back in his face by being a t*** about being asked to play on the wing and chucked the captain's armband on the floor iirc. sir bobby wanted to make him vice captain with a view of taking over from big al. dyer also - - - dodgy video's with lampard, out on the piss in town too much for a pro footballer, crashing his porsche into the swing bridge...


Don't forget chucking out tenners from his car as he drove along the quayside, total tosser.

urban myth ?


Dyer may not have done himself many favours in PR but he was nowhere near as bad as some of the stories made up about him.

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Damien Duff, Steven Gerrard, John Terry, possibly Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole. I haven't really got much time for any of the England team tbh.


I know Duff hasn't played very well, but what's he done to deserve this hatred?


Hatred? I'm merely harbouring ill feelings for the man. I don't hate anyone. :smug:  I just don't like him at all tbh. I think he's a rubbish player and i think he's up himself. Also, i don't like it when his little Chelsea influences shine through; the going-down-easily-ness and the gobsmacked expressions when he could be just getting on with it.


Is thinking that someone is a rubbish footballer too harsh a reason to bear a grudge of a player or something? :razz:

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Dunno what people have against Dyer really... let himself down with the Bowyer fight but other than that he's just been unlucky with injuries.


threw sir bobby's faith in him back in his face by being a twat about being asked to play on the wing and chucked the captain's armband on the floor iirc. sir bobby wanted to make him vice captain with a view of taking over from big al. dyer also - - - dodgy video's with lampard, out on the piss in town too much for a pro footballer, crashing his porsche into the swing bridge...


To be fair I'd forgotten about the refusing to play on the wing thing, that was bad. But the other stuff really is nobody's business, as far as I could see he always tried more than hard enough on the pitch.


Anyway, I was always a fan!

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Roy Keane for just being a twat, hated him long before he became the Mackems Messiah. He's just an odious little cunt.


I admired schmichel for his goalkeeping ability and even seemed a nice bloke when he retired and became an awful pundit but I hated they way he acted on the field, moaning cunt that he was.


Practically anyone really that has pulled on that Red jersey and walked out at the Theatre of Arseholes. Something about the place turns players into arrogant pricks, perhaps it's their manager influence.

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Always hated Michel Dugarry, for some reason. Maybe it was the girly headband.


Lee Bowyer, of course.


Ian Rush, John Aldridge, Mark Hughes, Paul Merson, Don Hutchinson, Gabriel Batistuta, Vinnie Jones, Dennis Wise, Oliver Bierhof, John Fashanu, Terry Venables.

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Damien Duff, Steven Gerrard, John Terry, possibly Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole. I haven't really got much time for any of the England team tbh.


I know Duff hasn't played very well, but what's he done to deserve this hatred?


I agree, good attitude, nice lad, certainly not your typical footballer cunt

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Always hated Michel Dugarry, for some reason. Maybe it was the girly headband.


Lee Bowyer, of course.


Ian Rush, John Aldridge, Mark Hughes, Paul Merson, Don Hutchinson, Gabriel Batistuta, Vinnie Jones, Dennis Wise, Oliver Bierhof, John Fashanu, Terry Venables.


He Christophe's less skillful brother?

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Rio Ferdinand, hate the way he is always the first person to join the goal celebration, always fist pumping to the fans, kissing the badge, and if it gets a bit heated how he always races to wherever it it, and how over rated he is, yes he is talented, but he isn't the second coming of Bobby Moore! C**T!



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