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Nile Ranger


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Atrocious. :lol:


"Then there was the 'shot' on target in the first half, which Wright saved. Yes, some nice skill to get in the position for the shot, but he completely scuffed what was a fairly easy chance. The thing about this scuff was that I saw him do exactly the same thing during the warm up at SJP; he went to shoot with some force, but completely scuffed a completely unapposed shot. A habit?"


I liked this bit best.  Yes, 20+ goals for the reserves/U18s.....all scuffed shots.

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Gets better every game, yesterday he looked a threat he just needs some composure and a goal. Think a goal would do him a world of good right now, deserved one yesterday as well.


Impressed with him so far, was also very impressed with Carroll, think them two could be a good duo in this league though it will take some patience for them to get it right. Both are taking massive strides in their young careers right now.



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he doesn't play like an 18 year old, ie selfish, head-down, rushing at everything, trying to do too much etc. His hold up play is very good and I wasn't expecting that from him at all, he's calm and sensible on the ball, maybe a little too sensible. Once he gets more settled and confident I think we'll see him taking more risks and going for goal more often. Got the basics of a good player though, and if we hold on to him and get our backroom staff sorted, it'll be exciting to watch him develop.


oh yeah, hardly an atrocious header. wasn't technically perfect, no, but he kept it low and aimed it back across the goal, and anything can happen if you do that.  :thup:

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Yea would be great for him to score, but whne others are scoring and Nile is playing really well for the team, its not an issue. His header for the Nolan goal was the correct thing to do. For someone who has only played reserve team football, then suddenly been thrown in the deep end, he has done very well.

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An atrocious header which assisted a simple tap in for Nolan? Come on, give the lad a break. I'm sure Nolan wasn't complaining as he grabbed the match ball.


It wasn't a great header but there's absolutely nowt wrong with heading the ball downwards. In fact they often coach players to do that because it is very hard for the goalkeeper to read the bounce, as opposed to making it an easy height to save. The keeper had the near post covered so he went across goal. It wasn't the best connection but he had the right idea and we scored from it, so we should cut him some slack.

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he doesn't play like an 18 year old, ie selfish, head-down, rushing at everything, trying to do too much etc. His hold up play is very good and I wasn't expecting that from him at all, he's calm and sensible on the ball, maybe a little too sensible. Once he gets more settled and confident I think we'll see him taking more risks and going for goal more often. Got the basics of a good player though, and if we hold on to him and get our backroom staff sorted, it'll be exciting to watch him develop.


oh yeah, hardly an atrocious header. wasn't technically perfect, no, but he kept it low and aimed it back across the goal, and anything can happen if you do that.  :thup:


He seems very comfortable playing with his back to goal which is why I'm surprised he scored so many at reserve level. Perhaps there is more to his game and hopefully we will see that come out when he gets confidence and starts taking more risks. For now he's very much a team player, a youngster trying to do no wrong. Like you say he seems afraid to lose the ball and won't take chances but once he gets his confidence up we should see him turn and shoot or take his man on a bit more. For now though his hold up play is impressive for an 18-year old.

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He worries me a bit. He's obviously got strength and power, but he seems to be adopting the Shola-esq lethargic attitude at times which does not bode well for the future imo.


The head across goal which Nolan scored from was atrocious. Headed into the ground and off target. Poor effort.


He had a great chance in the first half from a header, which Wright saved. The ball in from the right was absolutely perfect and Ranger should have BURIED it. No ifs, or buts, it should have been buried. I don't know for certain, but I think Ranger was afraid of getting hurt by the defender whereas a top class striker would have buried the ball in the back of the net and the defender would have been lying in a heap after being clattered by the striker after heading the ball.


Then there was the 'shot' on target in the first half, which Wright saved. Yes, some nice skill to get in the position for the shot, but he completely scuffed what was a fairly easy chance. The thing about this scuff was that I saw him do exactly the same thing during the warm up at SJP; he went to shoot with some force, but completely scuffed a completely unapposed shot. A habit?


I do like the kid, as he does have strength and a certain amount of skill, and I just hope once the first one goes in his confidence rises and he allays my fears. Thing is though, I reckon he's back on the bench now with the arrival of Harewood.


Don't think he has an attitude problem. Maybe lacks confidence in the box and shooting is apparently not his strong point.


He did seem a bit too casual after his early chance though.


He just needs to ease up on the smoke a bit. I bet he was eating those half time oranges like a good 'un.

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igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


I was expecting a bit more from him based on what he said about himself..

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igghttt mannns 15 init but im on disss ting trusss dnt fink coz ive made a wifey riddim intro mannns not on dis ting coz dat aint the case but i try stay out of as much trouble as i can coz gud boiiis live rude boiiis die dats the sayin i always grew up wid but yh skip dat. mannns tryin to take footy serious coz i wanna make sum pea f**k the street ting its really long 4 me might shubz it off now and again u see it but yh if u wanna kno where i play its upfront dutty striker about 4 goals a game minimum maximum 7or 8 one of dem but my weakness is most definatly girls and my 2nd weakness is losing i flippin hate losing but i hardly lose at anything coz im a big bumbaclart duppy mannnnnnn but yh im gona update dis sh*t wen i get the hang off it.but u aint heard the last of me sho sho 4 now Laughing Laughing


I was expecting a bit more from him based on what he said about himself..

That singer girl distracted him. Good tactics from Ipswich.

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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?

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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?






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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?


Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration.

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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?


Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration.


why not?

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Guest firetotheworks

You do realise that when he becomes amazing it'll be like when someone asks you if youve heard of a band that youve loved for years.

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Guest geordienorway

Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?


Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration.


why not?


Eh, genetical reasons?

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Get 20+ games out of him this season, loan him out to a Championship side next year when we're back in the Premiership, then he'll be ready for the top level imo.

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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?


Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration.


why not?


Observed from an inertial reference frame, the net force on a particle is equal to the time rate of change of its linear momentum: F = d(mv)/dt. This law is often stated as, "Force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma): the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration."

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Good player, for an 18 years his general play is very good. Maybe not the quickest but very ipressed with his early performances, hold up play is very good as is his link up play. Very useful player.


Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go?


Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration.


why not?


Eh, genetical reasons?


What about Olympic sprinters who are much bigger and stronger than Ranger?

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