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Ignacio María González signed from Valencia on year-long loan deal

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Don't know anything about him. His youtube video makes him look marginally better than Riquelme though.


his youtube vids make him look pretty average, and that's with the benefit of flattering editing.


we'll just have to wait and see on this one, about how he fits into the side, how good he is, and what sort of arrangement we've made with Valencia.

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To those whinging their tits off that Keegan's brought in a 26 year old attacking midfielder that nobody's heard of, can I just say "Rob Lee".


Have some faith.


Actually rob lee was far from an unknown when we signed him. Here we go again on this forum . it's the same old s***, anyone that does follow the party line is mocked and ridiculed, instead of people just respecting other peoples opinions, because that's all they bloody are opinions and the "party line" is no way more correct then any others.


Aye but you just said how you didn't understand why us or valencia would want this deal, then i explained it to you but you just ignored it.


No i didn't ignore it at all, I understood what you were talking about, just didn't get all excited about it because of our history of loan deals and the obscure nature of this signing. But i'm a whinging git who shouldn't be allowed to express any opionion on an internet forum :(


I don't see how our history of loan deals has any relevance to this one.  Might as well say that our history of transfers isn't great either so let's not bother with those.


Admittedly this signing is a little obscure but then so was Jonas for most.


Jonas was at least playing in one our europe's premier leagues.


Anyway the loan thing, is like your Uncle albert who always gives you crap presents at christmas, it it's expected, this time however he's given you something unusual some get excited hoping this will kick the trend of crap presents however the more cyncial like me know not to get their hopes up too much because the chances are slim.


Just imagine that Wenger had signed him.  Automatically you think he might have something about him.  Because it's us, we're more likely to think he's crap.  Who's to say what the truth is?  There's enough of it not being a known player for us to be sceptical, I understand that, but I think we just have to have a bit of faith.  Unfortunately.


The thing is, having seen Keegan's signings this summer, i expect this lad to be good.


Don't think Keegan has always got it right, he also bought some duds in his time too, Robinson, Hottiger, Hooper, Kitson, Darren Peacock ( I never rated him) and too a degree Tino, are a few examples of sometimes him not getting it right and TBH which manager has got everything right, absolutely none ! He doesn't make many mistakes in the transfer market but he does make them.


If this lad is the end of our summer recruitment drive then I'll be severly underwhellemed, as I said early hopefully there's more to come.

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To those whinging their tits off that Keegan's brought in a 26 year old attacking midfielder that nobody's heard of, can I just say "Rob Lee".


Have some faith.


Actually rob lee was far from an unknown when we signed him. Here we go again on this forum . it's the same old s***, anyone that does follow the party line is mocked and ridiculed, instead of people just respecting other peoples opinions, because that's all they bloody are opinions and the "party line" is no way more correct then any others.


Aye but you just said how you didn't understand why us or valencia would want this deal, then i explained it to you but you just ignored it.


No i didn't ignore it at all, I understood what you were talking about, just didn't get all excited about it because of our history of loan deals and the obscure nature of this signing. But i'm a whinging git who shouldn't be allowed to express any opionion on an internet forum :(


I don't see how our history of loan deals has any relevance to this one.  Might as well say that our history of transfers isn't great either so let's not bother with those.


Admittedly this signing is a little obscure but then so was Jonas for most.


Jonas was at least playing in one our europe's premier leagues.


Anyway the loan thing, is like your Uncle albert who always gives you crap presents at christmas, it it's expected, this time however he's given you something unusual some get excited hoping this will kick the trend of crap presents however the more cyncial like me know not to get their hopes up too much because the chances are slim.


Just imagine that Wenger had signed him.  Automatically you think he might have something about him.  Because it's us, we're more likely to think he's crap.  Who's to say what the truth is?  There's enough of it not being a known player for us to be sceptical, I understand that, but I think we just have to have a bit of faith.  Unfortunately.


The thing is, having seen Keegan's signings this summer, i expect this lad to be good.


Don't think Keegan has always got it right, he also bought some duds in his time too, Robinson, Hottiger, Hooper, Kitson, Darren Peacock ( I never rated him) and too a degree Tino, are a few examples of sometimes him not getting it right and TBH which manager has got everything right, absolutely none ! He doesn't make many mistakes in the transfer market but he does make them.


If this lad is the end of our summer recruitment drive then I'll be severly underwhellemed, as I said early hopefully there's more to come.


I'd hope he's a better judge of character and footballer this time round, it should come with experience.

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Were you the first person, to call people on this thread who disagree with you whingers ? The fact is you've seen f*** all for him too so don't tell me not to me a little dubious about this one either.



Which is EXACTLY why I'm saying we need to see him play for Newcastle first before we make a judgement on whether he's good enough or not.


Of course he might be crap, I'm not denying that possibility. But he might also be brilliant. We simply don't know.

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To those whinging their tits off that Keegan's brought in a 26 year old attacking midfielder that nobody's heard of, can I just say "Rob Lee".


Have some faith.


Actually rob lee was far from an unknown when we signed him. Here we go again on this forum . it's the same old s***, anyone that does follow the party line is mocked and ridiculed, instead of people just respecting other peoples opinions, because that's all they bloody are opinions and the "party line" is no way more correct then any others.


Aye but you just said how you didn't understand why us or valencia would want this deal, then i explained it to you but you just ignored it.


No i didn't ignore it at all, I understood what you were talking about, just didn't get all excited about it because of our history of loan deals and the obscure nature of this signing. But i'm a whinging git who shouldn't be allowed to express any opionion on an internet forum :(


I don't see how our history of loan deals has any relevance to this one.  Might as well say that our history of transfers isn't great either so let's not bother with those.


Admittedly this signing is a little obscure but then so was Jonas for most.


Jonas was at least playing in one our europe's premier leagues.


Anyway the loan thing, is like your Uncle albert who always gives you crap presents at christmas, it it's expected, this time however he's given you something unusual some get excited hoping this will kick the trend of crap presents however the more cyncial like me know not to get their hopes up too much because the chances are slim.


Just imagine that Wenger had signed him.  Automatically you think he might have something about him.  Because it's us, we're more likely to think he's crap.  Who's to say what the truth is?  There's enough of it not being a known player for us to be sceptical, I understand that, but I think we just have to have a bit of faith.  Unfortunately.


The thing is, having seen Keegan's signings this summer, i expect this lad to be good.


Don't think Keegan has always got it right, he also bought some duds in his time too, Robinson, Hottiger, Hooper, Kitson, Darren Peacock ( I never rated him) and too a degree Tino, are a few examples of sometimes him not getting it right and TBH which manager has got everything right, absolutely none ! He doesn't make many mistakes in the transfer market but he does make them.


If this lad is the end of our summer recruitment drive then I'll be severly underwhellemed, as I said early hopefully there's more to come.


I'd hope he's a better judge of character and footballer this time round, it should come with experience.


And he has a lot more dedicated assistance this time too. 3 full time employees. Hence all 4 of the new faces have looked great so far.

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To those whinging their tits off that Keegan's brought in a 26 year old attacking midfielder that nobody's heard of, can I just say "Rob Lee".


Have some faith.


Actually rob lee was far from an unknown when we signed him. Here we go again on this forum . it's the same old s***, anyone that does follow the party line is mocked and ridiculed, instead of people just respecting other peoples opinions, because that's all they bloody are opinions and the "party line" is no way more correct then any others.


Aye but you just said how you didn't understand why us or valencia would want this deal, then i explained it to you but you just ignored it.


No i didn't ignore it at all, I understood what you were talking about, just didn't get all excited about it because of our history of loan deals and the obscure nature of this signing. But i'm a whinging git who shouldn't be allowed to express any opionion on an internet forum :(


I don't see how our history of loan deals has any relevance to this one.  Might as well say that our history of transfers isn't great either so let's not bother with those.


Admittedly this signing is a little obscure but then so was Jonas for most.


Jonas was at least playing in one our europe's premier leagues.


Anyway the loan thing, is like your Uncle albert who always gives you crap presents at christmas, it it's expected, this time however he's given you something unusual some get excited hoping this will kick the trend of crap presents however the more cyncial like me know not to get their hopes up too much because the chances are slim.


Just imagine that Wenger had signed him.  Automatically you think he might have something about him.  Because it's us, we're more likely to think he's crap.  Who's to say what the truth is?  There's enough of it not being a known player for us to be sceptical, I understand that, but I think we just have to have a bit of faith.  Unfortunately.


The thing is, having seen Keegan's signings this summer, i expect this lad to be good.


Don't think Keegan has always got it right, he also bought some duds in his time too, Robinson, Hottiger, Hooper, Kitson, Darren Peacock ( I never rated him) and too a degree Tino, are a few examples of sometimes him not getting it right and TBH which manager has got everything right, absolutely none ! He doesn't make many mistakes in the transfer market but he does make them.


If this lad is the end of our summer recruitment drive then I'll be severly underwhellemed, as I said early hopefully there's more to come.


I'd hope he's a better judge of character and footballer this time round, it should come with experience.


And he has a lot more dedicated assistance this time too. 3 full time employees. Hence all 4 of the new faces have looked great so far.


That's it, we've got a filter system in place. Basically by the time a player gets to KK, he's double distilled, when KK approves we know we've got a Smirnoff of a player.



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Looking forward to seeing him play, not entirely sure what to expect.


I'm refusing to go on Youtube, learnt my lesson after Alberto Luque.


S*** i bet someone could make ameobi look good on youtube , wait hang on they arent that good  :razz: .

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