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I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.

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I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.


Was thinking this myself. Even more ironic when you get the really OTT fans that actually get irate and shout threatening abuse etc.

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Personally, that tackle was absolutely spot on.


That little spiteful french c*** deserved a yellow for a blatent foul.


As far as I'm concerned Barton has served his time, the s*** he gets is far too severe considering.


Some little s*** on the Big Market sets his lip up to me like they did with him, there going to get a f***ing kicking.


Anyone on these boards who disagree's seriously needs to check if they have testicles (apart from the girls ofcourse). 


Let the lad play football for fucks sake.  If he regains the form he showed at ManShitty then he will be f***ing superb. 


I just hope the FA realise that its not the fact they are charging him for something, its the fact its 15 months later.  The guy deserves a chance rather than some suits in f***ing high paid b****** jobs condeming someone before they have had a chance to prove they can be a different person.


Like KK said, if he isnt given a 2nd chance after his sentence, then the justice system around the world does not make sense.




Quite incredible stupidity.




I'll agree with the guy above. Nobody knows why Barton chinned that lad and to claim the moral high ground when you dont know the facts, smacks of ignorance. If someone got in my face, slagging me off, then i would be keen to give them a slap.


Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone etc etc.




Umm, that's not very apt. Unless you didn't make yourself clear how you are using it.


If you've never done anything wrong in your life, never made a mistake or error that you regretted or caused harm or bad feeling to someone else then you are free to condemn another.


And as none of us qualify for the criteria it means none of us are free to condemn another. The point is we are all the same, sometimes making mistakes, sometimes making wrong choices. To villify or condemn or punish another for an error that we could so easily have made ourselves is not correct.


At least that is how I understand 'Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.'

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Personally, that tackle was absolutely spot on.


That little spiteful french c*** deserved a yellow for a blatent foul.


As far as I'm concerned Barton has served his time, the s*** he gets is far too severe considering.


Some little s*** on the Big Market sets his lip up to me like they did with him, there going to get a f***ing kicking.


Anyone on these boards who disagree's seriously needs to check if they have testicles (apart from the girls ofcourse). 


Let the lad play football for fucks sake.  If he regains the form he showed at ManShitty then he will be f***ing superb. 


I just hope the FA realise that its not the fact they are charging him for something, its the fact its 15 months later.  The guy deserves a chance rather than some suits in f***ing high paid b****** jobs condeming someone before they have had a chance to prove they can be a different person.


Like KK said, if he isnt given a 2nd chance after his sentence, then the justice system around the world does not make sense.




After knocking seven bells at that guy, he later proceeded to knock the teeth out of a 16 year old who just happenned to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I certainly haven't done either, and I haven't been in a fight since I left school.


Don't tar the majority with the actions of the minority.


I won't boo, but Barton has to move mountains to fully regain my support.

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I dont agree with sacking him as another club would pick him up. I guess if I was at a match & he scored, I would  sing his name but I dont think I would chant for him just because he is on the pitch or because other fans are rightly booing the cocksmith. I hope he has a very successful career at Newcastle United but once he is gone I wont give a s*** about him & will more than likely go back to disliking him .

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Personally, that tackle was absolutely spot on.


That little spiteful french c*** deserved a yellow for a blatent foul.


As far as I'm concerned Barton has served his time, the s*** he gets is far too severe considering.


Some little s*** on the Big Market sets his lip up to me like they did with him, there going to get a f***ing kicking.


Anyone on these boards who disagree's seriously needs to check if they have testicles (apart from the girls ofcourse). 


Let the lad play football for fucks sake.  If he regains the form he showed at ManShitty then he will be f***ing superb. 


I just hope the FA realise that its not the fact they are charging him for something, its the fact its 15 months later.  The guy deserves a chance rather than some suits in f***ing high paid b****** jobs condeming someone before they have had a chance to prove they can be a different person.


Like KK said, if he isnt given a 2nd chance after his sentence, then the justice system around the world does not make sense.




After knocking seven bells at that guy, he later proceeded to knock the teeth out of a 16 year old who just happenned to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I certainly haven't done either, and I haven't been in a fight since I left school.


Don't tar the majority with the actions of the minority.


I won't boo, but Barton has to move mountains to fully regain my support.


If you read my posts further on after that initial one, I tend to explain myself a little better.


Lets put the latter posts down to a moment of drunken clarity and this first one to drunken gibberish...it made sense when I was supping a beer.

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He's wearing black and white, he has ability in him to be a good player for us.  I wanted him sacked, but as many have said, the decision was made to keep him, and back him we will.


What gets me is there are people I know who have had friends/relatives locked up, with whom they don't call "scum".  This lad gets locked up and the term is banded about like its the in-thing to do.  So fucking hypocritical.


Absolutely loved the tackle on Nasri, trust MOTD to say "he won the ball...just" though.  Nasri is just a little prick for tripping him up off the ball.  Hopefully other teams' players will follow suit and it will only benefit us in the long term.

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I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.

Sundayworshiptastic, the guy has a history of being a horrible t*** there are hundreds if not thousands of footballers who set a good example then there are the Bartons of this world who cause trouble wherever they go .Barton would puke on an old lady at a W.I garden party if he found out the cakes where made by the gay black vicar cos thats the type of guy he is and imho nothing will change him so we are left with him and he plays for our team and when he is our player i wish him to do the best for us even though i despise him as a person because of the way he conducts himself  .Never met the lad but if i did i would probably get along with him as by all accounts he is a canny fella till the red mist descends probably alcohol induced most of the time .
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I sat there wondering how many of the people booing were two faced twats. Are we to believe that all those booing have never had a fight or two before or never done anything against the law more than once ? I never knew soo many born again Christians were into football these days, oh wait Christians believe in forgiveness, so just a bunch of twats booing then.



Was thinking this myself. Even more ironic when you get the really OTT fans that actually get irate and shout threatening abuse etc.


There's a huge difference between having a fight and laying into someone when he's unconscious! That makes him scum of the earth and I'll never support him!


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Barton has a long and bad record - it's not one transgression - it's a bucket load


If he didn't have the money to employ top class lawyers he'd be inside for a very long time


I was disappointed that we bought him and I'm really sick that he wears the shirt now

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I'm not backing him,  but he's a Newcastle player for now and i accept Keegans decision, if he makes us a better team I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to boo him, but i won't back him either.

Barton yesterday felt the pressure of the fans and made an although correct tackle very harsh one, Nasri responded with what a smart player do and Barton held his cool.

1st step to becoming a human being Barton.

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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played shite, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the shit out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.

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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played s****, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the s*** out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.


people have the right to choose how to show support if they want too. If i want to clap him to show support, then thats ill do, i wouldnt expect people to be unhappy with me. Just like i wont be unhappy with people who choose not to clap him or who boo him, it personal choice.


Personally, i think he's done the time, he's gonna get another ban no doubt, we should move on with life. If he messes up again, then thats it. Until then he's a Newcastle player, so ill support him.

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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played s****, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the s*** out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.


people have the right to choose how to show support if they want too. If i want to clap him to show support, then thats ill do, i wouldnt expect people to be unhappy with me. Just like i wont be unhappy with people who choose not to clap him or who boo him, it personal choice.


Personally, i think he's done the time, he's gonna get another ban no doubt, we should move on with life. If he messes up again, then thats it. Until then he's a Newcastle player, so ill support him.


I could probably even cope if he got the usual applause the problem is he won't he'll get the full hero worship loud cheer cause people will know others are booing so it'll be extra loud and he does not deserve that ever.


Did you not think that when he first came cause most people did say stuff like he's a troubled past but he's at us now if he messes up again we should get shot ?


As for doing the time, he hasn't he's on a two year suspended sentance, he got off basically.

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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played s****, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the s*** out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.


people have the right to choose how to show support if they want too. If i want to clap him to show support, then thats ill do, i wouldnt expect people to be unhappy with me. Just like i wont be unhappy with people who choose not to clap him or who boo him, it personal choice.


Personally, i think he's done the time, he's gonna get another ban no doubt, we should move on with life. If he messes up again, then thats it. Until then he's a Newcastle player, so ill support him.


I could probably even cope if he got the usual applause the problem is he won't he'll get the full hero worship loud cheer cause people will know others are booing so it'll be extra loud and he does not deserve that ever.


Did you not think that when he first came cause most people did say stuff like he's a troubled past but he's at us now if he messes up again we should get shot ?


As for doing the time, he hasn't he's on a two year suspended sentance, he got off basically.


yeah, your probablly right. People will boo so other will cheer louder. Cant really do much about that i guess. He shouldnt get booed by his own fans anyway imo.


He did do the time. Its not really the lads fault at how long the authorities choose to bang him up or when to let him out is it?!

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Guest Toon Barmy

He got only a little of what the coward deserves, you lot are pricks for backing him, hope he gets a real dose from thge home fans.

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Guest Mantis

What sort of ban are we expecting?


3 games, the same as John Hartson.


Anything other than the above should be challenged as far as is possible.  I'm fed up of the FA having an inconsistent approach.  They aren't above the law.

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Personally, that tackle was absolutely spot on.


That little spiteful french c*** deserved a yellow for a blatent foul.


As far as I'm concerned Barton has served his time, the s*** he gets is far too severe considering.


Some little s*** on the Big Market sets his lip up to me like they did with him, there going to get a f***ing kicking.


Anyone on these boards who disagree's seriously needs to check if they have testicles (apart from the girls ofcourse).  


Let the lad play football for fucks sake.  If he regains the form he showed at ManShitty then he will be f***ing superb.  


I just hope the FA realise that its not the fact they are charging him for something, its the fact its 15 months later.  The guy deserves a chance rather than some suits in f***ing high paid b****** jobs condeming someone before they have had a chance to prove they can be a different person.


Like KK said, if he isnt given a 2nd chance after his sentence, then the justice system around the world does not make sense.




Quite incredible stupidity.




Fair enough, my opinions are not meant to appease everyone.  All I'm saying is that some little s*** comes up to you, constantly winding you up, no matter what, is still going at it...you are not going to respond.


Some fucker winds me up, or takes the piss out of me/wor lass, I'm going to f***ing re-act.  Call me immature/small minded/weak, I don't f***ing care.  I'm sticking up for me and what's f***ing mine.


What you are saying is that (from what I can see) is that you would take an incredible amount of s***, abuse and utter disregard for what you stood for, to take the moral high ground.


Do you have no self esteem?  Do no have no self belief or pride?


I'm sorry, but its a good f***ing job you 'aint in charge of any key government rulings or legislations 'cos we'd be royally f***ed.

Sorry to go all political, but surely what I'm saying is not bullshit and has moral highround?


Perhaps people need to grow a new set of testicles?  Or am I just pissed?



Of course you're right. What we need in government is not level-headed, ethical and pragmatic people, but radge packet charvers who would knock you unconscious if you happened to disagree with them.........or looked at their lass or something.


No wonder this country is going down the shitter.



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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played s****, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the s*** out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.



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The guy deserves no praise or support from our club. He signed for us just after the training ground incident at man city and said he was a changed man and would do everything he could for Newcastle. He came in played s****, got dropped went off on a bender and beat the s*** out of someone. So he lied to the club, he lied to the fans and showed what a piece of turd he really is. I will be happy if he gets booed, I will be happy if he doesn't, but if he gets applauded as though he is a hero just as a way to show "support" for this thug I will be massivly unhappy with the Newcastle fans who do it.


Keegan made the wrong decision wanting him to stay. I will never ever support this man, hopefully soon enough he'll hit the wrong bloke and won't ever return to football. Hell let the FA ban him for life I'll be happy.



got to say, an awful lot of that post is sheer bollocks.

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