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KK resigns - see OP for new club statement issued September 6th

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


Have you been under a rock?  They've been trying to find a way to see eye to eye over the last few days, obviously what Keegan wanted to come back was refused so he's walked.  Nobody is forgetting that Keegan is the one making the decision to go, what does that have to do with anything?

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


When what started? something obviously changed at the club on deadline day and he walked out straight away.


What was the quote from the club when Wise and the others were appointed. Something to do with Keegan being in control of the first team.

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


I'd imagine the end of the transfer window exacerbated things. He seemed confident in getting the players he wanted when we sold Milner. Obviously he didn't.


I think it's fair to say he has been lied to or else he has lied to the fans on numerous occasions. We all know which is the case and as a man of integrity he had to resign.

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:

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The club is clearly putting the blame on Keegan - do they really think that fans are that stupid to buy that?!


He deserves some of the blame tbf


please explain that stupid fucking comment?


I think the events of the last 8 months clearly show blame on both sides.


Yeah! Blamestorming! Love it...  :-[

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


I'd imagine the end of the transfer window exacerbated things. He seemed confident in getting the players he wanted when we sold Milner. Obviously he didn't.


That's fair enough but him being undermined didn't start on August 26th or whenever. If he wasn't happy about things it should have been sorted at the time - preferably in private.

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Guest Beachcomber

I have supported this club for 52 years. Like many others we have experienced torrents of shite heaped upon us  from those who have run the club.

I have had enough. We have been taken over by a load of Cockney Barrow Boys who have neither dignity, integrity or principles.

We have two choices.

1. We take it from behind as usual, shrug our shoulders sit behind our keyboards playing with our ding alings and debating juvenile points.

2. We decide to draw a line and fight Ashley and his barrow boys. how we do this is up to you.

If you go for option 1 the ruthless bast*** will know he has you and wll do you again!

I honestly do not think there is any middle ground. Don,t just winge - do something about it!

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i love this club and year after year my workmates take the piss out of me for doing so we are just a laughing stock. what worries me is hull may stuff us now as we regroup :(

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


Have you seen the statement though? They basically told him via letter what they were prepared to change ('any outstanding concerns' ffs) , so he thought 'fuck this'. Disgraceful way to treat him tbh.

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


And your source is...?

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In my view, playing any sort of "blame game" where KK and the Board is concerned is utterly pointless at this stage for at least two reasons: 1) while we can theorise all we want, we remain in the dark over exactly who has done and said what in this whole sorry affair, and plausible theories can be advanced to heap s*** on both sides; and 2) even if we could apportion blame with 100% accuracy (Ashley gets 21 units of blame, Wise 45, Keegan 17 etc), what exactly would that achieve at this point? The plain fact (painful as it may be) is that KK is gone, but the club remains, and we have 3 points to fight for in just over a week's time.


As the truth of what's transpired progressively comes to light in the days and weeks ahead, there will be ample opportunity for us to rationally apportion blame for what went wrong with KK's tenure as manager. But what's of more urgency now is trying to get this train wreck of a club back on the rails, and boycotts and protests are going to achieve that how, exactly?           



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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


Have you seen the statement though? They basically told him via letter what they were prepared to change ('any outstanding concerns' ffs) , so he thought 'fuck this'. Disgraceful way to treat him tbh.


How do you know if Keegan was been prepared to meet up with them?

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Lot of people are forgetting that it was Keegan who walked out.  ???


Ashley, Wise nor Llambias sacked him. He chose to resign tonight. No-one held a gun to his head and i this has been rumbling on for a while, why choose to walk out now and not when it started?


Have you seen the statement though? They basically told him via letter what they were prepared to change ('any outstanding concerns' ffs) , so he thought 'fuck this'. Disgraceful way to treat him tbh.


Agree totally, I just don't think this has happened recently. I think he's put up with it for quite a while - which is my point. Why not get it sorted as soon as he thought he wasn't in complete control?


I hope he comes out and says exactly what happened. I'm making assumptions and basing my opinions on hunches.

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:


Oh yeah I'm sure they just said "yeah kev, no problem you can walk out and we'll cancel any payments".. not to mention this so called payment has been well documented in the press which makes it worth about as much as your opinion.  I said I'd like to be able to stop supporting the club right now BTW, you'd know that if you could read or actually take part in a discussion without needing to twist words and arguments.  Now please do as I suggested, the highway needs more road kill.. one less Spuds fan ;)

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:


Oh yeah I'm sure they just said "yeah kev, no problem you can walk out and we'll cancel any payments".. not to mention this so called payment has been well documented in the press which makes it worth about as much as your opinion.  I said I'd like to be able to stop supporting the club right now BTW, you'd know that if you could read or actually take part in a discussion without needing to twist words and arguments.  Now please go and do as I suggested, the highway needs more road kill..


Are you still here?


I thought you didn't support the club anymore?

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


And your source is...?


Louise Taylor.

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:


Oh yeah I'm sure they just said "yeah kev, no problem you can walk out and we'll cancel any payments".. not to mention this so called payment has been well documented in the press which makes it worth about as much as your opinion.  I said I'd like to be able to stop supporting the club right now BTW, you'd know that if you could read or actually take part in a discussion without needing to twist words and arguments.  Now please go and do as I suggested, the highway needs more road kill..


Are you still here?


I thought you didn't support the club anymore?


Perhaps he supports the club; perhaps you support Ashley.


Who's to say?


Banana waving, wittily...

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!

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