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KK resigns - see OP for new club statement issued September 6th

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What really makes me angry is all the press laugh-about.


I'd be first to say I've not once laughed at another club's sacking/resigning of a manager. Its football, its a job, and its what happens to all clubs.


But what really irks me will be some of the coverage across seas, notably in America on Fox Soccer Channel - that horrible show will once again say "The club is a laughing stock" and poke the usual jokes about us.


Well, you know what? Maybe it is funny to the outside person, but I'd like to see this happen to their beloved clubs. I'd like to see how they would feel for years we have been part of this roller coaster of highs and lows, and when we are high we're kicked down and when we are low we are stomped further down.  I'd love to see some of these pundits put in the same boat as us for a few years.


F Them.


Despite this heartbreaking news, I will always support and love this club. Maybe not the men who run it, but my respect what the club stands for, the players, and you lot will never falter.


Howay KK, You will always be a legend in my eyes.

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How can people on here suggest that KK has been impulsive, it has taken (at least) 3 days to get to this decision. The problems have been brewing since the day Wise was appointed.


The only thing Keegan has been doing over the last few days is making sure he isn't out of pocket by leaving.


He's managed to persuade the club to pay him all his wages despite resigning has he? :rolleyes:  Do me a favour, go and take a walk on the highway with your eye's closed.


It's been well documented that he'd have to pay the club compensation if he walked out, you can bet he's been negotiating his way out of it.


Anyway, I've seen your post about not supporting the club anymore so it was nice knowing you, people like yourself won't be missed. :wave:


Still think your DOF bollocks works ?




Yes, just not with bottlers like Keegan.


we'd better get David Gill or someone at ManU buying players above Alex Fergusons head then . See what he does.



The same players you said "blew your socks off" you mean?


the word in the statement was player, not players.


I'm pleased you appear to think that it was alright for Dennis Wise and/or his cahoots to buy players above the managers head, and he should just put up with it.


You obviously still think that Ashley knows about football by default in supporting them.


If you supported someone else, like Spurs, I'd say good luck with the "plan".


As you call Keegan a "bottler" please clarify that you would call Alex Ferguson a bottler too if the same thing happened to him at ManU ?


Or Wenger at Arsenal, to name 2.




You're correct, it does say player.


The only player we signed on a permanent contract on the last day was a Spanish under 21 striker, funnily enough you've been running the club down for it looking like they wouldn't get a striker in as you were sure that was what Keegan wanted, yet now they've got a striker in you're running them down because Keegan has walked away from the club over it.


I don't really give a toss about Wenger or Ferguson, the fact is Keegan was happy to take the job knowing the structure was in place just so he could get his feet under the table, now he's kicking off and issuing him or me ultimatums, he won't be doing that again in a hurry.


Yet again he's walked out on the club again and left us in the s***, for that he can go and f*** himself in future.


Fuck me did keegan piss on your shoes in the bog or something??

This whole thing is one man's fault.. Mike ashleys. He's the one who owns the club

He's the one who brought in wise ( the cunt ), He's the one who has made us the laughing stock of the football world once again...

What's the point of having a manager if you dont let him manage???

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Guest Beachcomber

Spot on. Thats more like it!

Fighting talk

Ashley and his whole sorry crew of cockernee criminals must now leave asap ....their lives will be in danger if they come anywhere near St James ...time to go Ashley you fat fuckin disgrace....

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I know this is a s*** situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of s*** for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the f*** are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a f***ing grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of s*** is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!



bit of a straw man argument as you seem to think people assume keegan has no flaws.


but that's wrong - the keegan that nufc fans love is the one that made the "i'd Love it if we beat them, love it" statement, the one we know is emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve. it is this passion and the desire to challenge things head on that has partly caused this situation. people arent denying that - they're just looking at it a  bit more deeply than you are and looking at what caused keegan to go head to head with llambias, rather than just focusing on the act of confrontation itself as if it existed in a vacuum  - without very real problems and underlying issues that, i presume, still exist at the club and will be probably be causing the new man the exact same problems 8 months down the line. similar problems have caused Curbishley to walk out at west ham, or Mourinho to leave Chelsea, or Redknapp to leave Southampton.


Exactly. I don't think KK doesn't have any flaws, he has many and some of them are what make him great but when I see him on the touchline, even when N'Zogbia is at left back or when Damien Duff is allowed to be alive, I support him because no matter what, I always, always believe that he is doing what he feels is best for NUFC. He doesn't let personal stuff get in the way of what he feels is the best thing for the club, he doesn't pick certain players to prove a point and he doesn't let his headstrong attitude ever get in the way of the football club. I can't say that about any other manager I've seen at NUFC (even Sir Bobby, bless him).


He also happens to be a f***ing good manager who plays football the way it should be played.


If Arsenal forced Wenger out tomorrow, or Man Utd Fergie, their fans would be just as livid as we are. It's not a case of supporting KK, it's a case of wanting the best man for the job and for me that was KK. If he'd been doing a s*** job and had to go, fair enough, but to see him leave for non-footballing reasons, forced out by people who couldn't give a f*** about the club, leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.


Ironic that we spoke to Redknapp in January too, as you say Johnny. He also left Pompey because of that Croatian bloke in the background, now he's come back, gets to buy his own players and he's doing a far superior job to first time round. Funny that isn't it?


spot on

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!


bit of a straw man argument as you seem to think people assume keegan has no flaws.


but that's wrong - the keegan that nufc fans love is the one that made the "i'd Love it if we beat them, love it" statement, the one we know is emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve. it is this passion and the desire to challenge things head on that has partly caused this situation. people arent denying that - they're just looking at it a  bit more deeply than you are and looking at what caused keegan to go head to head with llambias, rather than just focusing on the act of confrontation itself as if it existed in a vacuum  - without very real problems and underlying issues that, i presume, still exist at the club and will be probably be causing the new man the exact same problems 8 months down the line. similar problems have caused Curbishley to walk out at west ham, or Mourinho to leave Chelsea, or Redknapp to leave Southampton.


So why has everyone who's dared to post something even remotely suggesting that Keegan might be at fault taken shit and abuse by the barrel-load? Plenty of people think he can do no wrong and are not prepared to hear a single word against him, read back through the thread if you don't believe me, it's there in black and white.


As for the rest of what you wrote, well you're making the assumption that just because I've criticised Keegan I must think that Ashley and Co can do no wrong and that's simply bollocks. You appear to see the word in a very simple way, black or white, right or wrong, good or bad, Keegan or Ashley, well that's not how I see it so you'll never be able to understand what I'm talking about.

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I know this is a s*** situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of s*** for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the f*** are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a f***ing grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of s*** is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!


Great post.


First bit of perspective ive seen all night.

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!

So, you'll support Ashley?


I fucking wont.


Still love the toon, but i want Ashley out first n foremost.


Yeah, because that's what I said, is it?


Thanks for letting me know, I was under the impression that I'd not mentioned Ashley whatsoever.

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Sad thing is that the club have now marginalized a very large section of it's support, which could well lead to civil war. I'm a Keegan-ite, however the man is not a god. What's happened here is that he's been stabbed in the back by the board who with their statement tonight seem to be pushing the blame onto him. I know who I'm more likely to believe! KK had the welfare of the club and it's fans in his heart - can that be said of Ashley, Wise and Co?


Whoever comes in now (and I belive it won't be any self-respecting manager) will be a puppet. He'll be told who to buy, who to sell and possibly who to play.


It's a black day and there's a storm coming. Just hope there is a club left once it all passes.

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I know this is a s*** situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of s*** for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the f*** are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a f***ing grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of s*** is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!




I think NUFC with KK had the chance to pull its socks up climb a few league places while playing football & entertaining the fans.  This would have been a massive step up from the SHIT we have been royally served up by Souness, Roeder & Allerdyce.


They could have backed KK & let him take the club forward for a few seasons and give us the fans a rest from the shit.


After a few semi successful seasons (top 10) Maybe then reasses.


I support NUFC and always will above an individual but iI fell a BIG BIG mistake has been made tonight.


You dont give an artist a brush and say "paint me a picture" but i'm chosing the colours.




Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I think I agree with you mostly I just think that Keegan's one of a few people who have made that mistake.

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The thing that guts me more than anything is that once again the club I love is a fucking laughing stock.


Has any club in recent history been at the centre of so many high profile negative stories ?


We have become a joke of a club. A club it is genuinely embarassing to be associated with.

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We should also bear in mind that Keegan has never won a major trophy in his entire managerial career. The idea that he's a great manager is only a matter of opinion.


Incidentally, can anyone tell me why the thread about which player Keegan resigned over, has been deleted? Politely, please.

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!


bit of a straw man argument as you seem to think people assume keegan has no flaws.


but that's wrong - the keegan that nufc fans love is the one that made the "i'd Love it if we beat them, love it" statement, the one we know is emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve. it is this passion and the desire to challenge things head on that has partly caused this situation. people arent denying that - they're just looking at it a  bit more deeply than you are and looking at what caused keegan to go head to head with llambias, rather than just focusing on the act of confrontation itself as if it existed in a vacuum  - without very real problems and underlying issues that, i presume, still exist at the club and will be probably be causing the new man the exact same problems 8 months down the line. similar problems have caused Curbishley to walk out at west ham, or Mourinho to leave Chelsea, or Redknapp to leave Southampton.



So why has everyone who's dared to post something even remotely suggesting that Keegan might be at fault taken shit and abuse by the barrel-load? Plenty of people think he can do no wrong and are not prepared to hear a single word against him, read back through the thread if you don't believe me, it's there in black and white.


As for the rest of what you wrote, well you're making the assumption that just because I've criticised Keegan I must think that Ashley and Co can do no wrong and that's simply bollocks. You appear to see the word in a very simple way, black or white, right or wrong, good or bad, Keegan or Ashley, well that's not how I see it so you'll never be able to understand what I'm talking about.


i made that post cos i felt you were putting words in other fan's mouths, telling them what they are thinking. i thought that was patronising and demeaning so i pointed out where you were -factually - wrong so you might realise.


sadly you have just gotten worse and are throwing shit about telling me how i think and i how see the world.


what a fucking joke.


another decent poster turns into a raving lunatic.


for the record, people are responding to stuff they think is wrong, and it is often loaded because this is an emotional time. but maybe i should leave you to jump to conclusions and tell people their opinions instead of giving others a chance to speak for themselves.

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Guest Beachcomber


We should also bear in mind that Keegan has never won a major trophy in his entire managerial career. The idea that he's a great manager is only a matter of opinion.

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We should also bear in mind that Keegan has never won a major trophy in his entire managerial career. The idea that he's a great manager is only a matter of opinion.


Incidentally, can anyone tell me why the thread about which player Keegan resigned over, has been deleted? Politely, please.


doesn't and never has bothered me that he ain't won anything... don't care that we've never one anything major in recent times.  Keegan is a manager that loves good football, and i love to watch the football he tries to get his team to play, my opinion like.

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!


Seem to have spouted a lot on KK what do you think about Ashley and Co? Curious.


I don't know, like I've said I think they must be at fault for something, but as of yet I don't know what because they haven't been speaking to the press and leaking their side of the story all the time, the things I've criticised Keegan for are - I believe -  things that I have enough evidence from my own eyes to judge about and in fact I'm mainly criticising the actions of the fans rather than Keegan, something I've definitely seen with my own eyes. When I know about Ashley and Co's role in this then I'll comment in depth about it, until then I'll keep my mouth shut and therefore hopefully won't look like a total tool when the truth emerges. I'd be a hypocrite to comment on them when I don't know what's happened after I've been slagging everyone else off for doing the same.

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I know this is a shit situation, I know everyone's upset and I know I'm likely to get a load of shit for saying what I've got to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.


Do some of you support NUFC or KKFC? It seems that to a lot of people Keegan is way more important than the club, all those saying that their finished with the club, what the fuck are you on about!?! Perhaps Keegan could set up his own team and you could go and support them instead, seriously I know people are emotional at the moment but get a fucking grip!!


I like Kevin Keegan, I think he's a great bloke and a decent manager, I think he gets his teams to play football the way it should be played and I'm grateful to him for turning things around for us and getting the club back on its feet. I've also got a huge amount of respect for him for his previous time at NUFC, both as manager and as a player, his arrival in the eighties coinciding with the start of my interest in the club.


But the Kevin Keegan I like exists in reality, he has faults and makes mistakes, I still like him. He's stubborn and forces a situation to the extent that it causes the club a huge amount of damage, I still like him. He says he cares about the fans and the club, but doesn't say anything for three days whilst all kinds of shit is kicking off to the detriment of the club and the fans - although they don't seem to realise it - when a simple statement from him could have calmed the situation and protected the club from damage, I still like him.


The Kevin Keegan a lot of people seem to worship at the alter of is a myth, he is portrayed as someone who can do no wrong, who is totally selfless and devotes his existence to the furtherance of NUFC with no thought whatsoever to his own well being. He is a god and every word he utters is gospel - even when he contradicts what he said previously - but not only that he is a victim, he is weak and needs protection from the nasty cockneys who were out to get him from the start and are secretly trying to bring us down in the hope that it might benefit Spurs. Keegan is the lord and we will die, or rather kill on his behalf - even if the only thing that dies is the club we're supposed to love.


Now what's going to happen if it turns out that Keegan is not entirely blameless in all this?


Well, I'll still like him.


You on the other hand are left with a choice:


Have your illusion shattered, your idol fallen, your dreams dashed and kneejerk totally to the opposite, forever hating his guts and cursing his name.




Deny reality, continue on with your delusion and pretend things aren't how they really are, shout and scream and bawl out anyone who disagrees with your faith.


Because I'm telling you now, no-one, not even Keegan is blameless in this. They've all played their role in this disaster, but only some of them have stuck around to try and sort it out.


NUFC's still here, you're supposed to be Newcastle supporters, are you going to support it, or what!?!


Very well put indi.


Suffice to say I am gutted that Keegan has left. I understand his principles but I agreed with the transfer approach taken by the club. Maybe it could have been done slightly differently, but obviously the damage had been done. I'd like to have seen how our squad developed over thenext couple of seasons, but it might be difficult for Ashley to come back from this. It's a shame because Keegan was supposed to have unfinished business. Looks like it's still unfinished.


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