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Jonas Gutierrez

Guest Coubury

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He has needed time to settle, certainly being in a club with our in-stability takes that away from you to begin with.


He has never really settled into a specific role, playing wide Right, left, wing back, through the middle. He has talent, the end product needs alot of work but I wouldnt blame him for anything this season.


Being around/playing with better players/coaches and even players with confidence would lift his game immensely.


I really do hope he stays next year, given the right handling he can be massive for us.


To be fair to the lad we knew he was milner with pace as soon as he got here, im suprised so many people are having a hissy fit now.

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Guest Brewcastle

He's a different kind of player to what I've seen before. He's a winger but he can't arc a cross in like Nobby could, or skip past full backs with sheer pace in the way players like Lennon do.


He's got a languid, unorthadox style, as if he's going in slow motion at times, but he goes past players and creates space to open up the game. Anybody who watched him with Mallorca last season would see, he didn't get huge amounts of assists but he was pivotal to everything they did, in keeping possession, running at players and opening up attacks for them. It's this evidence that still has me convinced he could be a big asset for us, surround him with good, attack-minded players that are on the same wave length and he could be hugely effective..

I agree with this. He'll be much better with some intelligent players around him. You can see him constantly looking up when he has the ball, waiting to see if anyone's making a run (usually not... ) so his effectiveness is restricted. He works hard, tracks back and rarely loses the ball so he can be even bigger asset next season. I still think he's had a pretty decent first season in the Premiership, considering all the turmoil with our team and him adapting to a new, faster and more aggressive league.


Jonas is brilliant. Keep him, and make a signing of a player with the same creativity as him this summer. Then NUFC attacks will be deadly. Jonas have been far to alone this season with his way to play. And IMO it's not him that's the problem...

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Guest Wally_McFool

Didn't think Jonas did a bad job tonight. He didn't create owt but he was keeping  Downing out of the game for most of the time.

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He's on the brink of being a quality player, i reckon. A good bit of tutoring on a few of the obvious things and he could be brilliant.


Looks like his head is somewhere else though. Ah well. Don't envisage the bloke in black and white next season.

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He doesn't set the world alight in his first season in the relegation threatened team, GET HIM OUT!  :kinnear:


**** me.


God knows what some on here would've done with Evra and Vidic after their first seasons at Man U.  :cheesy:

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He's not our biggest problem. But if we're going to make use of him, we have to build the team around him. We need a hard working forward with some pace and a similar attacking or box to box midfielder. We also need a winger on the opposite side who can and will cross, unlike Duff.

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I'd give him another season and then if there is still not much of an end product then get rid.


Got allot of talent on the ball but he seems to lose his head at the vital time


Ditto. He deserves to be given some time, but unless he can learn to deliver the ball all his running is going to be useless.

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I'd give him another season and then if there is still not much of an end product then get rid.


Got allot of talent on the ball but he seems to lose his head at the vital time


Ditto. He deserves to be given some time, but unless he can learn to deliver the ball all his running is going to be useless.


Exact same problem N'Zogbia had.  He could run faster than Jonas, but with less skill. Sadly both can't cross.  At least N'Zogbia could from time to time hit a decent shot.

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Guest Stephen927

What Jonas needs is a striker who is prepared to break out wide and support him. He's never going to be one to play in a perfect cross, he's going to be playing neat little passes to the striker, working the ball down the flank, cutting inside onto his right foot, not getting to the byline like a genuine left winger like N'Zogbia would try to do.


He's a little different in his style for a winger, but that doesn't mean it can't work, he just needs the tactics to support him.

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Guest optimistic nit

Jonas would be shit in the middle of the park, he doesn't stick to one position. Jonas is a very unique player, he has lots of limitations but if you play to his stregnths then he could offer us things no one else in the team can. i'd rather have players like him that are awsome at some things but bad at others than players like Nolan who are just average or worse at everything. at least he has some stregnths to play too.


if we escape from relegation we need to look to ship out the dead wood (there is a lot of it) and replace it with some good players. i really cant fathom why anybody would want to see shot of Jonas (or coloccini for that matter, who has had a bad season) when we're bottom 5, only have half a team and even if we escape this season will most likely get relegated next season unless significant changes are made.


colo is another player who has had weaknesses in his game exposed, but also has considerable stregnths that we perhaps haven't seen this season (a typical player who would stand out for a top half team imo but can't handle the battling involved in keeping a team in the premier league.


we need to lose owen and barton and nolan, smith and duff unless shearer can see potential to improve them. colo can go as well but only to pay for an already bought centreback who is very good (and better than we could probably attract).


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I'd keep duff over colo any day. Colo has been the biggest bag of wank since boumsong, the gutless fucker also said some questionable things of late, so the faster the bush-head cunt fucks off the better.

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Everyone need a reality check IMO.  A couple of weeks ago Lovenkrands wasn't good enough, a couple of DAYS ago Martins wasn't good enough.


Viduka wasn't fit to wear the shirt after Xmas, now he's our best striker.  :kinnear:

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Everyone need a reality check IMO.  A couple of weeks ago Lovenkrands wasn't good enough, a couple of DAYS ago Martins wasn't good enough.


Viduka wasn't fit to wear the shirt after Xmas, now he's our best striker.  :kinnear:



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Everyone need a reality check IMO.  A couple of weeks ago Lovenkrands wasn't good enough, a couple of DAYS ago Martins wasn't good enough.


Viduka wasn't fit to wear the shirt after Xmas, now he's our best striker.  :kinnear:


I think what Souness meant when he said Newcastle was like living in a goldfish bowl was that Toon fans have a five second memory span and forget a player's qualities as soon as he has a couple of poor games.


It's true that Jonas can't cross. It's also true that he can skip past players as if they weren't there. If only the other players would help him out when he's done all he can ... like, team up or something. Instead of running away to hide behind the opposition, like most of them do now.

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What would most certainly help a player like Jonas is some fucking movement like. He always seems to be able to beat a man or two and then there's absolutely nothing on for him. It's like the others just stand still thinking 'well done lad, nice one!' but not actually having the presence of mind (or the legs) to give him an option. This doesn't excuse the number of times he tries to take on one too many without getting the cross in, but it might explain it to some degree.

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What would most certainly help a player like Jonas is some fucking movement like. He always seems to be able to beat a man or two and then there's absolutely nothing on for him. It's like the others just stand still thinking 'well done lad, nice one!' but not actually having the presence of mind (or the legs) to give him an option. This doesn't excuse the number of times he tries to take on one too many without getting the cross in, but it might explain it to some degree.


Can't cross anyway.

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