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Newcastle United 1 - 2 Hull City - 13/09/08 - post match reaction from page 21


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Most people seem to assume that the board just started doing transfer dealings without Keegan's consent out of spite, deliberately to try and undermine him and force him out of the club. I'm yet to see a convincing argument as to why they would do that?


My guess is that, probably among many other niggling things, Keegan felt massively let down when after he'd been convinced/forced to sell Milner, and told the fans to judge him after the last day of the transfer windows, he got only a loan signing they hadn't even bothered telling him about and a very inexperienced striker, making him look a right cunt.


That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


Why do you think that didn't happen?


We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


They don't want  to spend too much.


There's a big difference between "too much" and nothing, they clearly wanted to bring players in, even to the extent of doing it without Keegan's consent. So I'm not really sure what your point is, unless you've fallen into the same trap as others of equating spending ridiculous amounts of money to having a good transfer window. The quality of the players we've brought in seems quite good, one of the best - Jonas - cost us nothing, there was a clear desire from the board to bring in more players, but the emphasis was on value for money. I'm not really sure what people's problem is with that.


Are you saying they should have brought in a trophy signing or two, and that you think Keegan quit over that? If you are, do you think that's a good thing?


jonas didn;t cost us nothing. i've seen 1 report saying 2m, 1 saying 8m and 1 saying 15m. i'm inclined to believe either 2 or 8mill. i think thats how much redknapp had rejected (8).


Did he not buy himself out of his contract?

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It is a fact that we would have won that match if Kevin Keegan was our manager


It is a fact that the bunch of twats left supposedly running our club should fuck off and die.


It is a fact that if I ever encounter Derek Llambias in person I will end the cunt.






Your first point is a joke and shows a complete lack of respect to Hull, never mind our injury situation.

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Guest optimistic nit

Most people seem to assume that the board just started doing transfer dealings without Keegan's consent out of spite, deliberately to try and undermine him and force him out of the club. I'm yet to see a convincing argument as to why they would do that?


My guess is that, probably among many other niggling things, Keegan felt massively let down when after he'd been convinced/forced to sell Milner, and told the fans to judge him after the last day of the transfer windows, he got only a loan signing they hadn't even bothered telling him about and a very inexperienced striker, making him look a right cunt.


That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


Why do you think that didn't happen?


We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


They don't want  to spend too much.


There's a big difference between "too much" and nothing, they clearly wanted to bring players in, even to the extent of doing it without Keegan's consent. So I'm not really sure what your point is, unless you've fallen into the same trap as others of equating spending ridiculous amounts of money to having a good transfer window. The quality of the players we've brought in seems quite good, one of the best - Jonas - cost us nothing, there was a clear desire from the board to bring in more players, but the emphasis was on value for money. I'm not really sure what people's problem is with that.


Are you saying they should have brought in a trophy signing or two, and that you think Keegan quit over that? If you are, do you think that's a good thing?


jonas didn;t cost us nothing. i've seen 1 report saying 2m, 1 saying 8m and 1 saying 15m. i'm inclined to believe either 2 or 8mill. i think thats how much redknapp had rejected (8).


Did he not buy himself out of his contract?


yes, but at the very least, we'll have had to pay him the money it cost him to buy out his contract. we may then need to pay compo, although personally i dont think we do. it'll have cost him a few million to buy out a 2-3 year contract though

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Guest Darth Toon

It is a fact that we would have won that match if Kevin Keegan was our manager


It is a fact that the bunch of twats left supposedly running our club should fuck off and die.


It is a fact that if I ever encounter Derek Llambias in person I will end the cunt.






Your first point is a joke and shows a complete lack of respect to Hull, never mind our injury situation.


Bollocks. Hull were a shambles and will be comfortably dispatched at home by any team that finishes in the top half this season.

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Most people seem to assume that the board just started doing transfer dealings without Keegan's consent out of spite, deliberately to try and undermine him and force him out of the club. I'm yet to see a convincing argument as to why they would do that?


My guess is that, probably among many other niggling things, Keegan felt massively let down when after he'd been convinced/forced to sell Milner, and told the fans to judge him after the last day of the transfer windows, he got only a loan signing they hadn't even bothered telling him about and a very inexperienced striker, making him look a right cunt.


That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


Why do you think that didn't happen?


We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


They don't want  to spend too much.


There's a big difference between "too much" and nothing, they clearly wanted to bring players in, even to the extent of doing it without Keegan's consent. So I'm not really sure what your point is, unless you've fallen into the same trap as others of equating spending ridiculous amounts of money to having a good transfer window. The quality of the players we've brought in seems quite good, one of the best - Jonas - cost us nothing, there was a clear desire from the board to bring in more players, but the emphasis was on value for money. I'm not really sure what people's problem is with that.


Are you saying they should have brought in a trophy signing or two, and that you think Keegan quit over that? If you are, do you think that's a good thing?


jonas didn;t cost us nothing. i've seen 1 report saying 2m, 1 saying 8m and 1 saying 15m. i'm inclined to believe either 2 or 8mill. i think thats how much redknapp had rejected (8).


Did he not buy himself out of his contract?


yes, but at the very least, we'll have had to pay him the money it cost him to buy out his contract. we may then need to pay compo, although personally i dont think we do. it'll have cost him a few million to buy out a 2-3 year contract though


Thought you could only do it in the final year or something? Doubt he was on that much really. Surely the point is that we don't intend to pay compo and at present we haven't and would only do so if forced to by a court?

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Guest optimistic nit

It is a fact that we would have won that match if Kevin Keegan was our manager


It is a fact that the bunch of twats left supposedly running our club should fuck off and die.


It is a fact that if I ever encounter Derek Llambias in person I will end the cunt.






Your first point is a joke and shows a complete lack of respect to Hull, never mind our injury situation.


Bollocks. Hull were a shambles and will be comfortably dispatched at home by any team that finishes in the top half this season.


they did well, what are you talking about.

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Hull are shite and they'll struggle, but i suppose you've got to give them credit really, they tactically outmastered us today.


But in fairness, if Hull City were ever gonna tactically outmaster a team this season, then that team shouldn't have a manager. And, well... we don't.

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Guest optimistic nit

Most people seem to assume that the board just started doing transfer dealings without Keegan's consent out of spite, deliberately to try and undermine him and force him out of the club. I'm yet to see a convincing argument as to why they would do that?


My guess is that, probably among many other niggling things, Keegan felt massively let down when after he'd been convinced/forced to sell Milner, and told the fans to judge him after the last day of the transfer windows, he got only a loan signing they hadn't even bothered telling him about and a very inexperienced striker, making him look a right cunt.


That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


Why do you think that didn't happen?


We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


They don't want  to spend too much.


There's a big difference between "too much" and nothing, they clearly wanted to bring players in, even to the extent of doing it without Keegan's consent. So I'm not really sure what your point is, unless you've fallen into the same trap as others of equating spending ridiculous amounts of money to having a good transfer window. The quality of the players we've brought in seems quite good, one of the best - Jonas - cost us nothing, there was a clear desire from the board to bring in more players, but the emphasis was on value for money. I'm not really sure what people's problem is with that.


Are you saying they should have brought in a trophy signing or two, and that you think Keegan quit over that? If you are, do you think that's a good thing?


jonas didn;t cost us nothing. i've seen 1 report saying 2m, 1 saying 8m and 1 saying 15m. i'm inclined to believe either 2 or 8mill. i think thats how much redknapp had rejected (8).


Did he not buy himself out of his contract?


yes, but at the very least, we'll have had to pay him the money it cost him to buy out his contract. we may then need to pay compo, although personally i dont think we do. it'll have cost him a few million to buy out a 2-3 year contract though


Thought you could only do it in the final year or something? Doubt he was on that much really. Surely the point is that we don't intend to pay compo and at present we haven't and would only do so if forced to by a court?


well aye, he hasn't cost much. i'm sure he was either on 2 or 3 years left though. i dont think its that you can only do it in the final year of your contract, i think you need to have seen 2 years out of your contract before you do it.

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It is a fact that we would have won that match if Kevin Keegan was our manager


It is a fact that the bunch of twats left supposedly running our club should f*** off and die.


It is a fact that if I ever encounter Derek Llambias in person I will end the c***.





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I don't feel that it's worth discussing the ins and outs of the football today... but just one thing i've got to say... what the fuck is it with managers putting Geremi on corners? :lol:


From what i can recall, Guthrie's had about four corners in his time here and we've scored two goals from them. Geremi's set pieces are just suicide-inducing.

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Guest black n white

its as simple as as .......

kk agreed to become manager and that he would have final say on transfers and that he would have to report to dof.......with only the latter being written into his contract


deadline day(how appropiate)

kk realises the whole squad has a price

    the players he wants are not coming

    the 2 that are he's never heard of


and takes the decision to walk because the he knows that squad is woefully short and that he would have to take the blame


we are fucked


well done to all the fans at the match today

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Defence still woefully unorganised I see. Honestly, what the fuck are they doing at times? The ball is cleared up to the half way line and they don't push up at all? As soon as Hull got it in our half they just dropped right off meaning King had acres down the channels. It also leaves the midfield horribly exposed too. It's been our most pressing problem for a while now, imo, and yet it still never seems to get addressed. Oh and their second goal, fuck me. :lol: Hilarious defending.

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That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


Why do you think that didn't happen?


We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


One of the stories circulating was that Keegan was enraged when told by Wise that the Schweinsteiger transfer didn't happen because Tony Jimenez didn't want to sign him. Which seems like a reasonable response. So I think it might be true,


It's not.

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Was i watching a different Xisco today? I thought he looked decent, yeah he didn't set the world alight but fucking hell imagine yourself in his shoes, the whole shit load of stuff going on in that ground today and he's known in the media as the lad that got the Messiah sacked, hardly fucking easy is it, i've not trawled through every page of this thread but it looks like fans on here put him down after 45 minutes, that's disgusting support . Lets not forget some much worse debuts from players that have turned out to be pretty good a la Oba Martins . The lad scored a poachers goal, won some headers, made some intelligent runs, showed a classy first touch and was calm in alot of general play, be supportive of him and he'll only get better.

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