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Some people are seriously over reacting to this, you would swear the banner went infront of Given's eyes for their 2nd goal.


Seriously ironic. Yeah, it's the people criticising the banner wielding fucktards who are the ones overreacting!! :lol:


Well done, you've brought a smile to my face Dec, thanks.

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Woohoo! Let's blame the fans for it all!


Not at all, but there's a way to act in dignity (and defiance) when the club's management are bringing us into disrepute (think Cardiff 2005).


Found it funny myself, good on the people that did it.


Are u a cockney stupeedo?


So you think it's funny that the press get more ammunition to paint us as the stereo-typical southern-hating-flatcapped-wippet-owning-thicko?

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Guest The Libertine

no need at all for the banner to be in the ground. same goes for the people carrying it.


Why? Whats the difference between it and any other form of protesting?


why do the players care when they've got other things to think about?


also, it wont achieve anything.

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Some people are seriously over reacting to this, you would swear the banner went infront of Given's eyes for their 2nd goal.


Not exactly supporting the team, is it?


No but when it was getting passed around it must have lasted about 2 minutes. Were we playing alot better before the incident? Are people just looking for someone/something to blame here? Cant the team just have had a bad day due to what is happening at the club? How many times have we seen a gutless performance at SJP from our boys, most of which are still here and played today?

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Supporting what team ? There is NO TEAM...THERE IS ONLY A FU*CKED UP CLUB. I want to vomit on the whole thing...


that little crest on the shirt, no...not the addidas one, is what I think we should be supporting, particularly during the 90minutes of competition

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Supporting what team ? There is NO TEAM...THERE IS ONLY A FU*CKED UP CLUB. I want to vomit on the whole thing...


that little crest on the shirt, no...not the addidas one, is what I think we should be supporting, particularly during the 90minutes of competition


Some people care more about the behind the scenes business than they do about what happens on the pitch.

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