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Could flirting with relegation be the way forward?

The Prophet

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I know it's a crazy notion, but I think a couple of seasons of near misses could do us the world of good. Now don't get me wrong I always want this club to do well but it might just be that it needs to go backwards before it can move forwards again.


When you look up and down the league what do all the teams up the top of end of the table have that the rest don't? I think they have at least three or four players who you can look at who consistently perform. They don't necessarily set the world alight but they enjoy playing for their football team and play with a bit of pride and passion. You have Man United at the top of the league with the likes of Ferdinand, Scholes, Carrick and Rooney, lower down the league you have Villa with Laursen, Barry, Young and Agbonlahor and if you look at a team who's improved a fair bit this year take Boro who now posses players such as Wheater, Digard, Downing and Alves. Now obviously the better the team the better core of players they have at their disposal, but that core provides the foundation for the entire squad to be built on and I think that's where we're going wrong.


On match day who do you look at on the team sheet and think: "They'll definetly perform today"? At the minute the only player I can think of in the entire squad who fits into that bracket is Jonas. What about the rest: Given hasn't been himself for about a year now, Coloccini has been largely a success but is still capable of a poor showing, Martins is a mixed bag and Owen tends to miss more chances than he puts away (when he's fit) and don't get me started on the midfield. If we go back a couple of years to the Sir Bob era Given was arguably the best keeper in the league, Speed was a rock, Solano would always put on a show out wide and Shearer was simply a legend. Can you see what I'm saying? Just look at Spurs as another example of a side that lack this core, hence their inconsistency.


Now what does this have to do with the opening point you ask. well currently the foundation of our team is built upon a group of players who are paid large sums and produce little on the field. Now I know we're currently in a bit of a crisis but this has been going on since the days of Souness. The question is would you be able to stand a couple of relegation dogfights if we could wipe the slate clean? Wouldn't it be nice if those wasters took their greed to elsewhere and we could start again? It would take at least a couple of seasons to get rid of the current crock and begin to lay these foundations, then as we get better we begin to add the luxury players.


Now this is very theoretical point. If we were to start such a rebuilding process based on a long term plan in this day and age there's the risk we'd get left behind. The money being pumped into Premier League sides now means you can't afford to hang around. The problem is with the current squad I don't think we're going anywhere fast, we need some kind of foundation and structure to the squad otherwise we're just pouring money into a bottomless pit. I'm also ignoring the fact of our current plight which still needs to be overcome, obviously new board members and management staff will have to employed before any form of team rebuilding could begin. The point is, we've gone about building our side the wrong way for too long now and a clean slate could be just what we need to progress.



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I dont get this thing about Given,hes being outstanding every game this season,the only thing that has changed[touch wood]is he has stayed injury free  and his kicking has improved alot.Can you think of even one goal we conceded that he could have saved this season?Hes defo one of the best keepers  in the prem

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I dont get this thing about Given,hes being outstanding every game this season,the only thing that has changed[touch wood]is he has stayed injury free  and his kicking has improved alot.Can you think of even one goal we conceded that he could have saved this season?Hes defo one of the best keepers  in the prem


Are you fucking kidding me? His accuracy at finding an opposition player with 95% of his aerial balls is only bettered by that useless twat Geremi.

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Guest alexharrisonnufc

should have saved richardsons freee kick tbh..












































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On the OP, it might be tempting to see a positive in being down the bottom that we will get a lot of workers in to replace any 'flair' players, but the last thing we should want as fans is to have 11 cloggers wearing the black and white.


If you spend too long down the bottom you start to turn into Bolton. At the moment we're getting by (kind of) on potential and past successes, but it won't last forever.

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First of all this was a theoretical point aiming to provoke discussion, it would be naive to think in this day and age you'd be able to take your time building a squad when other team a few years to build when you've got so many teams throwing large amounts of money about.


Secondly Given has been both good and bad this season. Outstanding in his first couple of matches but he's made silly mistakes against Everton and WBA which have cost us goals. His general keeping has also been suspect at time, don't get me wrong still a great keeper, he just set a high standard and hasn't quite matched it this year. Also regarding your comment about how many matches I've seen is it really relevant?

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First of all this was a theoretical point aiming to provoke discussion, it would be naive to think in this day and age you'd be able to take your time building a squad when other team a few years to build when you've got so many teams throwing large amounts of money about.


Secondly Given has been both good and bad this season. Outstanding in his first couple of matches but he's made silly mistakes against Everton and WBA which have cost us goals. His general keeping has also been suspect at time, don't get me wrong still a great keeper, he just set a high standard and hasn't quite matched it this year. Also regarding your comment about how many matches I've seen is it really relevant?


You could argue that he could have done better against Everton (to call it a silly mistake is bollocks) but what was this rick against WBA?

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First of all this was a theoretical point aiming to provoke discussion, it would be naive to think in this day and age you'd be able to take your time building a squad when other team a few years to build when you've got so many teams throwing large amounts of money about.


Secondly Given has been both good and bad this season. Outstanding in his first couple of matches but he's made silly mistakes against Everton and WBA which have cost us goals. His general keeping has also been suspect at time, don't get me wrong still a great keeper, he just set a high standard and hasn't quite matched it this year. Also regarding your comment about how many matches I've seen is it really relevant?


You could argue that he could have done better against Everton (to call it a silly mistake is bollocks) but what was this rick against WBA?


Aye silly mistake is a bit strong. Didn't exactly cover himself in glory for Miller's goal did he? The centre backs were just as culpable like.

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First of all this was a theoretical point aiming to provoke discussion, it would be naive to think in this day and age you'd be able to take your time building a squad when other team a few years to build when you've got so many teams throwing large amounts of money about.


Secondly Given has been both good and bad this season. Outstanding in his first couple of matches but he's made silly mistakes against Everton and WBA which have cost us goals. His general keeping has also been suspect at time, don't get me wrong still a great keeper, he just set a high standard and hasn't quite matched it this year. Also regarding your comment about how many matches I've seen is it really relevant?


You could argue that he could have done better against Everton (to call it a silly mistake is bollocks) but what was this rick against WBA?


Aye silly mistake is a bit strong. Didn't exactly cover himself in glory for Miller's goal did he? The centre backs were just as culpable like.


Just as culpable? Far more I would say. Perfect pass, nothing Shay could have done. I was critical last season but he's been back to his best this year so far.

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First of all this was a theoretical point aiming to provoke discussion, it would be naive to think in this day and age you'd be able to take your time building a squad when other team a few years to build when you've got so many teams throwing large amounts of money about.


Secondly Given has been both good and bad this season. Outstanding in his first couple of matches but he's made silly mistakes against Everton and WBA which have cost us goals. His general keeping has also been suspect at time, don't get me wrong still a great keeper, he just set a high standard and hasn't quite matched it this year. Also regarding your comment about how many matches I've seen is it really relevant?


You could argue that he could have done better against Everton (to call it a silly mistake is bollocks) but what was this rick against WBA?


Aye silly mistake is a bit strong. Didn't exactly cover himself in glory for Miller's goal did he? The centre backs were just as culpable like.


Just as culpable? Far more I would say. Perfect pass, nothing Shay could have done. I was critical last season but he's been back to his best this year so far.


Fair crack, I disagree though. Thought first couple of matches his saves won us points but as the team have lossed form so has he to an extent. I'm not saying he's been poor, anything but, but I still wouldn't say he's been back to his best.

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You're right to say we're missing a core. A crux/fulcrum, call it what you want. We haven't had it since Sir Bobby with Given-O'Brien(!)-Speed-Solano-Shearer, the spine of the team, in there every week. It's what the team was built around. Our alleged spine has changed every season, every month just about, and it's one of the main reasons why we've been shit for four years.

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We've been where we are for too long.


Exactly, its almost like we need to be relegated for justice to be served. I hate this, we either sort our shit out, or if we are the same next year then just fucking go down and see what happens. Id rather we went down and rebuilt than flirt with relegation for God knows how long.

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i honestly don't understand this sort of viewpoint. you are seeing a few flirts with relegation (which may culminate with actually getting relegated) as a chemotherapy ridding us of all our inconsistent players? what do you think will replace them? better players? building from a mid-table base of players, some talent but also some big gaps, is easier than building from nothing.


what a plan, let's deliberately play shit for a few years  :colo:


didnt you also say relegation would be worth it if it meant we got over keegan? bizarre.  :iamatwat:

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Guest Nufc4Life

I've thought for a long time now that getting relegated, would, in the long term, be best for this club.


We're in a rut at the moment. We're not european contenders, hell, we're struggling to even be mid table contenders. We are basically, relegation flirters. The way the club has been handled over the last few years has fucked us up badly.


Relegation would be afresh start, A chance to build from the back. Im talking players, coaches, management etc. It'd be like starting again. Whilst we are in the Premiership, getting the revenue we do, no matter what happens, we are never truly going to build from scratch. Being relegated would allow us to do that.


Lets face it, would you rather flirt with relegation fir the next 5 years, or, go down this season, take 2-3 seasons to come back up, but when we do ome back, be stronger, be more stable (which is the key here) and have players who are playing for the shirt, playing for Newcastle United, not just a pay packet.


I'd be as devastated as the next person if we were to go down, but after everything that has happened since SBR left, i can;t shake the feeling, that, in the long term, relegation could save us. Sounds absolutely ludicrous i know, and it hurts me to say it, but if you seriously think about it, it's not as crazy as it sounds.

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Guest Nufc4Life

Worked out well for Sheff Wed,S'oton,Leeds,Charlton,Notts Forest,Wimbledon getting relegated didnt it


And that has a lot to do with the point because.....?

We would be fucked like all of them


By the same token you can counter that with, Middlesbrough, Bolton, Sunderland, Man City, West Ham

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i dont want us relegated,

i certainly dont want to agree with pupet, i mean prophet.


the last spell in the second division brought about revolution,...Halls takeover, the arrival of Keegan, rebuilding of the stadium....

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relegation will be mental actually. when you look at it we can lose hell lot of our player. we not juve. we weren't in position also having loyal player. look at us we can only attract players by giving silly wages all this time. i don't think in championship or lower division on us got any qualified player to play at EPL again. relegation mean we lose lot of revenue. which mean we can't progress also.

for me the problem of NUFC this all years is badly manage. someone/owner must stepped in and gives a drastic direction for us. Ashley probably was try this but just probably cause it is not clear what his motives are. more bad motives rather than good one.

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