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Trouble in Level 7 today?

Guest michaelfoster

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For all of those morons in this topic who keep saying , cheap seats this , cheap seats that have you really got a clue about it.


Some fans like myself renewed my season ticket knowing I was going to be moved into the " singing section " , do you really think I chose to sit there because there are cheaper seats there. I dont think so like .


Do you really think the singing section would of worked with £500 season tickets?




I think that is because there is not 3000 fans who would want to pay that and sit in a " singing section ".


I am not disagreeing with your point there at all , but your point comes across as if people who sit there only sit there for the cheap prices. That is not the case at all.


I think people sit there because they are cheap & IT IS THE SINGING SECTION, also the worst part of the ground & the club know that, that is why they created the area with PR slant on it. It is not the standing section & as I said further up it would be a shame if standing resulted in the end of singing section.

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So you condone a steward hitting a fan?


No, I'm saying you're trying to suggest that people think that is the case when clearly no one does, then saying other peoples' arguments are stupid & hilarious. :thup:



Oh yes, its so 'hilarious', so do you think people would come on here, read through the thread, and genuinly be laughing, because its so so 'hilarous' & 'comedy gold'?


You probably need to read back & see who called who hilarious. O0


Yeah, thats twice it was used, and whats the point? And like these responses to a thread with just simply ' :lol: ' . Whoever did anyway, cant remember who, What the point? Why not just talk normally and say what you agree/disagree with without coming accross snobby by doing that and giving cheap remarks about 'scummy' people in there etc?

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So you condone a steward hitting a fan?


No, I'm saying you're trying to suggest that people think that is the case when clearly no one does, then saying other peoples' arguments are stupid & hilarious. :thup:



Oh yes, its so 'hilarious', so do you think people would come on here, read through the thread, and genuinly be laughing, because its so so 'hilarous' & 'comedy gold'?


You probably need to read back & see who called who hilarious. O0


Yeah, thats twice it was used, and whats the point? And like these responses to a thread with just simply ' :lol: ' . Whoever did anyway, cant remember who, What the point? Why not just talk normally and say what you agree/disagree with without coming accross snobby by doing that and giving cheap remarks about 'scummy' people in there etc?


You have to be taking the piss? :lol:


For what it's worth, I haven't called anyone scummy either. O0

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The people backing up the stewards on this one are all either employed or have been previously employed by the club as stewards, also they have somehting against the bring back the noise lads.


No I have not & the only person online I know is Nixon.


However, how many of you whinged about Ashley and wanted him out? If he gets fined, if the ground gets closed and he doesn't get ticket sales, maybe he'll have to f*** off slightly sharper? Double standards if you ask me when half of you probably complained about people buying a f***ing pie at half time because you wanted him out.


Yes the ground getting closed will make Keith Harris find a buyer more easily. Anyone with sense would only buy food or drink in the ground if they really have to, as it is over priced s****.



I used to go into the unofficial singing section last year, where the Toon Ultras sat/stood and there was never any bother, unfortunately some more charvas decided to tag onto this. However, should only middle-class people be able to attend? Should they f***. Check the history of the game, and you will find it is/was a working class sport for working class people, so why the f*** should less fortunate people not be allowed to support the team they love?


Lets not mix working class up with scummy charva's ay.


Since when was attacking someone for not sitting down acceptable?


The bloke got took away by the Police man.



When is anything ever going to change until people rebel, and protest. The singing of "Stand up if you love football" was a stroke of genius from who ever began singing it on the spot, it was veyr basic, caught on quick and it united both sets of fans in their love of the game.


Yous were singing "HATE COCKNEYS" at them a few times were was the love then.



For anyone who has sat in the singing section this year, they can clarify the effect it has made, it's getting stronger and stronger and louder and louder. People who have never sat there seem to have a fear of accepting how good it is/can be.


Yeah well sit down or it may go.


At the end of the day I am sure a good 75% of those standing in the singing section would happily admit people have every right to sit and watch if they choose, they just believe they should have the right to stand if they like too. Considering the likes of thespence and Liam Oh were PROBABLY the ones criticising the Toon Ultras for their narrow mindedness and slagging off other fans, I think you need to take a good look at yourselves first. As it would appear the "bring back the noise" lads are the ones creating a unity with not only their on fans but other ses of fans too not causing a divide like you PROBABLY originally, and still do claim.


People who stand are going to make the work of the Ultra's/Bring Back The Noise end, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?



Apologies if I have offended either of the members mentioned, I just think your hatred for these lads who want to make a difference is extremely annoying, ignorant and damn right pathetic.


You don't offended me at all, however Liam O has sent me a PM & he is really upset  :lol: by all this


Charvas are part of the working class, or some of them are at least.


As for the end I was just trying to display it wasn't a hatred for yous it was a hatred of the opinions you were giving, but you're entitled to them I guess, no matter hwo shite thy are.


People who stand are not preventing the BBTN lads from achieving their goal, they are helping because when youlook around hardly anyone who is sitting ever appears to be singing, I'm sure you stand the majority of time you're singing too, even if it is only for 2 or 3 minutes a game. People sing for  a good 60minutes in the singing section so they will stand for 60 minutes most likely.


If the singing section goes the same people will still sit or stand together, just like they did last season and the one before that.


As for the anti-cockney stuff, it's known as banter, when it actually mattered we were all football fans. Anti-opposition chants are part of football, and part of what makes a football match a more unique experience compared to other sporting events.


Going back to the whole grudge thing, It was a bit daft of me to say because I was making more of an assumption, however the same names pop up all the time when the BBTN lads are criticised, and its a bit pathetic, thanfully it's the minority these days though, because the majority on here are sound and actually seem to support our aims and goals.


Everyone knows the rules and regulations of standing, but pople should have the choice to do either, and that is why people stand up in protest. If you were passionate about something else in your life you would make some sort of protest too, fathers for justice and aal that sorta thing. If people are passionate they will protest against things they find unfair...

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So you condone a steward hitting a fan?


No, I'm saying you're trying to suggest that people think that is the case when clearly no one does, then saying other peoples' arguments are stupid & hilarious. :thup:



Oh yes, its so 'hilarious', so do you think people would come on here, read through the thread, and genuinly be laughing, because its so so 'hilarous' & 'comedy gold'?


You probably need to read back & see who called who hilarious. O0


Yeah, thats twice it was used, and whats the point? And like these responses to a thread with just simply ' :lol: ' . Whoever did anyway, cant remember who, What the point? Why not just talk normally and say what you agree/disagree with without coming accross snobby by doing that and giving cheap remarks about 'scummy' people in there etc?


You have to be taking the piss? :lol:


For what it's worth, I haven't called anyone scummy either. O0


Here we go, okay so I havent been talking normally have I not? When I say talk normally, I mean talking without that cocky/snobbish slant. I suppose Im still 'talking the piss  :lol: '


Aye I cant remember the name of who, but whoever did, whats the point in stereotyping people like that?

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Everyone knows the rules and regulations of standing, but pople should have the choice to do either, and that is why people stand up in protest. If you were passionate about something else in your life you would make some sort of protest too, fathers for justice and aal that sorta thing. If people are passionate they will protest against things they find unfair...


But the choice isn't there. St. James' Park is an all-seater stadium.


Prolonged standing will invite bother. Fact.  :rolleyes:

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Charvas are part of the working class, or some of them are at least.


Charvas that work are not working class, there charva's a sub race.


As for the end I was just trying to display it wasn't a hatred for yous it was a hatred of the opinions you were giving, but you're entitled to them I guess, no matter hwo s**** thy are.




People who stand are not preventing the BBTN lads from achieving their goal, they are helping because when youlook around hardly anyone who is sitting ever appears to be singing


The club may look on it a bit differently.


As for the anti-cockney stuff, it's known as banter, when it actually mattered we were all football fans. Anti-opposition chants are part of football, and part of what makes a football match a more unique experience compared to other sporting events.


Learn to spot a bit banter man O0


Going back to the whole grudge thing, It was a bit daft of me to say because I was making more of an assumption, however the same names pop up all the time when the BBTN lads are criticised


Am I one of them? I don't think I am.


Everyone knows the rules and regulations of standing, but pople should have the choice to do either, and that is why people stand up in protest.


As long you realize the punishments or the way the club may deal with things. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT MEAN PUNTERS GETTING LAMPED.


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It is NOT law to remain seated in football stadia, however the club can suffer fines and risk getting the ground closed due to losing its safety certificate. Which I must admit I don't wish to happen. However, how many of you whinged about Ashley and wanted him out? If he gets fined, if the ground gets closed and he doesn't get ticket sales, maybe he'll have to f*** off slightly sharper? Double standards if you ask me when half of you probably complained about people buying a f***ing pie at half time because you wanted him out.


Possibly the worst debate attempt I've seen anyone put forward on here.


Absolutely pathetic effort.


Not really, if you wanted to affect Ashleys bank account then ticket sales was the first solution raised at the top of all this shite with Ashley. Which I didn't agree with, yet plenty people said boycott the games then....


Don't be so fucking stupid.


Nobody thinks 'lets all stand to get Ashley out', you're just using that in the hope that people who are against Ashley will back you up because of it, trying to link the two is ridiculous.


The singing section was created because people who want to sing and improve the atmosphere wanted to be together, nothing wrong with that and the club were good enough to make somewhere in the ground for you to do that, however they didn't say anything about people being able to stand once they were up there and common sense should tell you the club were never going to run the risk of having parts of the ground closed down so that a few thousand people can stand up.


That doesn't mean I'm saying that stewards should be able to assault people for not sitting down and the steward that did will unlikely be seen in SJP again, but you can't expect not to get grief from people who are only doing their job at the end of the day and trying to get people to sit down.


Personally I couldn't give a shit because I don't sit there but if you like having a part of the ground where the people that want to sing can all get together then use your heads and sit down for the most part, otherwise the club will just whack the price of the season tickets up to match the rest of the ground and people will move seats to where they get a better view and less hassle.

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IT IS THE SINGING SECTION, also the worst part of the ground & the club know that, that is why they created the area with PR slant on it.


It's the area of the ground with the best acoustics, as we found out when we put the away fans there

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IT IS THE SINGING SECTION, also the worst part of the ground & the club know that, that is why they created the area with PR slant on it.


It's the area of the ground with the best acoustics, as we found out when we put the away fans there


Good stuff.



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So you condone a steward hitting a fan?


No, I'm saying you're trying to suggest that people think that is the case when clearly no one does, then saying other peoples' arguments are stupid & hilarious. :thup:



Oh yes, its so 'hilarious', so do you think people would come on here, read through the thread, and genuinly be laughing, because its so so 'hilarous' & 'comedy gold'?


You probably need to read back & see who called who hilarious. O0


Yeah, thats twice it was used, and whats the point? And like these responses to a thread with just simply ' :lol: ' . Whoever did anyway, cant remember who, What the point? Why not just talk normally and say what you agree/disagree with without coming accross snobby by doing that and giving cheap remarks about 'scummy' people in there etc?


You have to be taking the piss? :lol:


For what it's worth, I haven't called anyone scummy either. O0


Here we go, okay so I havent been talking normally have I not? When I say talk normally, I mean talking without that cocky/snobbish slant. I suppose Im still 'talking the piss  :lol: '


Aye I cant remember the name of who, but whoever did, whats the point in stereotyping people like that?


By talking normally I meant stringing coherent sentences together.

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People who stand are not preventing the BBTN lads from achieving their goal,


They are if it leads to the singing section being abandoned as people wont sit down though.


Its a stupid rule, if safety was the issue they should ban celebrating goals as people stand up and, shock horror, jump around like lunatics. Its about 'control' and as with all insiduous forms of social control, the authorities use 'safety concerns' as the Trojan horse for reducing our liberties. The funny thing is, i'm not taking the piss either.

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People understand the consequences, being lamped isn't one of them though, and i'm sure that's what the uproar is mainly about, (i'm not saying you condone it here either).


The thing is, if you tell people in writing to stand up for a game in protest, you could have hundreds of thousands do it on one day up and down the country....but then you run the risk of being arrested for inciting violence/public disorder or something. After doing a united we stand protest we kind of got a bit of a telling off the police, yet if thousands of blacks or a certain other group of people protest they seem to have no repercussions (sp?).


I think considering we live in a democracy we shuld all have the right to peacefully protest, which is what we did on the afore mentioned march, yet we sill got told we could be arrested and we were dealt with rather heavy handedly on the day.


So despite people understanding the consequences they feel they should have a right to the choice, what other way can you think of which would be affective? As I am sure you wouldn't mind people having the choice to stand if there was an allocated area for like minded fans...

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People understand the consequences, being lamped isn't one of them though, and i'm sure that's what the uproar is mainly about, (i'm not saying you condone it here either).


The thing is, if you tell people in writing to stand up for a game in protest, you could have hundreds of thousands do it on one day up and down the country....but then you run the risk of being arrested for inciting violence/public disorder or something. After doing a united we stand protest we kind of got a bit of a telling off the police, yet if thousands of blacks or a certain other group of people protest they seem to have no repercussions (sp?).


I think considering we live in a democracy we shuld all have the right to peacefully protest, which is what we did on the afore mentioned march, yet we sill got told we could be arrested and we were dealt with rather heavy handedly on the day.


So despite people understanding the consequences they feel they should have a right to the choice, what other way can you think of which would be affective? As I am sure you wouldn't mind people having the choice to stand if there was an allocated area for like minded fans...


Being racist won't help your argument.

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Oh yes, its so 'hilarious', so do you think people would come on here, read through the thread, and genuinly be laughing, because its so so 'hilarous' & 'comedy gold'?


The post was moronic at best.

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Standing probably is safe, but it's against the rules and therefore shouldn't really be done.


In the same way that driving 80mph down a motorway is probably safe but isn't allowed either.

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Standing probably is safe, but it's against the rules and therefore shouldn't really be done.


In the same way that driving 80mph down a motorway is probably safe but isn't allowed either.


Fuck the rules. I much prefer common sense.


Problem is 'common sense' varies wildly.

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People who stand are not preventing the BBTN lads from achieving their goal,


They are if it leads to the singing section being abandoned as people wont sit down though.


Its a stupid rule, if safety was the issue they should ban celebrating goals as people stand up and, shock horror, jump around like lunatics. Its about 'control' and as with all insiduous forms of social control, the authorities use 'safety concerns' as the Trojan horse for reducing our liberties. The funny thing is, i'm not taking the piss either.



or they might just use the 'safety concerns' to stop their arses getting sued by one lone twat who grazes his knee jumping up and down and sees a big payday looming. We've got a former manager claiming he was sacked after walking out of Newcastle after all.


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You could argue that on a quiet motorway in good driving conditions, it would be "common sense" to be allowed to drive 80-90mph.


Wouldn't hold much weight though if you got pulled over. Of course they're totally different things, but the same idea applies.

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People understand the consequences, being lamped isn't one of them though, and i'm sure that's what the uproar is mainly about, (i'm not saying you condone it here either).


The thing is, if you tell people in writing to stand up for a game in protest, you could have hundreds of thousands do it on one day up and down the country....but then you run the risk of being arrested for inciting violence/public disorder or something. After doing a united we stand protest we kind of got a bit of a telling off the police, yet if thousands of blacks or a certain other group of people protest they seem to have no repercussions (sp?).


I think considering we live in a democracy we shuld all have the right to peacefully protest, which is what we did on the afore mentioned march, yet we sill got told we could be arrested and we were dealt with rather heavy handedly on the day.


So despite people understanding the consequences they feel they should have a right to the choice, what other way can you think of which would be affective? As I am sure you wouldn't mind people having the choice to stand if there was an allocated area for like minded fans...


There you go lads, there's your tickets.


Cheers. Can we stand during the game?


Not really. It's a safety issue.


But we want to.


Sorry, you can't.


But we really want to. It'll make the atmosphere better.


You can't stand.


But we think we should be able to choose to sit or stand.


You haven't got that choice. You can't stand.


But that's wrong in our opinion. We want to stand.


Tough. If you watch the game, you follow our rules. If you can't do that then we'll eject you.




And on and on. The law is on the club's side whether you like, or agree with, it or not.

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Okay i'll admit some of my earlier comments were a bit rash and I fell into the traps people set out...but you are all still failing to see my point....


I understand what you are all getting at, but all I am saying is why shouldn't people protest....we don't HAVE to sit back and just do what we are always told, that's why we live in a democracy.


So by standing up against the rules people see that as their way of protesting against the current rules so that tey are changed to suit everyone...

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Okay i'll admit some of my earlier comments were a bit rash and I fell into the traps people set out...but you are all still failing to see my point....


I understand what you are all getting at, but all I am saying is why shouldn't people protest....we don't HAVE to sit back and just do what we are always told, that's why we live in a democracy.


So by standing up against the rules people see that as their way of protesting against the current rules so that tey are changed to suit everyone...


We do though.  Because if you don't they'll take your ticket off you.

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