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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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    People might hate him or anything but I am happy for him he came to us but has unlucky injury problem but lets be fair and be happy for him in a return we might get what we need in the future too...


     I hope he will become Englands all time top goal scorer.....


Feel pretty similar. Dont care whether he becomes top scorer, but the bias against his on here is laughable.


His main strength being his movement in the box, surround him by players who cant pass & he doesnt score much. Who wouldve thought it.

Its his status & wage that determines he gets all the criticism. Reality is though that the status he had didnt mean we should have expected him to be able to save us singlehandedly.

His injurys again, crap for us. But i dont begrudge him for wanting to represent his national side & as for the rest..i dont really consider us to be the best club to be at in terms of injurys anyway. Half of it could be down just as much to our incompetence as him.


Reckon he'll do very well at a side like Man u.


But my main problem with him has been the fact that he didn't give a s**t about Newcastle United, which as a captain was kinda his duty. Yes he was unlucky with injuries and we didn't give him the service he needs to score goals, but the fact is he was being paid very well, was our captain, and never once seemed like he was a member of a "team". He didn't do much press/interviews, didn't do many endorsements wearing the black n' white and while injured, always sat up in the executive box at SJP, well away from his teammates and spectators. It's sad that he's getting rewarded handsomely after being one of the key reasons why we were relegated, but that's just the way it is being a Newcastle United fan....


...And how many of last season's(and the one before's) er- heroes, DID give a s--- about Newcastle United?

Get real, they are almost ALL mercenaries and the result of appalling judgment by both managers and directors...they have ALL taken the money purely for the money.


Unless we build a team around Academy players, there will be very little loyalty from either overseas players(esp them)or players from other areas. As Alan Foggon said 'we played for the shirt as well as the money, but these players don't care now'.

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For what it's worth I reckon he'll get fewer games and far fewer goals than he did at Real Madrid. They'll be signing another forward this season (they've lost Ronaldo and Tevez), which will probably put Owen 4th in the pecking order. Ferguson's not sentimental, you need to be in very good form to stay in the Man Utd team.


The wage cut won't affect him though, as being at Man Utd will keep his profile high for sponsorship deals etc.


I'll readily admit I feel a bit bitter about this one, but it's not like we have much else to talk about right now. There's no activity going on at our own club. Things have to start moving for us sooner or later and then we can move on from this whole saga. I still feel relieved to be shot of him because he's been undermining our club for years.

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Let's be honest.


The main reason people are so arsey about this on here (not the only one by any means, I understand and appreciate the other sources of bitterness to Owen, and I'd feel the same) is that he's signed for Manchester United and not Hull City, and the spectre of an Owen enjoying success there after the sap that he was on your resources is just too much to bare.


I'm right, aren't I? I'd feel the same.


Not really. I resent Owen because he came here unwillingly, took the money and the armband and gave f*** all back other than his carefully worded statistics. He didn't want to be here and when our survival needed his goals they didn't come.

  If somebody you weren't too bothered about one day offered you, say for example, a double your money salary and then offered you a supervisor role without you expressing an interest in it, would you a) reject it, and b) feel particularly guilty if you were prone to illness and still got full pay? If anyone can honestly say yes, I would worry about them!
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For what it's worth I reckon he'll get fewer games and far fewer goals than he did at Real Madrid. They'll be signing another forward this season (they've lost Ronaldo and Tevez), which will probably put Owen 4th in the pecking order. Ferguson's not sentimental, you need to be in very good form to stay in the Man Utd team.


The wage cut won't affect him though, as being at Man Utd will keep his profile high for sponsorship deals etc.


I'll readily admit I feel a bit bitter about this one, but it's not like we have much else to talk about right now. There's no activity going on at our own club. Things have to start moving for us sooner or later and then we can move on from this whole saga. I still feel relieved to be shot of him because he's been undermining our club for years.

I'd love to know what they're paying him, because I assumed the low wages would be what kept him from signing on as a third/fourth-choice striker for a top 4 club.


It won't help him get a game for England, though. I think those days are long gone, unless there's the mother of all injury crises.

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Let's be honest.


The main reason people are so arsey about this on here (not the only one by any means, I understand and appreciate the other sources of bitterness to Owen, and I'd feel the same) is that he's signed for Manchester United and not Hull City, and the spectre of an Owen enjoying success there after the sap that he was on your resources is just too much to bare.


I'm right, aren't I? I'd feel the same.


Not really. I resent Owen because he came here unwillingly, took the money and the armband and gave f*** all back other than his carefully worded statistics. He didn't want to be here and when our survival needed his goals they didn't come.


Well said.

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Let's be honest.


The main reason people are so arsey about this on here (not the only one by any means, I understand and appreciate the other sources of bitterness to Owen, and I'd feel the same) is that he's signed for Manchester United and not Hull City, and the spectre of an Owen enjoying success there after the sap that he was on your resources is just too much to bare.


I'm right, aren't I? I'd feel the same.


I find the level of anger a bit misplaced. Firstly, I don't think it's true to say that he didn't try. He simply isn't that good any more. That's why there hasn't been a stampede of big clubs wanting to sign him, and he got dropped from the England squad.


I also think that Owen himself found the captaincy a bit of an embarrassment. He's a quiet character and he plays very much as an individual rather than at the heart of the team. He was also clearly uncommitted to the club in the long term, and was simply seeing out his contract. He failed to live up to the captaincy role on or off the field, but he shouldn't have been given it in the first place.



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Watching his interview on SSN is really starting to boil my piss. He's sat there with a massive grin on his face all of the way through it, cunt.

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I hope Man U sign at least one top class striker to bump Owen further down the striker pecking order. Hopefully he'll be to Man U what Ameobi is to NUFC.


I laugh at how Owen tries to dismiss his entire 4 years with NUFC as "a poor spell" as if it was just a small blip.


I'd love to be able to get away with that on my CV.

Interviewer "What have you done in the last 4 years?"

Me "That was a poor spell but I was really good before that time and I will be again!"

Interviewer "That's a good answer."

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Guest firetotheworks

Has he still not had one word to say about our relegation? The man is a fucking disgrace. Captain of our club ffs.  :no:

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Guest toonlass

What's that strange, unfamiliar thing on Owen's face. I've never seen him with one of those before. Hang on, its coming to me, it's.....it's......
















OMfuckingG its a SMILE!!!!!

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I think Viz should re-design their character Spawny Twat so that he looks like Michael Owen


I actually know one of the Viz artists' sons, I might ask him if they can do something about Michael Owen. :lol:


And it's Spawny Get, not Spawny Twat btw. But the sentiment stands, he ends up helping out a professor that has made a cartoon-channel on TV that's powered by sex with porn stars and eating sweets at the end of every issue :lol:

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Guest Phil K

If theres one phrase that springs to mind over this it's


If I was given three wishes by a passing genie, then one of them would be that Owen does his usual thing of 50% of the season on the sick list, and he misses a penalty in the last minute of the last game of the season which relegates Man U.

Not going to happen of course anyways, because I have no doubt that Fergie has made sure that Owen has many clauses in his contract regarding his fondness for being on the sick, and not pulling his weight when he's needed.


good luck to the lad I hope it works out well for him.


I hope that isn't f******** serious. :dave:

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Guest Phil K

I think Owen would be behind cash, NUFC winning something and world peace for me.

Quite so - but I won't let it get in the way of spitting venom at the b*st*rd via a footie forum....

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Guest Phil K

Michael Owen stands for everything I hate with regards to football.

I echo those sentiments.

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Man U fan's reaction on another board to the pic of Owen in their new shirt


Not sure what depresses me more, the signing or the new kit. Still, i'm gonna be optimistic and trust in Sir.
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