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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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I don't want to see any professional footballer injured... it's a stupid thing to celebrate.

Yes, it makes us feel smug as we knew it would happen eventually - makes us look a bit pathetic though IMO.

Thats all a bit wishy washy to be honest.

Its not as if we are celebrating him snapping both legs in half rendering him unable to walk for the rest of his life.

The guy has sustained yet another niggly little injury in the circumstances which appear to be similar to those that made NUFC fans cynical of the little shithead in the first place.

He deserves nothing less than total contempt from us - balances out for the total contempt that he holds for us.

You think he didnt laugh when Blackpool beat us last week ?


I don't think it's 'wishy washy' at all, whatever you mean by that. I just think it['s a bit sad to be looking out for injuries to a player who should just be forgotten about, and even enjoying them.


I doubt he even looks at Newcastle results TBH.


and yet this bored little brat was made our captain. Is it any wonder we went down?

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Guest neesy111

I don't want to see any professional footballer injured... it's a stupid thing to celebrate.

Yes, it makes us feel smug as we knew it would happen eventually - makes us look a bit pathetic though IMO.

Thats all a bit wishy washy to be honest.

Its not as if we are celebrating him snapping both legs in half rendering him unable to walk for the rest of his life.

The guy has sustained yet another niggly little injury in the circumstances which appear to be similar to those that made NUFC fans cynical of the little shithead in the first place.

He deserves nothing less than total contempt from us - balances out for the total contempt that he holds for us.

You think he didnt laugh when Blackpool beat us last week ?


I don't think it's 'wishy washy' at all, whatever you mean by that. I just think it['s a bit sad to be looking out for injuries to a player who should just be forgotten about, and even enjoying them.


I doubt he even looks at Newcastle results TBH.


and yet this bored little brat was made our captain. Is it any wonder we went down?


i fully enjoy seeing the little shit suffer, and prove what 99% on here think, he's a money grabbing twat who's transfer ruined this club


if we had a stronger captain last season, could of that made a difference between us staying up or going down?

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Souness forced Bellamy out of this club for peanuts and spent £17m on a player who couldn't give a flying fuck about us at the end of the day. What a disaster that business turned out to be when we look back on it now.

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Souness forced Bellamy out of this club for peanuts and spent £17m on a player who couldn't give a flying f*** about us at the end of the day. What a disaster that business turned out to be when we look back on it now.


Also a major mistake - buying this crock of s*** who thought himself too good for us for £17m instead of £8m on a desperate-to-sign-for-us Anelka. Might be a bit of a bitter "told you so", but as time has proven, Anelka has been the much, much better striker on the pitch and far less of a mercenary prick on/off it.


No doubt there are some who'll still claim that he'd have been an "accident waiting to happen" if he had signed for us, or "poison in the dressing room", notions based on thin air and tabloid sensationalism, but that's football for you.

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Newcastle spent vast sums on transfers during Souness' tenure - including the signing of Michael Owen from Real Madrid - but the Scot refuted the suggestion he was fully backed by then-chairman Shepherd.


"I would argue that point because at the end of the day my first choice was (Nicolas) Anelka and (Luis) Boa Morte.


"I was told, when I spoke to the people in Turkey, when Anelka was for sale at that time, that he could be bought. But I was told he wasn't for sale and couldn't be bought.


"So instead of us spending the £12million there, we bought Albert Luque for £10million and Michael Owen for £16million."


Asked whether those were his decisions, Souness said: "No. I was told Albert Luque would cost £2million."


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Good shout Jonny.  Souness claims to be exactly the case. He did though say at teh time that FAt Fred nearly 'fell off his chair' when he said he wanted to sign Owen.  If today has told us something it is that we can trust no cnut

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Imagine what could have been :( I know Boa Morte started his decline shortly after we were linked but he still would have been a lot more useful than Luque and the less said about Anelka vs Owen the better.

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Guest BooBoo

It was clear that KK thought that giving Owen the armband would galvanise him and maybe persuade him to stay on, but it was a terrible narrow minded decision.

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It was clear that KK thought that giving Owen the armband would galvanise him and maybe persuade him to stay on, but it was a terrible narrow minded decision.

I thought Owen did well in the short time that Kevin was back at the club.

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Newcastle spent vast sums on transfers during Souness' tenure - including the signing of Michael Owen from Real Madrid - but the Scot refuted the suggestion he was fully backed by then-chairman Shepherd.


"I would argue that point because at the end of the day my first choice was (Nicolas) Anelka and (Luis) Boa Morte.


"I was told, when I spoke to the people in Turkey, when Anelka was for sale at that time, that he could be bought. But I was told he wasn't for sale and couldn't be bought.


"So instead of us spending the £12million there, we bought Albert Luque for £10million and Michael Owen for £16million."


Asked whether those were his decisions, Souness said: "No. I was told Albert Luque would cost £2million."



If only Souness had done "a Keegan" at that point. ;)

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Newcastle spent vast sums on transfers during Souness' tenure - including the signing of Michael Owen from Real Madrid - but the Scot refuted the suggestion he was fully backed by then-chairman Shepherd.


"I would argue that point because at the end of the day my first choice was (Nicolas) Anelka and (Luis) Boa Morte.


"I was told, when I spoke to the people in Turkey, when Anelka was for sale at that time, that he could be bought. But I was told he wasn't for sale and couldn't be bought.


"So instead of us spending the £12million there, we bought Albert Luque for £10million and Michael Owen for £16million."


Asked whether those were his decisions, Souness said: "No. I was told Albert Luque would cost £2million."



If only Souness had done "a Keegan" at that point. ;)


loved the club too much to do that.

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Newcastle spent vast sums on transfers during Souness' tenure - including the signing of Michael Owen from Real Madrid - but the Scot refuted the suggestion he was fully backed by then-chairman Shepherd.


"I would argue that point because at the end of the day my first choice was (Nicolas) Anelka and (Luis) Boa Morte.


"I was told, when I spoke to the people in Turkey, when Anelka was for sale at that time, that he could be bought. But I was told he wasn't for sale and couldn't be bought.


"So instead of us spending the £12million there, we bought Albert Luque for £10million and Michael Owen for £16million."


Asked whether those were his decisions, Souness said: "No. I was told Albert Luque would cost £2million."



If only Souness had done "a Keegan" at that point. ;)


loved the club too much to do that.


Whoosh to the rest of yous

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Didn't Souness want Anelka and Boa Morte or something, but Shepherd wanted Luque and Owen? I'm sure I read that somewhere.


NE5 did post a link once highlighting with quotes Souness writing Owens name on a bit of paper & saying that is who he wanted.

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Didn't Souness want Anelka and Boa Morte or something, but Shepherd wanted Luque and Owen? I'm sure I read that somewhere.


NE5 did post a link once highlighting with quotes Souness writing Owens name on a bit of paper & saying that is who he wanted.


To be fair, I do remember that. Something like Shepherd asked Souness to write down a list of players he wanted, he put Owen down, and Shepherd nearly fell off his chair, or something like that.

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