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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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Anyone reckon him specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


Probably, i think he knows that he wont get the same wages he's on right now at any other club anyway, possibly City if anywhere. But i honestly think that Sparky or whoever comes in will look at other options..

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Anyone reckon him specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


It is nice message to all clubs as the statement has made it clear he is not after money. When Man Utd don't sign Tevez then Owen on a free may be ideal for them.

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Anyone reckon the specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


Yeah, it did sound like that to my cynical side.  It maybe that he is simply stating that his decision isn't money based though, and that the pay cut isn't the issue... instability at the club and the lack of European football may play a large part of why he is delaying to see what happens.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Martins is Owens replacement. We need a top class partner for Martins.


Anyone reckon the specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


This, maybe not Villa, but someone


Drop him when Martins is fit, let him rot, and only use him when necessary if we get ourselves in the shit (remember he is a model professional!)


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Anyone reckon him specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


Probably, i think he knows that he wont get the same wages he's on right now at any other club anyway, possibly City if anywhere. But i honestly think that Sparky or whoever comes in will look at other options..


I just mean there are probably clubs who weren't interested due to the wages and may now be asking just how much he wants.


Depends how cynically one views that comment.

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better sell him ASAP or we get nothing... and also better introducing new replacement ASAP. At least for next season we are ready with new settled forward.


Very bad idea.  We need goals now, we don't need a poxy £5m for half a season.

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Put it this way, I'd have been a lot more worried had nowt been said. As he said in his statement, this will probably be the last big contract he signs in his career so he'll need to make sure it's right. At least by waiting until the summer it gives him a chance to see which direction the club is going.

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Martins is Owens replacement. We need a top class partner for Martins.


Anyone reckon the specifying he's willing to take a pay cut is a thinly-veiled plea to the likes of Aston Villa to get involved?


This, maybe not Villa, but someone


Drop him when Martins is fit, let him rot, and only use him when necessary if we get ourselves in the shit (remember he is a model professional!)



This is even more stupid than the sell him suggestion.  Why would you put someone your paying £105k a week to score goals to instead sit on the bench?because your trying to "get back at him" for not commiting to a new contract? - sounds silly and childish.  Given the lows of the last few years I can understand why he doesn't want to rush the decision.  Dropping him to the bench doens't help him stay and sign and nor does it help us score more goals and get up the league.

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Guest The Libertine

i'd love it if he stays, but if he gets another 10 goals this season then i wont hold it against him if he goes in the summer.

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Fair enough from him, but it suggests to me that he'll be leaving in the summer. Just hope that he stays fit until then and scores a few more goals to help us to safety.


The future of the club is still very much in the balance, and that's not gonna help him decide to stay.

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Blimey. What a load of toss.


He wants convincing the club is going to seriously try and get among the top clubs again, its as simple as that.



Exactly. We're still in a situation where it's still pretty much 50-50 whether we challenge for the top 8 or wherever, and relegation. Why the hell would anybody want to commit themselves to that? I reckon he'll sign in the summer if we're doing well, and he'll not sign if we've done badly...simple as that really, and how it should be.

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Guest justin99.

I'm happy enough he's staying untill the end of the season. If he decides to sign a new contract with newcastle I'd be delighted, but if not I wouldn't hold any grudges

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Blimey. What a load of toss.


He wants convincing the club is going to seriously try and get among the top clubs again, its as simple as that.



Exactly. We're still in a situation where it's still pretty much 50-50 whether we challenge for the top 8 or wherever, and relegation. Why the hell would anybody want to commit themselves to that? I reckon he'll sign in the summer if we're doing well, and he'll not sign if we've done badly...simple as that really, and how it should be.


Totally agreed gents.

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Didn't Liverpool sell him because they felt he was trying to run his contract out?


Five years later he's spinning the same old stories here.


They sold him with a year left. If he'd hung on then like he's doing now, the way Liverpool did well in the Champions League that season, chances are he'd have stayed in the end. Huge difference.

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better sell him ASAP or we get nothing... and also better introducing new replacement ASAP. At least for next season we are ready with new settled forward.


Very bad idea.  We need goals now, we don't need a poxy £5m for half a season.


my point is... for next season. imagine like this owen is off next season... viduka definitely off (release)....


we dont have anyone else bar martin to score goal... isn't that terrifying??? and we not prepare yet also. new guy will need time to settle also...


relying to amoebi....??? only nutjob would do that...

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Hope he breaks his fuckin leg on the last day of the season















edit: Joking. Im dissapointed but not gutted

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Didn't Liverpool sell him because they felt he was trying to run his contract out?


Five years later he's spinning the same old stories here.


He signed a pre-contract with RM in Jan iirc - either way, he moved on a free.


I always expected this outcome being honest but I also think if the club was "looking good" he may have signed.


Edit - sorry I was thinking of McManaman.



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