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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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The funny thing is, well not really funny, but anyway. If in the summer Ashley goes about and spends 35 million on players, he'll be looked on as really giving it back to the fans, whereas in reality he's Net spent nowt, and in any other window a Net spend of nothing would be considered being tight. So in essence he gets one free transfer window, and lets be honest most people will be happy if we spend 20 -25 million in the summer.






I think I agree with this. I'm just most pissed off at the fact that this has happened today. I mean, if this had happened on Jan 1st, I would be at least reconciled with the fact that someone would have to be gotten into replace Carroll. If Carroll was being bought from another club, I'd have to say, objectively speaking, that it's be a great deal.


Shola. Best. Loven. Ranger. Fuck me. Let's just hope Irelean proves to have a few goals in him before the end of the season.

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From the Liverpool FC official website, Monday:


Liverpool FC confirmed this afternoon that Newcastle United had accepted a Club record offer for the transfer of Andy Carroll.

The Club have been given permission by Newcastle to discuss personal terms with the player, who will now travel to Liverpool for a medical.


Newcastle United then issued their own confirmation:


A transfer request from striker Andy Carroll has been accepted by Newcastle United.


The 22-year-old England international has this afternoon handed in a transfer request, which has reluctantly been accepted by the club, and Carroll is currently in talks with Liverpool over a move to Anfield.


A figure of £35m plus add-ons is quoted by various news sources, with an initial bid of £30m rejected earlier in the day, following an unsuccessful £25m bid from Spurs.


The thigh injury that means Carroll hasn't kicked a ball since December 28th 2010 and required specialist assessment in Sweden last week will surely mean that passing his Anfield medical isn't a foregone conclusion?


Bizarrely, the club's mouthpiece SkySports claimed that the tipping point had come when Carroll submitted a transfer request to NUFC on Monday. As if that makes a shred of difference, once the big wedge was offered.


Monday's Chronicle back page headline had rather a different take on the situation:




(which does tie within previous press interviews about never wanting to leave, happy wearing the shirt etc.)


If that is the case though - and we understand that the number nine is reluctant to leave United - then failing to agree terms would put the cat among the pigeons and blow a hole in the supposed transfer request. One therefore can only conclude that in the end, the player wanted to go as much as the club wanted him to go. 


Quite where this leaves Alan Pardew though is open to question, having repeatedly said since he arrived that Carroll wouldn't leave in this window - forcefully making that point to journalists as recently as January 17th:


"They can put together whatever they like. He is not for sale. I am going to say it one last time, he is not for sale."


The difficulty in bringing in another striker at this late stage means that Ashley is taking a colossal gamble that the current squad can avoid relegation this season.


The much-praised team spirit at SJP will now also be called into question - quite what those players who have signed new deals and are about to do so will make of Carroll's departure remains to be seen.


As to the $55,468,000 question of whether Gateshead's most recent full England international is worth it.....


Given the financial issues that see United continue to trim their costs to the bone, £35m+ seems too good to turn down for a player with some recent off-field "history".


And if Carroll managed to find trouble on nights out in a one-club city, then he may be in for a rude awakening when he treads the boards in the North West. It might be an ill-advised phrase, but the jury's out on that one...


Assuming it's too late for a replacement to be acquired - and deadline day dealing last year brought us Leon Best - the prospect of that £35m going on players in the next transfer window doesn't strike us as very likely.


Could we be under new ownership by then? Would we still be in the Premier League? Gambling on the latter seems like a big fat punt but that's par for the course now round these parts.


The departure of James Milner to Aston Villa in August 2008 for £12m was deemed to have been good business, but as we pointed out at the time, you can't play a bag of money on the wing. For January 2011, read "up front". 


In theory, £35m would buy you three or four perfectly serviceable players that would boost our squad - or ten Cheick Tiote's. But not within a few hours....


Aware of a desire from both Liverpool and Spurs to sign a striker with just hours of the transfer window remaining, why couldn't Newcastle have stonewalled Carroll bids, in the knowledge that the same clubs will have the same funds in the summer - and the same vacancy


Carroll by then could have scored the goals that kept United in the league, before departing to wherever he pleased, leaving Alan Pardew to invest at his leisure.


So why couldn't they wait? Because this is a dash for cash perhaps? Flogging the club's number one asset before high-tailing it out of town. We can but hope.


The farcical "turning down offers" looks to be nothing short of a pathetic, patronising pantomime and a deliberate drip-feeding of information - with the transfer request a poor attempt at a face-saving exercise.


It's worth noting that Liverpool currently sit just two points ahead of us, having played one more game. They are currently managed by a failed ex-Newcastle manager who trawled the world to bring us Andreas Andersson, Stephane Guivarc'h and George Georgiadis....


The Reds currently occupy a smaller ground than us and are watched by smaller average crowds. Big club, my arse, as a well-known Scouser might say. Perhaps they just have more ambitious owners, who did due diligence...


From £0 to £35m in 91 games represents a fine example of the declared Ashley/Llambias policy of emulating Arsenal in developing young talent, signing unknown overseas players, making them into first team players - and then selling them. It's not much fun up in Level 7 though.


The sums involved here are another reminder that we're quite literally not in the same league as the mega money men like Liverpool - whether we'll physically be in the same league as them by August remains to be seen.


Everything else -Geordie boy, famous number nine, fog on the bloody Tyne, whatever - goes out the window. Football romance is dead, everyone is a liar, contracts should be printed on toilet paper.


None of that - or this deal - should come as a surprise to anyone. All depressingly predictable.

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The funny thing is, well not really funny, but anyway. If in the summer Ashley goes about and spends 35 million on players, he'll be looked on as really giving it back to the fans, whereas in reality he's Net spent nowt, and in any other window a Net spend of nothing would be considered being tight. So in essence he gets one free transfer window, and lets be honest most people will be happy if we spend 20 -25 million in the summer.






Why's this a bad thing? If we sign a £15m striker, £8m centre-back £8m winger and a £5m full-back, what's the problem?

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The funny thing is, well not really funny, but anyway. If in the summer Ashley goes about and spends 35 million on players, he'll be looked on as really giving it back to the fans, whereas in reality he's Net spent nowt, and in any other window a Net spend of nothing would be considered being tight. So in essence he gets one free transfer window, and lets be honest most people will be happy if we spend 20 -25 million in the summer.


He needs to spend more than what he's just brought in or today is a total piss take.


I know what you're saying... but surely all the clubs profits and losses have to be taken together?


It's a bit like saying when a non-league club sells a player to a bigger team they should invest all that on players. Obviously that never happens, because they do it to prop up their otherwise precarious position - some of it goes to service their bank loans and some of it goes to fix the club house roof.


If NUFC needs to bring more money in and bring down its costs then it's hardly surprising that we won't spend all transfer revenue on new players.

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From the people who brought you:










Coming soon:


Enrique 2011

Tiote 2011

Barton 2011

Coloccini 2011

Krul Post-production

Forster Pre-production


Everything must go!

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Guest elbee909



Now I see it clearly. My whole life has pointed in one direction. I see that now.

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just seen this on toon talks FB page


Andy Carroll contacted editor Steve Wraith today via text to say, "I'm gutted to be leaving my home town club, i was told to go. I didn't want to leave that's why I signed a 5 year deal. I was pushed out of the door." Andy asked us to make this public to all fans.


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Guest Chris P

the first time i see Carroll in a red shirt i think i'll be physically sick. There is something about this which is quite surreal.

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