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The other games today - 2008/09


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Went down easily, but was clearly pulled back from behind in a one on one with the goalkeeper situation. A pen every day of the week, except for Man U day..


It probably would be called a penalty for any other team, but I don't think it should be. Penalty should be given if the player is attempting to score, not looking to go to ground, which Pedersen clearly was (and no idea why Pedersen did, he could easily have stayed on his feet and been one on one with the keeper).

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Great free kick from Ronaldo. First time in ages he's not hit the wall.


Was it as good as Greg's? That one didn't hit the wall either.




I'll have you know I scored a screamer today, 25 yards out, hit both posts and then the back of the net, beauty.

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Great free kick from Ronaldo. First time in ages he's not hit the wall.


Was it as good as Greg's? That one didn't hit the wall either.




I'll have you know I scored a screamer today, 25 yards out, hit both posts and then the back of the net, beauty.


Never knew you were good at FIFA.

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Great free kick from Ronaldo. First time in ages he's not hit the wall.


Was it as good as Greg's? That one didn't hit the wall either.




I'll have you know I scored a screamer today, 25 yards out, hit both posts and then the back of the net, beauty.


Never knew you were good at FIFA.


I'm not.


Seriously man, that was an off day.


I'll show you what I can at the next one, I'm not so bad outfield for someone who plays in net.

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Went down easily, but was clearly pulled back from behind in a one on one with the goalkeeper situation. A pen every day of the week, except for Man U day..


It probably would be called a penalty for any other team, but I don't think it should be. Penalty should be given if the player is attempting to score, not looking to go to ground, which Pedersen clearly was (and no idea why Pedersen did, he could easily have stayed on his feet and been one on one with the keeper).


Strange that. There are other reasons why a pen can be given, even hand ball without immediate danger of the opposition scoring. I don't understand the theatrics when there is a clear foul like this. As far as I am concerned MGP should have just stopped running, pick up the ball and put it on the spot. Stonewall penalty for what the defender was trying to do: hold him back by the shoulder in a one on one with the goalkeeper when he was already beaten.. You could even argue last man, and a red (would have been if it was outside of the box; what makes it less of a foul inside of the box?)

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