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The other games today - 2008/09


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Look no further than those Luton supporters who renewed their season tickets at the start of the season. I don't know if there were, but i'd assume some of them did. Hats off. :thup:


Absolutely agree.


Hats off to the, errm, Hatters.

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I feel depressed. And seeing Villa get crushed like that doesnt help. I cant believe its gonna be the same shitty top 4 this season again. Bullshit.


I'd much rather the same shitty top 4 again this season than watch other teams break into the top 4 whilst we fight for our lives just to stay in the league.


Only 6 years ago it was us. :(




Our fans today have been absolutely f***ing magnificent.


5-0 down on 93 minutes and they're still all you can hear.


Agreed, brummie. Fantastic support by your lot. But of course according to Sky Liverpool fans are the best... :rolleyes:


In my eyes, I think NUFC have the best support in the league but Villa fans are right behind us.


Villa fans?  They couldn't fill their stadium a few seasons ago, were getting a fair few 30,000 gates and even less then 30,000 once.

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Villa fans?  They couldn't fill their stadium a few seasons ago, were getting a fair few 30,000 gates and even less then 30,000 once.

Careful mate.

Stones, Glass Houses and all that.


All football fans are the same. Turn up when its good, stay away when its bad.

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Villa fans?  They couldn't fill their stadium a few seasons ago, were getting a fair few 30,000 gates and even less then 30,000 once.


Chelsea fill their stadium week in, week out.


They're awesome supporters, aren't they?

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Villa fans?  They couldn't fill their stadium a few seasons ago, were getting a fair few 30,000 gates and even less then 30,000 once.


Chelsea fill their stadium week in, week out.


They're awesome supporters, aren't they?


No, but Villa fans aren't great either.

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Look no further than those Luton supporters who renewed their season tickets at the start of the season. I don't know if there were, but i'd assume some of them did. Hats off. :thup:


I think they renewed more for the severely disformed networking that can take place on matchdays at the dump.

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Look no further than those Luton supporters who renewed their season tickets at the start of the season. I don't know if there were, but i'd assume some of them did. Hats off. :thup:


I think they renewed more for the severely disformed networking that can take place on matchdays at the dump.

slightly biased viewpoint there GG  :lol:

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Guest north shields lad

Our fans today have been absolutely f***ing magnificent.


5-0 down on 93 minutes and they're still all you can hear.


The only time i heard them was when the camera went on them once and about a quarter of them were singing. By the 88th minute YNWA was all you could hear. How can Liverpool, who are boring as fuck normally, suddenly give Barcelona a run for money as the best team to watch in europe.


Sayint that id love to see where they would be without Gerrard, head and shoulders above anyone in the world right now.

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