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Shay Given signs for Manchester City for £5.9m plus add-ons

Guest Phil K

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I'm sick of all this "poor old shay talk" - if someone had come in for him at any time over the last 11 years he'd have disappeared like a shot.


Based on what? As far as I can see he's been one of our most loyal players.


He's been too good for Newcastle for quite a while now, I don't want him to leave but I won't slag him off for wanting to. Whether Man City should be his destination is questionable though.


He did put a transfer request in once before after being left out for one game


yes, during SBR's early days unless i'm mistaken


I remember that too.

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Guest justin99.

I'm just annoyed that he's leaving for man c, and not a glamour club like milan, barca etc.


would have loved him to have one more match for newcastle at St. James, deserves a proper send off. 

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I'm sick of all this "poor old shay talk" - if someone had come in for him at any time over the last 11 years he'd have disappeared like a shot.


Based on what? As far as I can see he's been one of our most loyal players.


He's been too good for Newcastle for quite a while now, I don't want him to leave but I won't slag him off for wanting to. Whether Man City should be his destination is questionable though.


But what constitutes "loyalty" in a football player today? He hasn't stayed here under sufferance, he hasn't stayed when any of the top 4 have come in for him (because I'm sure if they had my God his lawyer would have let us know about that), he stayed because he liked the area and it suited him. Then Man City come along and offer him double his wages and he's off, and he's human and no-one would turn that down. But don't put loyalty and footballers in the same sentence. He's been very very well paid over 11 years, I just don't know how loyalty comes into it. The thing that gets to me is that the propaganda put out by "his people" has certainly worked, oh poor shay, never gonna win anything here, club's fallin apart, poor shay, loyalty hasn't paid off so he's off. Whereas in reality if they'd just said "Man City have offered to double his wages and he'd like to go thanks very much" it wouldn't quite have the same ring to it would it?

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I'm sick of all this "poor old shay talk" - if someone had come in for him at any time over the last 11 years he'd have disappeared like a shot.


Based on what? As far as I can see he's been one of our most loyal players.


He's been too good for Newcastle for quite a while now, I don't want him to leave but I won't slag him off for wanting to. Whether Man City should be his destination is questionable though.


He did put a transfer request in once before after being left out for one game


I had forgotten about that TBH, but out of 11 years I think we can put that down to a blip rather than the fact he's always wanted to be away.


Every summer as well when Arsenal was linked. Said I like it here but I want to challange for honours so we need to improve the squad or I may have to leave. Didn't get his Arsenal move in the end though did he.

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Guest Heneage

According to Sky he's been allowed to talk to City despite a fee being agreed.


That doesn't make sense.



We've allowed him to do it.

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I've got a horrible feeling we'll cave in and sell him on too cheaply. I'm not expecting vast sums any more (I originally would have taken £14m+ and not a penny less, but that was before his transfer request etc).


Either way, just move on, the man is leaving us when we need our loyal players the most. I hope he enjoys his money at Man City.

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Doesn't this put us in an even weaker position?  It says to City that while we won't accept there offer at the moment the deal will have to happen eventually..  Instead we should be telling City and Given that he won't be leaving unless we get the fee we're after, that they have 24 hours to make the right offer or he's staying until the summer.

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Doesn't this put us in an even weaker position?  It says to City that while we won't accept there offer at the moment the deal will have to happen eventually..  Instead we should be telling City and Given that he won't be leaving unless we get the fee we're after, that they have 24 hours to make the right offer or he's staying until the summer.


This is what i was thinking. City can now go right up to the deadline if they want, leaving us up shit creek.

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Doesn't this put us in an even weaker position?  It says to City that while we won't accept there offer at the moment the deal will have to happen eventually..  Instead we should be telling City and Given that he won't be leaving unless we get the fee we're after, that they have 24 hours to make the right offer or he's staying until the summer.


On the flip side, we could have agreed a fee with a club for someone and want to try and get things moving quickly?

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It will be a dark dark day if Shay does leave. I cant blame him one bit though he's given everything to this club and not really seen any reward. He is top class and he's been our only saving grace one too many times.


Apart from the £50,000 a week and being treat like a fucking king you mean.  I can't blame him for eventually wanting to leave, but I definitely blame him for the way he's gone about it.  Which could end up costing this club a great deal of money.

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Five Live just said the same. Been given permission to talk, not yet agreed a fee.


This could be a good move for us - if Man City agree with Shay then they know they have there player, other than the price and with there number 1 target on board im sure they'll succumb to a decent compromise.



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