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Fabricio Coloccini

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The guy's fucking quality. Just fucking quality. Really strong defender but, on top of that, just genuinely a sublime footballer. His contribution for the third was superb. I can't say i keep up to date with the Argie squad but you've got to wonder what he needs to do to get a place. I really hope it isn't simply a case of the geography.


I was chatting to a fella who does an Argie football podcast on Twitter and he felt it was a case of them wanting to blood youth and build for the future. Garay, Otamendi, Fazio are all 24 and under. Shame like as has done better than first two by a mile this season. Same with Gaby Milito and Demichelis too.

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Another class performance, he's just so good at the back and when taking the ball away from our goal.  He was on both wings in the second half and didn't look out of place.

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CLASS Pudel!


:lol: King Pudel!  He's class. Hope Blackburn go down. Then we could by Samba. Himm and Colo would be an immense pair. Colos technique and Samba's rawness = a perfect match

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CLASS Pudel!


:lol: King Pudel!  He's class. Hope Blackburn go down. Then we could by Samba. Himm and Colo would be an immense pair. Colos technique and Samba's rawness = a perfect match


Sambaccini doesn't quite have the same ring to it as Williccini though.

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CLASS Pudel!


:lol: King Pudel!  He's class. Hope Blackburn go down. Then we could by Samba. Himm and Colo would be an immense pair. Colos technique and Samba's rawness = a perfect match


Samba, Phil Jones, N'Zonzi & Hoilett would improve us massively.

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Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.


His contribution to Lovenkrands' goal was just superb. In fact, that goal summed up our side perfectly. Good team goal.

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He's a class act like. It's a true testimony to his character how he's turned round his career with us.


It's stronger testimony against some of the knobbers on here, tbh. He had no reason to doubt himself.

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He's a class act like. It's a true testimony to his character how he's turned round his career with us.


It's stronger testimony against some of the knobbers on here, tbh. He had no reason to doubt himself.


Aye the class was always there...Nicky Butt and Smith and midfield regulars tainted that somewhat tbh

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That's why Ferdinand ended up at Man U and Woodgate at us, clearly.


The bias on here in regard to Woodgate is incredible, frankly, but that part in bold is beyond a joke.


Woodgate always looked a better centreback than Rio imo when they played together. The key with Woodgate was injuries - he started getting them at Leeds, and it only get worse with us. That, and Leeds' reluctance to sell him at the time (he was their "crown jewel", so they let Rio go thinking they'd build around the better defender) are the primary reasons as to why Rio moved on to a top CL club and Woodgate stayed (plus the offer from ManU was too good to turn down). He only came to us a few years later when Leeds' financial position became dire and Woodgate had struggled with injuries. £9m was a heavily reduced fee, one of the few times we managed to hold another club to ransom.


On a side note, ManU paid a premium for Rio too because of the almighty wankathon that followed his performances in the 2002 World Cup, where he did brilliant things like closing a Nigerian striker down who he had let go in the first place - that wankathon was prior to getting raped by the Brazilians of course. Not that it was a bad deal for them, but certainly Rio improved with ManU and turned out to be good value because of his fitness and consistency on top of being a very good centreback.


And it needs to be remembered that Real Madrid, a bigger and more prestigious club than ManU, signed Woodgate for more than what we paid, despite his constant/persistent injuries with us. If he wasn't a phenomenally good centreback, why did they do that, especially when they had signed Walter Samuel at the same time (one of the best centrebacks in the world prior to flopping there)? Dodgey handshakes and brown envelopes is the only explanation that would make any form of sense, and that would just be clutching at straws to avoid acknowledging how good Woodgate was for us.


This is simply not true.


Firstly they didn't play together enough times to truly gauge who was the better player. Rio joined Leeds halfway through a season and only stuck around a season longer making 50 odd appearances. In the whole 2 seasonsRio was at Leeds (he was there for less than 18 months really), Woodgate managed less than 30 appearances. So this argument is weak.


The stuff about Woodgate being the "Crown Jewel" beign the reason why Rio left is a lie. Woodgate didn't leave earlier because he was always injured. He didn't make more than 17 appearances for Leeds for three seasons before we signed him. Had he stayed fit, no doubt he would've moved on earlier but this did not happen.


Raped by the Brazilians? England lost 2-1 to a fluke goal. Got outplayed in the middle but defensively they where solid for the whole tournament. Furthermore, in the last decade the best England defensive performances have come with Ferdinand playing and the vast majority of the worst when he has been injured, the World Cup or the final EU qualifying defeat to Croatia for example.



Over the last decade, Manchester United have been a more succesful side than Real Madrid. In that period, Madrid have made horrible signings and although he was a quality player we must remember that Woodgate was a flop over there. If we want to use transfers as a sign of legitimacy, twice Rio Ferdinand has been signed as the most expensive dfender in the world. Also, the fact Alex Ferguson has made Ferdinand an integral part of his first team, rushing him back from injuries, tactically placing his bans for 10 years now is more external validity of the players quality than anything bestowed on Woodgate.



When it comes to talent, I think Woodgate is the closest thing we have had in Britain to a defender of Rio's calibre over the last decade but he never substantiated it. Both defenders blessed with it all, pace, power, great in the air, good readers of the game. And moreover, legitimately excellent footballers. Touch, passing, carrying the ball, both could be midfielders.



Also, Ferdinand has been better than Puyol and Terry throughout their careers. Puyol & Terry both need a pacy partner to sweep up for them. Both don't read the game as good as Rio either. You've never seen a Rio Ferdinand defence struggle. For this whole seson we've seen how much Terry needs a Carvalho type alongside him. Puyol has been dropped from the Barca side by numerous managers previously. Although unlike them, Rio is not a leader.

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His biggest weakness is that he sometimes forgets to mark his man.Simpson's act previous to yesterday's goal was horrible, but I think it was Colo who should have marked the goal scorer.

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Coloccini wasn't marking Ebanks-Blake, that was Williamson's job.


Are you sure? Here's a picture of the situation:




Williamson is circled in red. And as you can see, he was already marking a man. But look at the huge space between Colo and Blake (the black arrow). Every player held the line, except  Colo who seemingly was more occupied with marking a player that would have been in offside if Colo aligned himself with the rest. With better positioning Colo could have pushed out and blocked Bank's shot. But hey, even Colo got to have a weakness.. :)

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