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Tom Huddlestone isn't good enough either. Would be nowhere near the squad if he played for Fulham or someone like that.


Linked to this, take Leon Osman. Hardly a spectacular player nor a top drawer player, but a fairly good one who is technically sound. Should have been in the squad a while ago but instead dross like Henderson are handed opportunities, and Gareth fucking Barry still gets picked. Osman however plays for Everton (read: not Man Utd, Liverpool etc). He is a better footballer than Tom Cleverley for example IMO. The latter however plays for Man Utd.


Not saying we should be regularly playing Osman, but it's scandalous someone like him wasn't given an opportunity earlier. For me, our insistence on playing someone like Barry (of Man City royalty) over giving someone like Osman a chance earlier on sums up what's been wrong with this country's national team and set-up for quite a long time.


Yep, totally agree. It's scandalous that Leon Osman has had to wait until now to play for England, whilst the likes of Barry, Cleverley and Carrick have been regularly playing.


Good game by Caulker too. He is going to be a fixture for many years.

I assume you mean Lampard or Gerrard, because Cleverly has what, five caps?


No I don't, because Gerrard and Lampard are good players. Cleverley is only in the squad because he's a Manchester United squad member.


He's in the squad because he's quality. In my eyes there's not a lot between him and Osman, except Cleverley is younger, fitter and faster.


Your eyes are covered by red lensed spectacles then. Osman is a far superior player to Cleverly and should have been in the squad way before now.


Or I just know my team extremely well. Cleverley is a stand out performer for us, and we're top of the Premier League. Also, I'm not sure if you're actually watching England or not, but Cleverley has been the best player on the pitch for England in most of the games he's played. He also just turned 23.


For what it's worth too, I rate Osman pretty highly. I was delighted he received a call up.


Has Cleverley really been best player on the pitch in most of the  England games he's played ?

Typical fucking glory hunting Man United "supporter" bollocks.



Absolutely fucking ridiculous that you can still manage to squeeze in glory hunting because I rate Tom Cleverley. That just shows you're incredibly simple minded and as pathetic as actual glory hunters.


I watched the games and seen how good he was. Other than that Google is your friend if you don't remember his two man of the matches in a row.


England's best player against Sweden was Osman though, and Wilshere is the better talent.


So you don't actually think that you are an actual glory hunter then?????????????


First off, congratulations on being the first person in two years to accuse me of being a glory hunters on this forum, even though I've explained how I wound up supporting Manchester United, and even though people from here know me in real life and know how much I love the club and football in general.


No, I'm not a glory hunter.


That's not what annoys me though, it's the fact that because I rate a young player, and because he plays for Man Utd, it's glory hunters nonsense.


I'm on this forum because the majority don't spout that sort of rubbish when someone has an opinion. Dissect it, sure, tell me why he doesn't deserve to play for England, that's fine, but leave that other shit out.


To you, I basically don't have a say because you'll either; a) agree or b) call me a glory hunter.


I'm surrounded by Manchester United fans, at work, in the pub even a brother in law. Each and every one is a glory hunter. Some are old glory hunters descended from the Busby days. Some have parents that are glory hunters and have inherited the glory gene. None have any connection to Manchester whatsoever, save they or their parents picked up the paper, saw Manchester United top of the League and thus supported them.

Some watch England and only see the Manchester Utd players and take no notice of the rest. Most highly inflate the performance of their players, just as youve done with Cleverly. He hasn't been bad but imo he's hardly been the bees knees.6 out of 10 standard.


I have diddly squat interest in why you became a Manchester Utd fan, for the reasons above. I fucking hate the cheating bastard of a club.

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Sounds like it's you with the problem. I can basically never have a discussion about football with you on this forum because of your hatred for Manchester United.


Based on your argument too, nobody can ever support a club that has been dominant. I have a friend who supports Nottingham Forest because his Dad did and he just followed suit. His Dad may well have start supporting them when/because they won the European Cup, so that makes him a glory hunter?


If my Grandad supported Manchester United when they were winning a lot in the early 50's/60's, then my Dad started supporting them in the 80's because his Dad did, even though they won next to nothing for 25 years, then my Dad is a glory hunter? I similarly am because I follow my Dad then? Children learn from their parents and tend to follow or copy their parents way, with everything, not just football.


Do you see the pattern? Your logic is nonsense. There are plenty of people with this view mind so it's like fighting a wall. It bothers me, but fuck it.

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Well, I tend to agree with Billy in general...however I don't quite share the visceral sentiment. As a 2nd generation toon fan from the West Mids (I know billy is from around there too; there are a lot of us) who has seen both a potential league title, champions league and a relegation. I know loads of mates who support liverpool and know for sure that its because they are the best team(s).


It may be harsh to to tar you with the same brush as you are a faceless web identity; but I find it hard to value opinions of people like that who have no connection to the places/clubs they follow. I find it bizarre more than anything and it does wind people who follow their local club in the same way you are being branded a glory hunter. It probably is a stupid logic and you seem a canny lad so theres no need for aggro really; but I understand it. Anyway thread well and truly hijacked. Blame your grandad  :pow:

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:thup: While you mean the same thing, you put it much better. It's frustrating for me because while I admittedly didn't know anything about my "decision" at the time, (I liked the colour red, and my Ma was watching football and we were playing. It's that simple. It could have been Liverpool/Middlesborough/Bristol City.), I haven't looked back on it. That's just the way it is in Ireland. It might be bizarre for Englishmen to see people like us supporting English teams but everyone here follows the Premier League and very few have genuine interest in the League of Ireland.


I just have a general love for football and Manchester United in particular, and people off here can tell you that. It's fantastic when we play Newcastle and me and Decky watch it together because it's two genuine fans who love their club. I've witnessed the actual glory hunters you're accustomed too though, i.e. some of our mates who give Decky abuse but could barely name our starting 11. I'll never forget the day we were winning and he was getting some stick by a Man Utd fan who didn't know who Bobby Charlton was. I even had people ask me in Manchester what the Bishop Blaize, which was bizarre for me as basically all of our chants come out of there.


As for the Grandad thing, that was hypothetical. He supported Villa. He died before you got relegated though so I didn't witness him be a cunt that day. :lol:




Back to England though, Clevs for me like.



*slight edit.



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Guest Howaythetoon

Cleverly is a very good player like. He's got good feet, technique, isn't slow, has a pass on him and has good stamina. He's not great and never will be but he's a decent player, like Osman.

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:thup: While you mean the same thing, you put it much better. It's frustrating for me because while I admittedly didn't know anything about my "decision" at the time, (I liked the colour red, and my Ma was watching football and we were playing. It's that simple. It could have been Liverpool/Middlesborough/Bristol City.), I haven't looked back on it. That's just the way it is in Ireland. It might be bizarre for Englishmen to see people like us supporting English teams but everyone here follows the Premier League and very few have genuine interest in the League of Ireland.


I just have a general love for football and Manchester United in particular, and people off here can tell you that. It's fantastic when we play Newcastle and me and Decky watch it together because it's two genuine fans who love their club. I've witnessed the actual glory hunters you're accustomed too though, i.e. some of our mates who give Decky abuse but could barely name our starting 11. I'll never forget the day we were winning and he was getting some stick by a Man Utd fan who didn't know who Bobby Charlton was. I even had people ask me in Manchester what the Bishop Blaize, which was bizarre for me as basically all of our chants come out of there.


As for the Grandad thing, that was hypothetical. He supported Villa. He died before you got relegated though so I didn't witness him be a cunt that day. :lol:




Back to England though, Clevs for me like.



*slight edit.


Typical glory hunter spiel I'm afraid. I've heard it countless times before. If your Ma had been watching Swindon, you would have been whimsically extolling the virtues of Paolo Di Canio, would you ?

And just because you've learned the history of Manchester United doesn't make you any less of a glory hunter than the clueless one ?


I'm sorry to have hijacked the thread guys, but this "love for all things Manchester United " shite gets right on my tits. As if its all trials and tribulations supporting them.

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Cleverly is a very good player like. He's got good feet, technique, isn't slow, has a pass on him and has good stamina. He's not great and never will be but he's a decent player, like Osman.

Pretty much this. He's just nowhere near the player he has been hyped to be.

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That's what happened. If Swindon were the team in red that's who it would be. All this trials and tribulations stuff too. It's not my fault that they're successful. You're basically saying you won't accept any Manchester United fans who aren't from Manchester unless they've went through bad times, i.e. relegation. Or do you hold this stance with Newcastle supporters who aren't from Newcastle as well, because if you don't, your argument is invalid.

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I find the glory hunter thing hard to get my head around. I mean, I'm from Gateshead but I support my nearest Premier League club because my Dad took me - Newcastle. Obviously Ireland is a lot further away from Manchester than that, but you get the idea.


We ridicule glory hunters but we also ridicule clubs who have less fans than others. The only way to improve your crowds is basically to attract people who come because you're successful.


I think we just need to accept that their are many different types of football fan. I kind of dislike glory hunters too, but to be honest I think it's more to do with jealousy. Why should they choose a successful club and enjoy it when we have to suffer years and years without trophies? I think that's the real root of a lot of these feelings.


The only people I really have a problem with are those who act smug and superior while also knowing very little and not caring very much. People who just support a successful club I don't really mind.

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Cleverly is a very good player like. He's got good feet, technique, isn't slow, has a pass on him and has good stamina. He's not great and never will be but he's a decent player, like Osman.

Pretty much this. He's just nowhere near the player he has been hyped to be.



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People call me a glory hunter too :lol: probably because everyone else here supports shitty Scottish clubs.




Just to make clear - born in England (f***ing Bristol) and live in Scotland so no real affinity to anywhere. Picked up Newcastle from my brother in the 'glory days' I guess. I was young and impressionable.


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I kind of dislike glory hunters too, but to be honest I think it's more to do with jealousy. Why should they choose a successful club and enjoy it when we have to suffer years and years without trophies? I think that's the real root of a lot of these feelings.


The only people I really have a problem with are those who act smug and superior while also knowing very little and not caring very much. People who just support a successful club I don't really mind.


That's the one for me. Personally haven't got a problem with anybody that supports a successful team, not in the slightest. It's just the people that try and take the piss out of fans of less successful clubs that I really cannot stand. You find them all over the internet on various message boards. I really don't get that attitude whatsoever.

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That's what happened. If Swindon were the team in red that's who it would be. All this trials and tribulations stuff too. It's not my fault that they're successful. You're basically saying you won't accept any Manchester United fans who aren't from Manchester unless they've went through bad times, i.e. relegation. Or do you hold this stance with Newcastle supporters who aren't from Newcastle as well, because if you don't, your argument is invalid.


I'm second generation Geordie myself so of course I accept non Newcastle living supporters. But had we won countless trophies in the past 30 years, following Newcastle without any connection to Newcastle would have been glory hunting. But it is a hypothetical point. You're the one living the dream.

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I kind of dislike glory hunters too, but to be honest I think it's more to do with jealousy. Why should they choose a successful club and enjoy it when we have to suffer years and years without trophies? I think that's the real root of a lot of these feelings.


The only people I really have a problem with are those who act smug and superior while also knowing very little and not caring very much. People who just support a successful club I don't really mind.


That's the one for me. Personally haven't got a problem with anybody that supports a successful team, not in the slightest. It's just the people that try and take the piss out of fans of less successful clubs that I really cannot stand. You find them all over the internet on various message boards. I really don't get that attitude whatsoever.


And coincidentally describes 99.9 recurring if every Man Utd fan I've ever met. Yep even when they were shit in the 80s.

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You need some pain to give you humility though. I mean, if we had been dominating the league for my entire lifetime I might take the piss out of other clubs as well.


Same as relegation - I never gloat over relegated teams because I know how horrible it feels.

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Guest Brazilianbob

Great 4th goal from zlatan but I felt he was just trying to put the ball into the danger area inside the penalty area while hart was out of position.  He obviously tried to get it as close to the gpal as possible but at the time he probably intended the bicycle kick as a cross rather than a direct shot on goal.

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Great 4th goal from zlatan but I felt he was just trying to put the ball into the danger area inside the penalty area while hart was out of position.  He obviously tried to get it as close to the gpal as possible but at the time he probably intended the bicycle kick as a cross rather than a direct shot on goal.


Say what you want about how good the goal was/wasn't, but there's no way he wasn't trying to score. The nearest Sweden player to him had just crossed the halfway line :lol:

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Great 4th goal from zlatan but I felt he was just trying to put the ball into the danger area inside the penalty area while hart was out of position.  He obviously tried to get it as close to the gpal as possible but at the time he probably intended the bicycle kick as a cross rather than a direct shot on goal.


Say what you want about how good the goal was/wasn't, but there's no way he wasn't trying to score. The nearest Sweden player to him had just crossed the halfway line :lol:


Also, he's Zlatan Ibrahimovic, of course he was trying to score!

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Great 4th goal from zlatan but I felt he was just trying to put the ball into the danger area inside the penalty area while hart was out of position.  He obviously tried to get it as close to the gpal as possible but at the time he probably intended the bicycle kick as a cross rather than a direct shot on goal.


:lol: Of course he went for goal man, everybody here would try to do the exact same thing :lol:

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I kind of dislike glory hunters too, but to be honest I think it's more to do with jealousy. Why should they choose a successful club and enjoy it when we have to suffer years and years without trophies? I think that's the real root of a lot of these feelings.


The only people I really have a problem with are those who act smug and superior while also knowing very little and not caring very much. People who just support a successful club I don't really mind.


That's the one for me. Personally haven't got a problem with anybody that supports a successful team, not in the slightest. It's just the people that try and take the piss out of fans of less successful clubs that I really cannot stand. You find them all over the internet on various message boards. I really don't get that attitude whatsoever.



It's not on to just ridicule people on a personal level for supporting a successful team like :lol:

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