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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Not for us, but those that only get to see him through the edited highlights and what the paper reports it will have set him back.

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Where's the knobheeds who reckon Guthrie should start ahead of Barton on a regular basis?


Guthrie was an absolute non entity today, he should have been hooked at half time. I'm convinced Guthrie is a very very average player.


Guthrie has a heart the size of a walnut. Been saying this for ages and he's done nowt to prove me wrong. Barton has had bad games as well as good ones but he never hides.


Liverpool away under Shearer? Or has that disappeared from your memory


How did he hide? Before he got sent off he was our best player that day. Always showed for the ball.


Disagree completely and his 'tackle' was beyond cowardly that day.  Left his team-mates in the lurch for the rest of that game, and also the next 3, at our most important time in recent history.  Big heart? No.


Unlike the bloke in your avatar, who's fighting heart beats so hard he was left on the bench.


Barton was our best player that game.

thats open to debate, however he may have put in MotM performances in the next few games.....had he not been suspended for being an arse.
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I know it's ultimatly his fault, but I feel sorry for him because he is going to get hassled by opponents in most games he plays from now on, and basically he can't do anything in revenge. Must be really frustrating. He can suck it up and play fair, but it won't ever stop.

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He was starting to get noticed for his performances and not lashing out no matter what the situation. Ultimately, if he hadn't have lashed out, I would guess the tactic would be stopped by opposing teams as managers would figure he's past that and won't respond.


It's now been proven no matter how much of a 'reformed' man he becomes, he's still going to have moments. So, rightly or wrongly, he'll be targeted. Don't feel sorry for him in the slightest tbh, he was almost out of the doghouse. The same commentators that have ripped him for years were shouting about a potential England call up ffs.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Would think about putting him in for Guthrie.


That's what I'd do, Routledge wide right, Barton &  Tiote in the middle, Nolan in behind Carroll.

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2 points from 9 since he was out. I think we missed certain elements of his game such as set pieces. He is definitely our best option out on the right at the moment. Glad his suspension is done and we can get him back into the side.

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Yep, looking forward to getting Barton back, he was just getting into a good run of form...

Guthrie out and barton in the middle if Nolan is still injhured. If not, nolan back with Tiote and Barton on right.

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Would think about putting him in for Guthrie.


yep. i thought guthrie was shocking yesterday, i'm sure he's still not fit though, in his defence but he kept getting caught in possesion, misplacing passes and his set pieces were terrible. needs a few more reserve matches

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