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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest daveaha



Christ almighty.




Apparently their world rotate around us !

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I'm pretty sure I remember MOTD showing Barton mooning Everton fans a few years back. And yet this is deemed too vulgar? I suppose it makes the whole thing sound more scandalous if they say they've decided not to show it, like it's that offensive.

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Definite BJB material there if he's suspended.


If every footballer who cursed and/or made obscene gestures were suspended, we'd struggle to put out any 11 v 11 matches on any Saturday.  He's got cameras focused on him all the time because he is, in fact, Joey Barton - of course they'll see everything he does.  Trumped up nonsense.  Ridiculous.

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An FA spokesman said: “Essentially what will happen for an incident like that is that the FA will wait for the referee’s report and if the referee includes something about incident and that he had seen it but it hadn’t warranted a caution then he may not get sanctioned at all.


No. What happens for 'an incident like this' is that you snivelling shitrags sit there waiting for a media storm before paying any attention to any of the events of the weekend. If enough of a fuss is kicked up, THEN you go looking to punish him. Referee reports or not.


Why don't you do your job and analyse the fucking matches yourself and not rely on tv and newspapers to tell you who needs punishing? Pathetic pricks.


So if we're punishing for this now, Wayne Rooney might as well just retire from football. Oh, what's that? He's not Joey Barton? He's fine then. Go knock Torres out in the next game, you'll probably just get a giggle from the commentators and first place in Channel 4's football's 100 funniest moments. Cunts.

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I agreed he shouldn't have been so blatantly stupid with the Pederson incident. But this certainly wasn't stupid. It's playground stuff. Primary school playground stuff ffs. He shouldn't have to be watching what he's doing that much. There's a point where no matter what he does he'll be scrutinised. If Torres had a go at him and he just ignored him there'd probably be headlines of 'BARTON IN IGNORING TORRES SHOCKER. READ MORE OF WHAT HE DIDN'T SAY INSIDE'.

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If Barton's punished I think we can expect Tiote to be punished as well. At one point in the first half he was giving his willy a cheerful stroke after being struck on said willy with the ball. We have to put an end to this chauvinist way of living. Women and children might be watching the games FFS.

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