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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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immense, has been most of this season.  If we can prevent Jabba selling him, Jose and Colo, I'd be delighted.  Cant see it though. Oh and England can fuck off.  They are worth jack shit.

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Now Carroll's not here anymore, I'd question the wisdom of persisting with Barton on the right wing. It worked with Carroll up front as Barton had someone who was phenomenal in the air to aim at.


Maybe it's not such a good idea now, and he'll start to look much less effective. That said, not sure what options we've got to replace him. We've got no players. :(

Eats humble pie  :spit: Sorry just had too laugh after that 90 min display.
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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Why are Arsenal fans (besides being bitter armchair supporters) claiming Barton should have been sent off?  :harry:

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Some of his passing was shocking at times and he set Arsenal on their way but he never let his head go down and was probably our most vocal player today.  Like I said, some of his passing was shite yet he never hid once and just got on with it and played a massive part in our result and not just because of the two goals.

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Why are Arsenal fans (besides being bitter armchair supporters) claiming Barton should have been sent off?  :harry:

not sure looked at it a few times and barton got the ball fairly enough to me 50-50 ball

You couldn't send him off for that. Won the ball fairly. If you send a man off for that you remove all contact from the game.

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Just watched it back and although he possibly left the ground his studs weren't showing and he couldn't have played more of the ball and it was not two footed. Wouldn't be suprised if there was intent there though after the incident between the pair in the first. Think Diaby reacted as didn't some mackem put a reducer on him a couple of years back?

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