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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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It shouldn't be too difficult to find a right midfielder/winger to replace Barton IMO. Getting rid saves £3-4m a year in wages, I think for that plus a couple of mill (Routledge) you'd find a more effective player on the wing.


If we got Barnetta as a direct replacement for Barton, would it be such a bad move?


Still think we could have got some money for him, or a swap.


I can also see his new team playing him centrally and again not doing so well, sure clubs won't be bringing him in as a makeshift right mid.


Saving 3 - 4 million is great, until you have to pay the replacement.


Maybe the replacement won't continuously bite the hand that feeds them.

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I guess what Fergie would or would not have done does not really matter.. whats done here is done, joey has made his bed, my concern is not so much losing Joey but being another squad member down.


If he cared he would not still be tweeting, maybe he should be trying to put things right, is he doing that? no he is not and in my opinion that is because he has got exactly what he wanted.

To let him anywhere near the squad now would be utterly pointless, he is bound to try and cause as much unrest as he can,. I am more interested is backing the players we have thats all that matters now.



What benefit has to had to any of the players keeping quiet about how bad things have been since Ashley took over ? There comes a point when people think they have to do something to force some sort of change. Not just for the good of themselves but also for the good of the team.


What good has came from it ?


Will Ashley now sell up? will fans booing Ashley (again) and singing for Barton have a positive effect on the squad?

He changed nothing apart from his personal circumstances, he told fans nothing they don't already know.

I am not saying the club have mad the right decision, I do not support Ashley in any way but I DO support NUFC and the players that will be here this season, as it stands now Joey Barton will not be one of those players.. thats all that matters to me.



We're one day into it anything could happen as yet, if he feels that helps him fair enough. If he's not telling fans stuff they already know how come so many are still saying oh it's all Bartons faults not Ashleys. Or people saying we should all just sit quiet and take what Ashley is giving us cause there is nothing else we can do. Well guess what that's shit and highly small minded.



Small minded :lol:


Do you honestly believe Joey did this for us? he had a childish tantrum over a pre season friendly then ranted on twitter, it was not a planned "right its time to help the fans"

it was a angry little man letting his temper get the better of him.

NOTHING will change as far as Ashley go's, we can protest all we like, he will do as usual and ignore us. Unless there is a buyer out there willing to pay Ashley around £350m then he won't sell no matter what we or any player do.


I won't back Joey over this because all he has done is hurt us, its not made the squad  stronger, its divided fans and again brought is shit loads of negative media again making us a laughing stock.


It does not have to be agree with Barton or agree with Ashley.. I am entitled to think both are cunts.

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It shouldn't be too difficult to find a right midfielder/winger to replace Barton IMO. Getting rid saves £3-4m a year in wages, I think for that plus a couple of mill (Routledge) you'd find a more effective player on the wing.


If we got Barnetta as a direct replacement for Barton, would it be such a bad move?


Still think we could have got some money for him, or a swap.


I can also see his new team playing him centrally and again not doing so well, sure clubs won't be bringing him in as a makeshift right mid.


Saving 3 - 4 million is great, until you have to pay the replacement.


Maybe the replacement won't continuously bite the hand that feeds them.


Until they play well and it's the last year of their contract ?

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I presume when some posters on here are talking about the press.

They are talking about the lowlife publications (Mirror, Star, Sun, Express, Mail).

It doesn't matter what the truth is, these publications aren't in the truth business.

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He's lost his dressing room power, along with his mates and he doesn't like the culture shift. He's just not the main man anymore and I don't think he can accept that. If the reports of his treatment to Cabaye are true, it is absolutely scandalous. The guy doesn't even speak decent English, yet he has some Scouse ripping into him after a good performance? It makes him sound like a bully.

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Guest bimpy474

Why the feck does everyone keep going on about its wrong to let him go on a free ?


He was leaving on a free anyway at the end of season, no contract being offered and no one wanted to buy him anyway, the teams are only interested in him as he for nothing, with everything thats happened it has got to be the right thing to part ways surely, for the sake of a couple million.


What you have to realise is people cannot look past their hatred for Ashley and Llambias in any single circumstance.


No matter what any individual does they will claim it is right as long as it is in opposition to Ashley.


Joey Barton and Willie McKay are clearly using this to their advantage in this situation.


I don't know when it became acceptable to rubbish your club and behave so badly because you don't think the owner is spending enough money, or giving contracts to your mates.


The owners have stated that this is how the club is going to be run. Support the team, and look forward to better days, whether that be a change in ownersip as some want, or a change in policy.


Interesting to note the window has a month to run still, but people have convinced themselves that no more players are coming in, and are being fueled by this rage.


What have Everton done this window? What of Villa? Did they not just get £36 million from the Downing and Young sales? Other than Zoggy, what?


Senseless behaviour.



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How can you confirm reports? You can choose to believe whatever you want given what's out there.


So it hasn't been coinfirmed, thanks.


No it hasn't been "coin"firmed if you are talking legal jargon. I'm not sure what coinfirmed even means unless you are writing with a New Jersey accent.


hang your head in shame

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Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


There's always an excuse.


Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


They're unporven in the league!


They're Frencch bottlers!


They don't have enough passion!




Tend to agree with this, the lack of any optimism about our new signings is pretty depressing. Cabaye and Ben Arfa in particular I'm very happy about, and Ba is (shock horror) proven to be able to get goals at this level.


Well it depends if you believe the squad minus Barton and Enrique is stronger now than what it was on the 1st January?  Before that sale and the promises coming from the very top about significant reinvestment.

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Maybe the replacement won't continuously bite the hand that feeds them.


Like I've laready said, it isn't only Barton doing it.


If you saw someone jump off the Tyne bridge would you join them?

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Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


There's always an excuse.


Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


They're unporven in the league!


They're Frencch bottlers!


They don't have enough passion!




There's plenty examples of players moving about within the league and not being successful at their new clubs, which is what I think people overlook. As a high profile example look at Torres.




Here's another thing that gets me. Players being written off, because they haven't set the world alight from the outset.


See our very own Coloccini and Enrique. It's all related.


Jump on any Liverpool forum and they're all clamouring for Aquilani to stay now, as he's been exceptional in pre-season. It was unreal to me how quickly he was written off by their fans and the media when he first arrived.


No surprise to hear that idiot McKay playing the "Barton has the grit and guts those predominantly foreign teams don't have" card. People buy into this stuff.

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Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


There's always an excuse.


Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


They're unporven in the league!


They're Frencch bottlers!


They don't have enough passion!




Tend to agree with this, the lack of any optimism about our new signings is pretty depressing. Cabaye and Ben Arfa in particular I'm very happy about, and Ba is (shock horror) proven to be able to get goals at this level.


Most people bringing up them being unproven in the league are just pointing out that we are currently taking risks replacing these proven premier league players with those that are not. Yes they may also have the potential to be better ofcourse, hopefully they will all step up. But you cant currently use them as justification for any idea that we'll clearly be completely fine as we have all these class players, no one can say that yet & some try to lean towards it.

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God help NUFC.

The defeatist attitude re Ashley saddens me.

He is a cunt, who is pissing on Bobby's Grave and wiping his arse on the NUFC colours.

Some on here are showing the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.


I don't think you are being dramatic enough.

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Guest cr4igora

..the lack of any optimism about our new signings is pretty depressing. Cabaye and Ben Arfa in particular I'm very happy about, and Ba is (shock horror) proven to be able to get goals at this level.


Hopefully you can add Marv to that list too, if he gets and stays fit. Lord we need some positive news, this is too depressing to keep talking about.

*Lionel Messi signs for Newcastle, goals-a-plenty in store for the North-East club*  :celb:  :frantic:  O0

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If you saw someone jump off the Tyne bridge would you join them?


No but I might think they had a reason for doing it and if it was more than one person doing it then I would think the reason wasn't soley down to one person.

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I think IF the club signed someone as a comparable/better player to replace JB I dont think there would be half as much of an up roar, as most of us now has 5% faith in the management of the club we all worry it will be the kids being asked (used as a reason to say we dont need a replacement) and leaving the squad down a player.


really ? I have 0% faith in the board or management of the club and not just because of Joey Barton. If the manager had decided that Barton wasn't needed and had bought in his replacement and then transfer listed Barton we wouldn't be talking about Newcastle United football club.


the management and signing of tiote and ben arfa gives me that smidge of faith but I agree what your saying we do tend to always do things arse over tit but Barton has been forcing the clubs hands for months now no one has rushed out to take him cutting losses seems to have been the course of action the club has taken (the involvement of the manager is all this is probably just as debateable).


this has been sai time and time again that no one player is newcastle united newcastle united the club will be around long after (we hope) get rid and move on.


Charlton are a league 1 club, they banned all their players from social networking sites I believe. Is it really that hard for us to do the same ? If they don't listen you fine them, if they still don't listen you then follow the next step in your clubs disciplinary rules. It's not so hard, makes you look like a professionally run organisation and helps keep you out of the press for the wrong reasons.


maybe Ashley still believes the business/celebrity mantra that no publicity is bad publicity lol


no seriously your thought process involves logic and clear thought we already know that the club isnt ran this way its reactionary gut instinct stuff that usually ends up in mistakes being made.


I keep going back to the thought that the club has had its hands tied over this the club letting him get away with it = you loose as the club look weak and the player looks like he runs the roost. The club fine him errm i dont think he cares and i dont think it would stop him. The club could transfer list him... welll as has already been mentioned no one seems to be rushing to get him and we already know he has a high opinion of himself and wouldnt just go to anyone. If he doesnt move on then he is allowed to carry on with the club as the rotten apple for another year.


I think what I am trying to say is that there is no good way of doing things and in the mean time the fans suffer but Joey still gets his pay so I have no sympathy for him what so ever.

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God help NUFC.

The defeatist attitude re Ashley saddens me.

He is a cunt, who is pissing on Bobby's Grave and wiping his arse on the NUFC colours.

Some on here are showing the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.


I don't think you are being dramatic enough.



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Probably been said, but it seems once again that Ashley not only has the local media in his pocket, but also some of the national media. The local media probably want to keep him sweet, so will watch what they say and I'd imagine that he has mate's in the national press who will look after him too. Didn't one of them used to write for the NotW? Either way, it's a sorry state of affairs when recent history is being revised to get Barton out of the door and also to get NUFC fans to turn against him. What a scummy club we currently support. Makes me ashamed to be a black and white at the moment. :( Even more so than when those knackers ran on the pitch at Darlington the other week - this is far worse.


And again, which quality players are going to come and play for an owner who will stab you in the back at the first available sign of dissent/opportunity?


Ben Arfa, cabaye, Ba, Marveaux?






Most of them unproven in the PL! Ba has onyl played 12 games, ffs. And if they joined on the promise of the club pushing on and showing ambition, what do you think will happen next year when hopefully we've managed to stay clear of relegation (which is looking likely)? They will be off quicker than s*** off a shovel.


Side point but every player in the entire league was 'unproven in the PL' as some point. Think people place too much on this.


There's always an excuse.


Their always injured and so they aren't good signings!


They're unporven in the league!


They're Frencch bottlers!


They don't have enough passion!




There's plenty examples of players moving about within the league and not being successful at their new clubs, which is what I think people overlook. As a high profile example look at Torres.




Here's another thing that gets me. Players being written off, because they haven't set the world alight from the outset.


See our very own Coloccini and Enrique. It's all related.


Jump on any Liverpool forum and they're all clamouring for Aquilani to stay now, as he's been exceptional in pre-season. It was unreal to me how quickly he was written off by their fans and the media when he first arrived.


No surprise to hear that idiot McKay playing the "Barton has the grit and guts those predominantly foreign teams don't have" card. People buy into this stuff.


surely you can see how nufc fans that have been paying attention would be a little bit wary of anything that represents a gamble?

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