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Newcastle United 3 - 1 Plymouth Argyle - 19/09/09 - post match reaction from p12


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Guthrie should start every game ahead of Barton and Nolan imo.


He's certainly changed games when he's come off the bench. I still don't see why he's not been seen as automatic start these past two seasons. Nolan and Barton seem to there ahead of him despite poor performances.


Barton has the ability but he's acting as if he's doing us a favour by turning up. Guthrie's a decent player at this level and he'll give 100%. I don't have a problem with Nolan's attitude, but Guthrie's a better player and much more mobile. Him and Smith in the middle should be a match for anyone in this division.

guthrie can actually do a decent job on the right so for the moment i'd stick him out there and keep nolan in the middle with smith, nolan has been getting a few goals which has been a problem in recent years where we didnt score from midfield. Barton needs benching

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IMO Guthrie should start and Barton certainly shouldn't on today's performance, having another striker on freed up Carroll from the target man role and that paid dividends.

Not a pretty game but 3 points is 3 points, however against a tougher opponent we need to up our game, too many times we just seemed complacent.

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6/10 overall, they played the majority of the good football and the scoreline flattered us. The Guthrie - Ranger - formation switch won us the game.


Bottom line is that if you can finish you'll do really well in this league. We're not playing well by any stretch of the imagination.

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He's been criticised for tactics recently, but fair play to Hughton for leaving Butt out and bringing on Guthrie and Ranger for Loven and Barton when it was clear it wasn't working :thup:


Safe to say, the likes of Kinnear and Souness wouldn't have done the same.

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As I said before the game we should play Ranger-Carroll up front.  The Ranger and Guthrie subs changed the game.  Carroll was quality when Ranger came on, his chance when he hit the bar looked amazing, hope we see it on the highlights.


Barton was terrible again, Guthrie should always be in the team ahead of him.

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Harper  7

Simpson  6

S Taylor  7.5

Coloccini  8

Enrique  6

Geremi  6.5

Smith  6

Barton  5

Lovenkrands  6

Nolan  5

Carroll 8


Guthrie  7

R Taylor  6

Ranger  6.5


Barton and Nolan were abysmal today, I was disgusted that Guthrie got left out, easy target.

Toss up between Carroll and Coloccini for man of the match.

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Although we won, and the subs made a difference, i still think Hughotn got it wrong, and against a better side we wouldn't have had the same result. Barton may have playing poorly but so was everyone else, after they scored i thought he looked much better, he was livelier and played a great pass into the box and thought he was unfortunate to be taken off after that.


I would have taken Nolan off, he may be papering over the cracks with some goals but in every other department he's useless, he's far too unfit to play CM for a full game and he's not what i'd call a playmaking type, i can't recall a single other thing he did in the game apart from lose his man but luckily Plymouth fluffed up the chance. 


Glad Hughton got rid of the 4-4-1-1/4-5-1 formation though, much more balance. Next game i'd like to see: Guthrie Barton Smith Lovenkrands, and then up top have Ranger and Carroll. What i do think may work when Jonas is back however would be Barton, Guthrie and Smith in a midfield 3, and then have Jonas and Lovenkrands as Wing Forwards playing off Carroll/Ranger.


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Shots were 18-14 for us and 10 against 7 on target. Very worrying indeed that we allow so many shots from the likes of Plymouth...did it get much better after the formation change or are we just playing that poor?


We played too deep when they had the ball which allowed them to play some good stuff. They looked to have some pace and skill actually but we weren't as bad as you would think reading this. First 20 and last 25, we played some good stuff.

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Guest michaelfoster

Harper  6 - not alot to too, made one good save over the bar

Simpson  6.5 - was doing alright until he went off injured

S Taylor  7 - solid & scored

Coloccini  7.5 - solid

Enrique  6 - did well attacking the left hand side

Geremi  5.5 gave the ball away far too often, came inside and left nobody on the wing, sloppy passing but crossing was alright

Smith  5.5 - Gave the ball away far too often in first half and looked off the pace, was better second half

Barton  5 - annonymous

Lovenkrands  6 - good running but lacked match fitness

Nolan  6 - easy finish for goal but was too slow getting forward

Carroll 8 - worked hard all afternoon, won headers, good finish for goal


Guthrie  7 - good cross for the 3rd goal

R Taylor  6 - Did alright but was pretty average

Ranger  6.5 - his hold up & flick for the 3rd goal was fb



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I don't know what's up with Barton, he really seems to be suffering in a league where most are stronger than him


Part of it has to do with the fact he's on the wing tbh.

A big part of it is that despite being blessed with footballing talent he has been and possibly still is a pisshead during his leisure time.

Time waits for no man if you dont look after yourself.

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