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Found this article hillarious.  :lol: :lol:




(ROSCOMMON, IRELAND) A drunken unemployed plasterer who was found urinating on the French loaves section of a large supermarket in protest at the infamous handball incident in the France vs Ireland World Cup qualifier, was this week given a suspended sentence, fined and bound over to keep the peace.

Frances “Smokie”  Larkin, The Meadows, Killareagh, Co Roscommon pleaded guilty to the incident at Maher’s ValueStore supermarket, Killareagh, one week after the match which Ireland controversially drew after the French goal was deemed to have scored despite a blatant handball by French striker Thierry Henry.

Staff found the 46-year-old urinating on the Cuisine de France section of the bread shelves in Maher’s, shouting “this will teach ye, ye cheating French bastards,” before he was taken away by local gardai.

Gardai Anthony Flanagan told the court that he had been called to the store at 11.15 on the morning of November 25.

“When I reached the shop, I was informed that Mr Larkin was causing a disturbance in the bread section and when I got there, he was urinating on the French bread section and stamping on a loaf. I later ascertained that the loaves were brioches, a  sort of French bread.

“When he saw me, he tried to run away but I apprehended him and grabbed him by the arm. He said ‘that’s for Thierry Henry, guard. If you have any pride in your country, you’ll let me go.

“Then he said ‘that’ll teach them, the cheating French bastards.’”

Addressing the court, Angela Roche, solicitor for the defendant said that her client had a problem with drink and that normally he was a placcid character.

“It is when he mixes alcohol with his passion for sport that he gets himself into situations like this,” she said.

She said that Mr Larkin had become quite agitated with the result of the World Cup match and had worn an “I shot Thierry Henry” t-shirt that he had made up in a local t-shirt shop,” she said.

In evidence, Mr Larkin apologised to Mahers store and said that he “had no axe to grind with them,” but that they had been caught up in what he said was “friendly fire.”

He said that he wanted to make a grand gesture to show that the Irish were not going to take the controversial incident lying down.

“The French loaf is the symbol of France and so by doing what I did, I was standing up for Irish pride,” he said.

Mr Larkin had a previous conviction for setting fire to a tennis club shed in his teens, an incident from which he had earned the nickname Smokie.

In his summary, Judge Fergus O’Halloran said that what Mr Larkin had done was despicable and was also a threat to public hygiene.

“You did this without any thought to the consquences for the unfortunate shoppers who had to buy that bread.

“If it was in my power to recommend that you seek help for your alcohol addiction, I would do so and also suggest that you take some responsibility for your temper and inappropriate behaviour.

“We cannot have louts like yourself with half-baked ideas about national pride carrying out acts like this,” he said, before sentencing Larkin to six months in jail, suspended on condition he does not breach the peace for one year, fining €500 and ordering him to pay €1,000 to Michael Maher for the clean up of the bread shelf areas.



Made me  :spit:

:director:“this will teach ye, ye cheating French bastards,”!!!



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Dennis Wise doing punditry, commenting about how N'gog has been thrown into the deep end.


"Yeah we had a boy just like that at Newcastle, Xisco, he has been thrown into the deep end and that really destroyed him, it really did, they need time to settle, and hes doing very well now at Racing Santander"


You fucking moron, N'gog was an 18 year old when Liverpool  bought him for 1.5m as a hot-talent for the future, Xisco was a 5.7m deal for a striker, youd expect him to be thrown at the deepend, where else then? The fucking reserves?

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"Yeah we had a boy just like that at Newcastle, Xisco, he has been thrown into the deep end and that really destroyed him, it really did, they need time to settle, and hes doing very well now at Racing Santander"


I herd Xisco has been making good runs before getting subbed of late.

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So, Nigeria sacked Shabiu Amodu as manager of the national team. Well actually he has been demoted to coach of the "local" national team. I think it is justified because of poor performance but it seems alot of people are very angry with the decision. Rumours linking Hiddink or Shetata, I doubt either will end up as the coach, but it would be amazing if we could get a high caliber manager like that.


It's a bit of history repeating itself as well. In 2002, Amodu qualified the team for the World Cup, but was sacked after finishing third at the ACN. Exact same story this time around, I'm just hoping we have a better WC than in 2002, the team definitely has better players.

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The two games I saw in the ACN Nigeria were fantastically poor. No organization, no team play whatsoever, just running and kicking the ball around too see what happens. Not sure if you have time to fix this so late in the game, however.

This is the truth. To be compltely fair to them though, the team has looked very good in patches and went undefeated through qualifying as well as beating France. I'm hoping the ACN was the exception rather than the rule.

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Steve Bruce has finally broken a record at Sunderland :celb:


CaulkinTheTimes - Stat attack: Steve Bruce said 'that's for sure' 8 times in his #Safc post-match presser today. This is a new club record.



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Reliant Steven


THEY won't have seen anything quite like it when Steven Taylor pulls up in his lovely jubbly new motor at Newcastle's training ground.


'Ave It has learned that the former England Under-21 captain, whose knee injury has curtailed the endless pranks he pulls, has gone and bought an Only Fools and Horses replica Reliant Robin.


The three-wheeler didn't come cheap at an estimated £3,000 and the well-built defender may have trouble balancing the vehicle if he ever drives it alone.


Our insiders are already laying bets on Taylor and best mate and namesake Ryan doubling up as Batman and Robin


From the News Of The Screws

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Reliant Steven


THEY won't have seen anything quite like it when Steven Taylor pulls up in his lovely jubbly new motor at Newcastle's training ground.


'Ave It has learned that the former England Under-21 captain, whose knee injury has curtailed the endless pranks he pulls, has gone and bought an Only Fools and Horses replica Reliant Robin.


The three-wheeler didn't come cheap at an estimated £3,000 and the well-built defender may have trouble balancing the vehicle if he ever drives it alone.


Our insiders are already laying bets on Taylor and best mate and namesake Ryan doubling up as Batman and Robin


From the News Of The Screws


Well built? He's tiny.



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This just showed up on our NewsNow feed:



FAO: NewcastleUnited-Mad


Written by Telly Savalas  

Sunday, 07 February 2010 18:08


Just an open question really as to why you think it is newsworthy to copy and paste every story that appears in every local and national rag and hoy them up on your front page? Are you so divoid of creativity that in order to get hits to your site you need to rip everyone elses work and just stick your ill informed opinion on the end? To be fair, its not just you, I'm also looking at our old friends at Newcastle United-blog (Yanks ) and NUFC-Blog to name another two.


Do you all just hope that your readers are as dumb as you are, and will actually think that you got the interview with the players or the manager and not that you ripped it from another publications website? To post it on a forum for general reading is one thing, but to throw it up on your front page and give it your own headline is the pinnacle of plagarism, and unbelievably irritating to those of us who check newsnow for the latest on our beloved club. Not content with the Ronnie and the Journal publishing the same article twice sometimes under different headlines, we also get suckered in by your sensationalist spin headlines that are, ultimately, just the same thing ripped again with your inane comments on the end.


I suppose that it wouldnt be so bad if you actually had a different take on what was written in the mainstream press, but it's mainly just paint by numbers cliched nonsense. In summary, you offer nothing new, and serve only to clutter up newsnow with tiresome, ill informed copy and paste jobs, that have already appeared and been read by anyone who cares at least twice.





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Football referees 'more likely to penalise taller players', say researchers


Study of more than 100,000 fouls shows shorter players get backing of officials


As Fabio Capello weighs up the relative merits of Peter Crouch and Jermain Defoe for his World Cup forward line, it is unlikely he will be taking into account the views of social psychologists. Perhaps he should.


Research on the apparent human tendency to associate size with power and aggression has shown that football referees are notably more likely to penalise taller footballers when they tangle with less lofty opponents, potentially bad news for the 6ft 7in Crouch but a boon for fellow striker Defoe, who is a foot shorter.


A study of more than 100,000 fouls in domestic, European and international football showed that the greater the height difference between the players involved then the more chance the referee will adjudicate in favour of the shorter one.


Academics from Rotterdam school of management in the Netherlands tested the hypothesis further by getting panels of football fans to view mock-up images of two players heading towards a ball equidistant between them.


When asked to speculate which of the pair would be more likely to end up on the ground, and for what reason, there was a clear bias towards assuming the smaller player would be the victim and the taller one the aggressor.


"You will always get moments in a game when the situation isn't very clear and the referee has got to make a fast decision. This is where assumptions could influence them," said Steffen Giessner, one of the co-authors. "There are, of course, lots of causes and effects taking place here. There is an effect with height, but we can't say precisely how strong it is."


Giessner has carried out research into height and perceptions of power in business leadership. This study was partly inspired by an observation by his co-author, Niels van Quaquebeke, that as a keen but relatively short basketball player he got the impression he was rarely penalised for fouls.


Without sufficient data for basketball the pair examined statistics from the German domestic league, Champions League and World Cup, and found that where players were between 6cm and 10cm taller than opponents they were blamed for almost 60% of fouls.


"It's very much about visible height difference. The effect is much stronger the greater the differences in height," said van Quaquebeke.


The researchers speculated that some of this effect might be due to taller players predominating in positions such as defence, where fouls might be more common.


But closer analysis of the data found this was not the case – in fact the greatest number of fouls were carried out by relatively small midfielders against other players in the same position.


The findings are likely to underplay the true situation, the authors say, as the fouls considered included a lot of unambiguous offences where height played no factor. Additionally, the data excludes occasions where fouls by shorter players were missed entirely by referees.


There is, of course, another explanation: that taller players really are more aggressive. The only way to sort that out, the authors suggest, would be to film a series of matches from multiple angles and analyse the refereeing decisions.


In the meantime Giessner, as a German national, has no words of advice for Capello. But he does venture a plan for his own country's football coach, Joachim Loew, when it comes to the combative left back, Philipp Lahm, a modest 5ft 7in.


"You wouldn't call Lahm a dirty player, but he's certainly quite aggressive. And even as a defender he never seems to have many fouls given against him," he said.


"If I was Joachim Loew at the World Cup, I'd be advising Lahm to get into the opposition penalty area as often as he can, fall over and see what happens."



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Nowhere else to put this, but listening to Radio Talk Sh*te this morning (5 live talks far more sh*te), and the quiz question was "Who has the superior goal difference in the Championship between Newcastle WBA and Not Furriest ? and Mickey Quinn say "No-brainer there - it has to be my beloved Newcastle !"

Ah ! Nice ! Not to often do we get that response from anyone in the media (the opposite quite often...very often, in fact) ex-player yes, but most of those don't either.

Kudos to Mickey !

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