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Steve Harper rejoins NUFC as Academy coach


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Aye the sound in the East Stand was shit. :lol:


Dabizas was so much better than I remember.


He was a rock, killer looked good as well, was worried about him. Some of our lot were wrecked after 5 mins, walking like they'd shit themselves coming off.  :lol:


PDC was shite. Everywhere trying to be centre of attention, but shite. Barton well done son, shame you didn't stretcher the cunt off.

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Canny night... Fantastic attendance... Dabizas MOTM with Solano runner-up... Di Canio played well for them and Maldini and Baresi still quality... As for the bad points the announcer couldn't be heard in the Gallowgate end so lost track of all the changes and thought the linesman were over zealous and would've been nice to see a few goals... Glad i went after not bothering with the Shearer game...

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Aye the sound in the East Stand was s***. :lol:


Dabizas was so much better than I remember.


He was a rock, killer looked good as well, was worried about him. Some of our lot were wrecked after 5 mins, walking like they'd s*** themselves coming off.  :lol:


PDC was s****. Everywhere trying to be centre of attention, but s****. Barton well done son, shame you didn't stretcher the c*** off.


Nah he wasnt like  :lol: 



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Good night that, enjoyable evening. Still not sure why Harper wasn't in goal for his own shootout but maybe he was worried it would take any competition out of it. His pen was ridiculous, but apt really.


Amazing how hard it was to identify some of the players but they're all fat or bald so there you go. Assume Dyer was injured, or scared of Bowyer. Les was shagged after 5 minutes, Ginola is a lot more right footed than I remember.


Di Canio was probably the best player on the pitch, he was leaner and fitter than most though. Barton went right through him, which got the biggest cheer of the night.


Taibi made an unbelievable save from a header, but Cole came the closest with a shot that hit the inside of the post.


Nobody cares about Paul Kitson.

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Baresi + Maldini were exceptional to watch, they're control of the ball was just first class. Costacurta looked to have quite a bit of pace as well, sprinted back to make a tackle on one occasion.


The Andy Cole chanting got a decent airing as well after he hit the post.

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Guest neesy111

Fun night.  Still havent seen a home goal at SJP in 750 mins now. :lol: The contrast in the players slimlines was immense.


PDC was the best player on the park mind.

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canny evening, was great to see so many icons of newcastle's and world football's past. Di Canio was clearly the fittest of the older players and still looked quality, but the likes of Maldini, Baresi, Solano and Beardsley just ooozed class.


Two biggest things of the night though were the attendance and Speed's sons. Says a lot about this club that someone like Harper can attract 50k+ to his testemonial, just 200 games across 20 years, he may not of been the greatest player this club has ever had, he was hardly ever first choice, but he gave us his loyalty and commitment and for that we showed our appreciation. The two Speeds coming on was a moment of sheer class and a beautiful way to remember their father, not ashamed to admit i had a lump in my throat when they came on.


Edit: Also, I just saw Maldini lift a trophy at St James' Park ffs  :lol:

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Only thing that only slightly dampened things was Barton getting a bit reception/name sang more than the likes of Beardsley, Shearer (other than when he came off), Ginola...


Think Tino and Cole were the only ones who got bigger 'pops'.

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Guest neesy111

Only thing that only slightly dampened things was Barton getting a bit reception/name sang more than the likes of Beardsley, Shearer (other than when he came off), Ginola...


Think Tino and Cole were the only ones who got bigger 'pops'.


It's a testimonial, not a popularity contest.

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Only thing that only slightly dampened things was Barton getting a bit reception/name sang more than the likes of Beardsley, Shearer (other than when he came off), Ginola...


Think Tino and Cole were the only ones who got bigger 'pops'.


Agreed. The Barton hero worship is tiresome, especially when you consider some of the players that were there tonight.

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Only thing that only slightly dampened things was Barton getting a bit reception/name sang more than the likes of Beardsley, Shearer (other than when he came off), Ginola...


Think Tino and Cole were the only ones who got bigger 'pops'.


The same David Ginola who got booed everytime he returned to SJP?


Barton has spoken out against the regime and is a PR machine, of course he got a good reception.


Good evening apart from the embarrasspens and shite PA/announcer.


Baresi carrying the ball forward and playing the simple pass is just dreamy like.


Di Canio was such a fucking try hard n all, sad cunt.



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Guest neesy111

The fucking PA in the East Stand was a fucking joke. Couldn't hear a fucking thing so didn't know immediately wo was going on/off.

Spoilt it a bit.


Same in the milburn as well.  Though the PA could be faster over just naming some subs.


How hard can it be.....

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