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Michael Owen (now retired)

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Fucking Lawrenson even mentioning 'Newcastle for a few quid'. Pricks.


What was the context? Missed it.


Talking about his career. "Liverpool, Real, Newcastle for a few quid, then Man Utd."


What a wanker. :lol:

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Guest elbee909

Lawro was simply listing all the great clubs that Owen had 'played' for and felt he needed to make that particular proviso in our case.


Bitter bastard.

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Guest elbee909

On this day only I'll refrain from saying what I'd like to happen if Owen and Lawrenson ever shared a means of transport.


I'm sure Owen would be a passenger.  No change there.

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On this day only I'll refrain from saying what I'd like to happen if Owen and Lawrenson ever shared a means of transport.


I'm sure Owen would be a passenger.  No change there.



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Guest elbee909

lawro said owen went to newcastle for a few quid? what did owen do?


Laughed, I think.  Maybe thought about what microwave meal he might feed the kids tomorrow.

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Don't see anything incorrect about what Lawro said. Owen came here to get rich, then fucked off without a care in the world.


He said "What a fantastic set of clubs he played for - Liverpool, Real Madrid, Newcastle... for a few quid, Man United".  As elbee says:


Lawro was simply listing all the great clubs that Owen had 'played' for and felt he needed to make that particular proviso in our case.


That is the context it was said in, Lawrenson was being a total prick.

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Don't see anything incorrect about what Lawro said. Owen came here to get rich, then fucked off without a care in the world.


It's just the blatant nonchalantness towards the absolute cuntishness of Owen, even in football circles, for me, personally. Especially when it's Lawro the cunt giggling along with it.

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i remember the unsavoury songs everton used to sing about him (speed) in his time here.


Yeah read that a few times today, I guess it's been water under the bridge. I have an Everton supporting mate, saw him this morning and he was gutted when we heard the news.


Fwiw, all the Everton fans I'm aware of are equally gutted at this and are as disbelieving as NUFC fans on this board.


IIRC the Everton fans were pissed off that he left the club, in fact Wikipedia seems to back this up:


He left the club in controversial circumstances and the reasons were never revealed. He told the Liverpool Echo: "You know why I’m leaving, but I can’t explain myself publicly because it would damage the good name of Everton Football Club and I’m not prepared to do that."



Maybe to do with this?


He was also that rare thing in modern sport, a man of principle. He left one of his clubs after having been required to give a half-time talk, as captain, in place of his manager, whom drink had rendered temporarily incapable of speech. The fans of the club in question were mystified by his departure, but he had signed a confidentiality agreement and never spoke of the incident.



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