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Samuel Ameobi ‏ @Sammy_Ameobi


It just makes me feel so great about myself when ultimately physiqued men like Cheik Tiote come into the gym...not! :|




"#beast #fridgefreezer" had me  :lol:


Indeed, did not copy & paste, added now for total awesomeness!

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Cabaye RT's

Gavin Nevins ‏ @GNevPDA  Reply  Retweet  Favorite · Open

@AurelienChedjou voulez-vous rejoindre @YCabayeofficiel à Newcastle, vous seriez les bienvenus pour aider à pousser pour l'Europe

Retweeted by yohan cabaye

Would Chedjou like to join NUFC?


Aurelien Chedjou ‏ @AurelienChedjou Close

@GNevPDA Off course



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Nobby Solano giving out free chilli sauce samples to people sending good pictures. Twitter is weird, brilliant, but weird.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Gary Lineker ‏ @GaryLineker


Al Jazeera sport +3 tonight: Barcelona v Chelsea with Terry Venables, Alan Shearer and @GullitR Join us if you are able. 7pm BST


Didn't know Shearer and Gullit were on good terms now?


So odd as Gullitt seems to like us whenever he's covered Newcastle games. Honestly seems to understand the fans, which boggles the mind all things considered. I actually... like him now?

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Even when he walked, he had good things to say about the fans, club, etc. No ill feelings towards him at all.


Good things about the fans and the club aye, but now and again, he would have a dig or two at Shearer...


It is a bit odd like but I guess with 12 and a half years down the line, you learn to forgive and forget?

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Guest Jungle Barry

I seem to remember Shearer being complimentary about Gullits training methods

and ideas in one of his books. Maybe this has led to a reconciliation of sorts?

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Guest dogbeak

maybe as a fully-functioning sentient adult gullit has reconciled himself to the events that happened during his unfortunate tenure, and shearer has managed to accept gullit's contrition in a spirit of human understanding and platonic love?

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