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Anyone else still unhappy that Shearer isn't our Manager?


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Championship standard strikers do not finish many half chances, they havent against us atleast. Our side has scored them to win games, it hasnt been due to opening up the opposition with our beautiful passing. We've been better at finishing. Thats what he means, seems obviously correct.

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Guest jonlane86

His analysis of our season after the Boro game was one of the most flawed pieces of pundity i've ever heard, not sure i'd trust him to do a good job.

"You'll never win anything with kids" tbh

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We've scored the same amount of goals as 7th place. To give the strikers and Nolan the credit is pretty ridiculous. Then again, we heard Coloccini and Enrique get slagged off by Lawrenson and Dixon while Shearer said nowt.




Do we have 27 points?




As i've said, the attack is good enough for perhaps 5th place, the defence is the best in the league and is by far the main reason we're in 1st.

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We've scored the same amount of goals as 7th place. To give the strikers and Nolan the credit is pretty ridiculous. Then again, we heard Coloccini and Enrique get slagged off by Lawrenson and Dixon while Shearer said nowt.




Do we have 27 points?




As i've said, the attack is good enough for perhaps 5th place, the defence is the best in the league and is by far the main reason we're in 1st.

and the central midfield ?
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I know I am. Childhood hero, and even though we went down it was great having him back in the dugout. Travesty that he didn't get the job all in all. Think he'd probably be more agressive away from home as well. Anyone else?



The dugout comment was from a sentimental standpoint.


Just don't even bother mate. 2sheds won't credit Shearer with a single thing, you might as well give up now.

Shearer was a great striker for us.


Professional way to run a forum Dave

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Guest firetotheworks

Not happy about the way he was treated, and not happy with the guy we have instead, but not particularly no.



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Yes. I dont think Hughton has done anything that Shearer couldnt have done as a manager in this league. Wouldve been a great experience for legend #9 and preperation for a season as a PL manager.


Preperation to go back down in other words.

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It's absolutely impossible to predict how Shearer would have done. We don't know the first thing about him as a manager, apart from the fact he takes a hard line - cos he and the players said so themselves.


His 'exterior' if you will, suggests he'd be a good manager. International footballer, masses of experience, worked under quality managers, infectious/hugely determined attitude, good catch for incoming players. And i am disappointed we didn't have more time to see what he was like as a manager.


But the important things, the day-to-day stuff, we don't have a clue about.

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The 3-5-2 didn't work, though it did get a good point at Stoke. But he went 4-3-3 against Pompey and Boro and it was two much better performances - ridiculous how we didn't score against Pompey.


In fairness to Shearer, the players were that fucked, any form of tactical masterstroke would have been executed with a very diluted effect. I'm not saying he did pull off a tactical masterstroke; but the very fact he recognised we needed to shake it up, and leave behind a totally dead 4-4-2, suggested he's atleast got some nouse. More than Hughton and Kinnear anyway.

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I love Shearer as much as the next Newcastle fan but I'm yet to be convinced that he has the ability to be a top manager. I don't like the way ex-players get top jobs without doing the ground work. It very rarely comes off. He needs to manage at least in the championship first (by that I mean a normal championship club, not one that can fill fifty thousand seats and really shouldn't be playing in this division). I mean somebody like Plymouth, Bristol City, Coventry or the like.


I'd like to see him in charge of us at some point, but not just because of who he is, it has to be because he is the best man for the job on merit.



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Hasn't it already been said that Shearer did enough to keep us up last season. The goal against Fulham should of stood, and an own goal against Villa was bad luck, fair enough were were outplayed against them but they only scored the one, which all means we should of had another 2 points come the end of the season which would of been enough to keep us up, bad luck and bad refereeing decisions decided otherwise.

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Guest firetotheworks

We were terrible under Shearer and didn't deserve to stay up under him. We deserved to be beaten by Villa and didn't deserve to beat Fulham.


Do you account all of that (while Shearer was here) to be something that he should have been able to changein that time? Because I dont. We were shit, but better against Pompey and Boro than any game we've ever had under Hughton.

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We were terrible under Shearer and didn't deserve to stay up under him. We deserved to be beaten by Villa and didn't deserve to beat Fulham.


You have contridicted yourself there. You say we didn't deserve to stay up, deserved to get beaten by Villa but deserved a point from Fulham, which would of kept us up.

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Guest ProudToBeAGeordie

Was never unhappy that Shearer is not the manager. I was quite happy that he didn't get the job and I am still happy about his absence. I doubt we would be top of the Championship with him at the helm.


I think we would be at the top of the championship with him, and i think he was let down by the players last season. Look at the amount of chances we missed against Pompey.

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Far too early to write off Shearer on the basis of 8 games but for me he made two crucial mistakes:


1) Was too quick to brag to the media about the changes he'd made behind the scenes and enjoyed the limelight. I always wonder if the lacklustre performances at the end of the season were down to players just not playing for him.


2) He took himself out of the running for the job by making demands that Ashley wasn't prepared to meet. You need a far better CV before you can start setting tough conditions in this game.

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Kna not at all, not sure he is the right man to be our manager or even A manager tbh. That Villa gane was so bad, we were not good under him at all but last game get a point stay up, he did not even get them fired up.

Maybe in time he couldd but go try it out in the lower leagues learn his trade.

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Our defence is the strongest part of our team, and has shone compared to other areas. The strikeforce has been meh, probably would have been ok if Shola didn't pick up that lengthy injury.


Harper, Colo, Taylor, Jose & Nolan are the main reason were top of the league. The reason why were not running away with it is the lack of a main striker and the weakness in the middle of the park, if Nolan isn't scoring goals we've got nothing in there worthwhile. Butt, Smith, Nolan, Guthrie all not good enough (Guthrie could get better though) all slow and technically lacking while Barton the useless cunt has been injured throughout. No right outlet either until now, things might shape up a bit and give the team some balance. Still though, i doubt Best will set the world alight, Shola will struggle to get to the early scoring for fun form, while Carroll remains distracted and Ranger not being ready for this level.


So, Shearer was wrong imo with those comments.

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