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"I know Player X is shite because i watch him live every week at St James' Park. You do not have a season ticket therefore you have little evidence to back up your argument."


Is this a reasonable argument or is it just superfan bullshit? Genuine question here. Before i got a season ticket i used to think it was just a load of arrogant nonsense... however i've come across debates in the forum which i've hesitated to join, amidst the risk of sounding like an arrogant, know-it-all superfan. (Now having bought a ST).


But in all honesty, personally i do feel you have an 'argumental benefit' if you're there every week.









Totally not influenced by the Best thread.

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The answer to the question depends on who has the ticket and who doesn't.  Somebody who doesn't go could know more than a moron who does go and having a season ticket doesn't make you any better than somebody who doesn't have a ticket but pays for individual tickets.


For a few years I would have so much to drink before going to the match that I couldn't remember the game.  Somebody listening on the radio would have had more idea than I had.

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The general point is correct, of course having a ST gives you a better insight into how each player is playing and how we play as a team. I'm sure there's a lot of thick people who don't understand football who have season tickets though.

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The answer to the question depends on who has the ticket and who doesn't.  Somebody who doesn't go could know more than a moron who does go and having a season ticket doesn't make you any better than somebody who doesn't have a ticket but pays for individual tickets.


For  few years I would have so much to drink before going to the match that I couldn't remember the game.  Somebody listening on the radio would have had more idea than I had.


Aye that's definitely a fair point like.

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Guest firetotheworks

Both are irrelevant, because both still require an opinion. If people have varying opinions whilst watching the same TV, or watching from the same point of the stadium, then the same will be true for one watching a TV and one watching from the stadium. I think it's quite often used as a tired justification when no further relevant points are there to be made, it's basically a way to belittle an opinion without discussing the actual topic at hand.

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It's always seemed a bit odd to me that people can base their (quite often incredibly strident) opinions of a player's abilities mainly on brief TV highlights (or even the odd games that do get televised on Sky or ESPN) rather than ever actually being at the game.


Then again, it's always seemed to me that some fans are better than others at watching a game of football than others, so like Mick's said it depends on whether the fan is a moron or not, rather than whether they attend all games religiously.

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Guest malandro

If you’re at the game you can choose which aspects of the game to follow. For example, you can focus on a single player for a while to see what they’re doing off the ball. When you watching on TV the director decides what you see. On the other hand when you’re at the match you don’t get close ups and replays, so you don’t always get to see individual incidents in the same detail as those watching the tele.  The foreshortening effect if you’re sat low down in one of the ends can make it impossible to really tell what's going on when the action heads down the other end. Conversely if you’re up in L7 you get a great view of the formations and tactics. 


It’s swings and roundabouts and depends on where you sit, but overall I’d say being there provides a better opportunity to understand how all the bits that influence a football match fit together. That said, it’s what’s between your ears that really makes the difference.


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Like others have said, it depends on the person. My dad, for example, is completely unreliable regardless of whether he has seen the match IRL or on the box. In fact, I generally decide that the opposite of what my dad thinks is most likely to be true.

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Depends on who's got the ticket.

"I know Player X is shite because i watch him live every week at St James' Park. You do not have a season ticket therefore you have little evidence to back up your argument."


Is this a reasonable argument or is it just superfan bullshit? Genuine question here. Before i got a season ticket i used to think it was just a load of arrogant nonsense... however i've come across debates in the forum which i've hesitated to join, amidst the risk of sounding like an arrogant, know-it-all superfan. (Now having bought a ST).


But in all honesty, personally i do feel you have an 'argumental benefit' if you're there every week.









Totally not influenced by the Best thread.


I would disagree. The posters on this site who I have always respected have been the ones who made the most sense, I have no idea whether they were season ticket holders or not. If someone needs to bring the "soopafan" element into the debate it's usually because they don't want to debate the actual topic.

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The arrogant ones are the foreigners/ex-pats who come on here and accuse folk who spend over a grand a year following the toon of being too critical of certain players and the management.


That sentence belongs in the irony hall of fame :lol:. I was going to spit out some sort of rebuttal but I'm too busy admiring it instead.

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Incidentally, when I go to any live event, whether it's a rock concert or a football match, it's usually to enjoy it with everyone else at the place rather than disect each players contribution on the day. I can't imagine where LLO is watching the game from to be so analytical at St James.

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As one of those foreigner/ex-pats that only gets to see one game a year (and oddly it costs more than a grand to do so BTW) I have to echo BT in that being there live isn't always the best perspective. Watching the game after 6 pints and yelling every song under the sun in LL7 as opposed to watching the match on the telly stone cold sober at 5AM doesn't necessarily make you a better character witness of the game... I find the opposite is usually true.

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Something that I appreciated when I became an ex-pat and stopped going to live games is that I tended to be less critical than when I was at the stadium. The editing, close-ups, etc... makes football look better than when you just have your two eyes and see wee guys in colored shirts running around (I always had seats up top).


Of course, the fact that we won 3 leagues and 2 CLs since I moved out of Barcelona and we were pure shit before that might have something to do with it  :undecided:


But I think TV has a big effect on how you see matches.

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The general point is correct, of course having a ST gives you a better insight into how each player is playing and how we play as a team. I'm sure there's a lot of thick people who don't understand football who have season tickets though.


Spot on. I'm one of those thick people obviously.

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