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Think some are being a bit hopeful assuming nobody will do any better with that group of players. They're not as bad as they've played under Bruce.


Aye comfortably mid table squad, but with minimal potential, costing 85% wage/turnover and a lot of easy games played.



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Guest Howaythetoon

A sad day this. Their next appointment will be their most important yet. Get this wrong and they could be in real trouble for a long long time.

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A sad day this. Their next appointment will be their most important yet. Get this wrong and they could be in real trouble for a long long time.


Pardew shows that it's a real lottery changing manager for me. We all thought he'd be shite, turns out one of our best for a long time. It's all about getting the right man for the club at the right time, Hughes would be my biggest worry, think it would fit them very well indeed.



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A sad day this. Their next appointment will be their most important yet. Get this wrong and they could be in real trouble for a long long time.


Pardew shows that it's a real lottery changing manager for me. We all thought he'd be s****, turns out one of our best for a long time. It's all about getting the right man for the club at the right time, Hughes would be my biggest worry, think it would fit them very well indeed.




:sadnod: :undecided:


Aye, Hughes could actually make the most out of the limited resources available at the mackems and do well.....

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After hearing the last man given the gig at Sunderland was a complete clown, Cirque de Solail have issued a firm "hands off warning".

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