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World Cup 2010 Pre-Tournament Thread


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Yay! Looks like Robben may be fit for our first group match after all! Would have been a serious blow to our title aspirations had he had to drop out of the WC squad... Can't wait to see our Fab Four (Van Persie, Van der Vaart, Sneijder, Robben) destroy the opposition..  :celb:

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Yay! Looks like Robben may be fit for our first group match after all! Would have been a serious blow to our title aspirations had he had to drop out of the WC squad... Can't wait to see our Fab Four (Van Persie, Van der Vaart, Sneijder, Robben) destroy the opposition..  :celb:


Don't forget Elia, he's starting to look impressive now. I'm glad Robben is ok, the dutch are my favourite international team to watch playing wise.

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I suspect Holland will line up as follows:


                                Van Persie

Van der Vaart                                                Robben


                    De Jong              Van Bommel

Van Bronkhorst  Mathijssen  Heitinga  Van der Wiel



The defense is worryingly weak; here's hoping the front 4 get the freedom to outscore our opponents and the defensive midfield provide reasonable cover to stop us from leaking too many goals at the back...

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It's funny actually that Holland will probably not play with a traditional striker leading the line. Van Nistelrooij is not even there, and I can't see Huntelaar getting much pitch time unless Van Persie gets injured. Kuyt is considered more of a right sided forward  like he is for Liverpool (stand in to Robben). I have to say I quite like our options up front if things don't go to plan (Elia, Kuyt, Huntelaar, Babel). As I said, the poor defense will be our downfall (yet again), but we have the front players to outplay every team we meet and give some established teams a blush or two on our day (like France and Italy in the last EC). Keep an eye om Van der Wiel too, who is an energetic full back in the Roberto Carlos/Daniel Alves mold..

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Can't decide if I want to watch our first group match out on the streets or indoors.


Watching the WC outdoors in the crowd is a unique experience and the atmosphere is amazing.


On the other hand, it's annoying as fuck to get there and back and I won't even be able to see the big screen properly unless I arrive three hours in advance and scout out a spot. Also it will be hot and sweaty and I will barely be able to reach into my icebox and pull out my beer.

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Guest Stephen927



Can't decide if I want to watch our first group match out on the streets or indoors.


Watching the WC outdoors in the crowd is a unique experience and the atmosphere is amazing.


On the other hand, it's annoying as fuck to get there and back and I won't even be able to see the big screen properly unless I arrive three hours in advance and scout out a spot. Also it will be hot and sweaty and I will barely be able to reach into my icebox and pull out my beer.


Make your mind up quick, you've only got 3 games to decide.

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Can't decide if I want to watch our first group match out on the streets or indoors.


Watching the WC outdoors in the crowd is a unique experience and the atmosphere is amazing.


On the other hand, it's annoying as f*** to get there and back and I won't even be able to see the big screen properly unless I arrive three hours in advance and scout out a spot. Also it will be hot and sweaty and I will barely be able to reach into my icebox and pull out my beer.


Make your mind up quick, you've only got 3 games to decide.


Oh no you didn't  :nile:

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