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Spain win World Cup 2010

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ITV= wank. Clive Tydesley (or whatever the cunt is called) is a Grade A fucking wank commentator, the worst ever. Heskey is a fucking stupid thick useless cunt. That scouse prick Carragher is shit. We are fucked. This is what we offer at the world cup? One-dimensional shit? Listen to Clive man? The fucker is a lying thick bastard who has zero ability in the art of commentary. Fuck of Clive. Right turn Clive. I hate that cunt. Clive T = I want him OUT. BBC all day for me. Clive Cuntydslety more like.

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I love England threads. You're all end of the world doom and gloom until someone scores, and then everything is as good as it's ever been ever. It's a great read as a neutral.


No different to the Newcastle game threads tbh.


True, true.

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Who was it again here that said this was easily England´s best team since 1966 and even better than that  :lol:



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ITV= wank. Clive Tydesley (or whatever the cunt is called) is a Grade A fucking wank commentator, the worst ever. Heskey is a fucking stupid thick useless cunt. That scouse prick Carragher is shit. We are fucked. This is what we offer at the world cup? One-dimensional shit? Listen to Clive man? The fucker is a lying thick bastard who has zero ability in the art of commentary. Fuck of Clive. Right turn Clive. I hate that cunt. Clive T = I want him OUT. BBC all day for me. Clive Cuntydslety more like.



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Man, we're fucking shite. I mean, we'll win and probably go through but the second we play a decent side they'll expose everything that's nearly been exposed tonight and last Saturday.


That said, we could pick up momentum but I can't see it. Uninspiring bastards.  Long-ball football to the core.

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