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Spain win World Cup 2010

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Here is another interesting quote that backs up my feeling that there is something going on between the players and Capello. I just get the feeling that there is not a great team spirit.


... and to have Shrek taking a pop at the supporters is ridiculous.


BBC Radio 5 live's Graham Taylor 

"I do now believe there's a real danger of England going out. They're something not right behind the scenes. I don't know what it is. I have an idea: I don't believe the proper preparatory work is being done. Look at the body language: something is wrong."

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looking at the slovenes, they pissed it when the US tried to be all neat and tidy and keep the ball, and fell apart when the US brought on more physical players like Edu and Bradley. so probably makes sense to go as direct and powerful as possible.


There's England's answer right there. Play big and ugly. Slovenia play it rough, but when the US started giving it back they fell apart.


BTW I hope England batters the f*ck out of Slovenia - irregardless of the US game. The US needs to win against Algeria or doesn't deserve to go through anyway. Slovenia needs to go out.

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There's been a huge build up to this tournament, and I wonder if it's affected the players. Rooney looks the main casualty, but only a handful of players really look themselves, and interestingly it's not the big names.


Just as another point. We're not showing enough imagination at corners, which is a further symptom of how tense we are. Referees are allowing defenders to wrestle their opponents to the ground, and it's virtually impossible to get a clean header straight from the kick. We have to knock it short once or twice.

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If anyone can cheer us up it'll be James Corden. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I'll be in the bath with a box of razors if anyone wants me.


Messy bikini line Keef?


£10 on Keef's bikini line having a better shape than the England side.



It see's more balls than our forward line did tonight that's for sure.


There's probably a 'biggest prick' joke in there somewhere too.


I wouldn't go that far.



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To be fair to Rooney, i understand his frustration.


Its not like they arent trying. They are trying, it just didnt work. Booing him doesnt mean he can try any harder. Hes likely just as frustrated as all of us, this is a big stage to prove himself and nothings happened.


Best we can hope is that Capello completely changes the system and it just clicks. It really cant involve Heskey im afraid & Joe Cole has always had that spark that means he HAS to be included.


But that's the thing, they aren't trying. It's not like they went down fighting tonight, they were totally spineless.

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I'm not sure what to say really.

It was fucking diabolical, absolutely horse shit, the worst i have ever seen from England.


And Capello, lost his mind like? Its the same old story with the midfield, Lampard and Gerrard cant play together like that.

Next match, play Carrick/Barry def holding, lamps box-box, and Gerrard playing of Rooney as a lone strike.

Lennon, Cole on each wing.

Problem solved :coolsmiley:




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Rooney was standing around not bothering to run with 10 mins left, and he didnt exactly exhaust himself too much in the previous 80 mins, so i'd say there is something wrong with the cohesion or team spirit there. even when things are going wrong for him, he's usually charging around with the red mist, but this time he just couldn't care.

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Here is another interesting quote that backs up my feeling that there is something going on between the players and Capello. I just get the feeling that there is not a great team spirit.


... and to have Shrek taking a pop at the supporters is ridiculous.


BBC Radio 5 live's Graham Taylor 

"I do now believe there's a real danger of England going out. They're something not right behind the scenes. I don't know what it is. I have an idea: I don't believe the proper preparatory work is being done. Look at the body language: something is wrong."


They could barely control the ball, somethings up when thats not a joke. You could blame the ball, the pitch, the nerves, the formation/system, the players themselves, the manager. As always itll be a combination of all of them. Just didnt work.

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Rooney was standing around not bothering to run with 10 mins left, and he didnt exactly exhaust himself too much in the previous 80 mins, so i'd say there is something wrong with the cohesion or team spirit there. even when things are going wrong for him, he's usually charging around with the red mist, but this time he just couldn't care.


There's something wrong, for definite. Can't excuse Rooney though, he was awful tonight and his attitude stunk.

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I saw the USA play and Mike's capitulation on here and thought to myself 'at least we wont be as bad as that tonight.'


And then that just happened.




:lol: If you boys got what we got, you would be furious. I'm still mad, but shit, at least we scored.

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To be fair to Rooney, i understand his frustration.


Its not like they arent trying. They are trying, it just didnt work. Booing him doesnt mean he can try any harder. Hes likely just as frustrated as all of us, this is a big stage to prove himself and nothings happened.


Best we can hope is that Capello completely changes the system and it just clicks. It really cant involve Heskey im afraid & Joe Cole has always had that spark that means he HAS to be included.


But that's the thing, they aren't trying. It's not like they went down fighting tonight, they were totally spineless.


I dont believe theyre out there on that pitch and not trying. Rooneys own anger at the end there shows his frustration. We went down with a whimper because they played awful football & couldnt keep the ball let alone create.

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Rooney was standing around not bothering to run with 10 mins left, and he didnt exactly exhaust himself too much in the previous 80 mins, so i'd say there is something wrong with the cohesion or team spirit there. even when things are going wrong for him, he's usually charging around with the red mist, but this time he just couldn't care.


In the second half he was absolutely terrible, terrible body language too.

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Guest lankybellwipe

Whats all this shit about not dropping Rooney? I thought one of the first rules in business is that "No-one is inexpendible!"

He did NOTHING tonight to make me feel he would make an impact on wednesday, in fact,  that he would impede our chances! If he is to be given the higher strata or untouchables treatment, I would say "You have an hour Wayne. Make your mark, or make way for the Beanstalk!

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Btw, if we go out , Rooney will more than likely be booed everywhere this season, starting with us  :snod:


The problem will be, though, that if England goes out early, he'll probably score a hattrick against us to show everyone he's back.  :undecided:

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