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I love watching Ghana play. They're my second favourite team at this tournament. So many of their players have this great balance and they can change direction and pace really easily. Vulnerable on the back foot, but going forward they're great to watch.

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All of Africa is literally engaging in a massive continental circle jerk because a tiny country that most of them have never visited and have no interest in, but that happens to be on their continental land mass and contain black people is now in the quarter finals.  Best result since colonialism ended.


I genuinely don't even think it's true- think it's just a media construct. Africa is just as divided a continent as any other.

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I honestly used to like Peter Drury but he just makes me sick with his cringeworthy shit. "Bye bye big American sigh".


What a cunt.


His commentary is simply a mix of scripted shit he's clearly written before the match & shouting players' names.


He was far better on Radio 5 years ago.He fucking loved "The Entertainers" team.

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