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Guest Saint Andy

bloody shit channel - crap commentry, too many adverts, technically useless. fairly blue email sent.

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Should be crucified for their error. The FA Cup one was bad enough, but the World Cup? Absolutely unforgivable tbh. Any stick they get is completely warranted and I hope the BBC get sole rights for future World Cups (not that it'll happen).


Fucking livid with ITV tonight  :rant:

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Was seriously pissed off when the Hyundai ad came on. Thought the HD feed looked shit compared to BBC's HD coverage but must have been SD as someone mentioned earlier

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Guest malandro

Should be crucified for their error. The FA Cup one was bad enough, but the World Cup? Absolutely unforgivable tbh. Any stick they get is completely warranted and I hope the BBC get sole rights for future World Cups (not that it'll happen).


f***ing livid with ITV tonight  :rant:

Unless FIFA bring in a fit and proper broadcasters test.

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Bloke who works for ITV was on 606 before trying to defend them. Say that because they outsource the actual broadcasting of their live events, everyone should lay off because it's not ITVs fault :lol:

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ITV has been s**** for everything (bar Corrie and the odd drama) since I was born (mid sixties)


They should avoid football like the plague

Agree with the football stuff it is really shocking and there coverage team are shit compared to BBC who at least build up the game and have better articles.
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Guest neesy111

Bloke who works for ITV was on 606 before trying to defend them. Say that because they outsource the actual broadcasting of their live events, everyone should lay off because it's not ITVs fault :lol:


ahhh, the old outsource so that you can blame other's for own mistakes!!!

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Guest neesy111

Crash course in blame delegation.


Could understand them trying to blank out Gosling's goal, but ITV missing a Gerrard goal? Speechless.


it wouldn't happen if it was man utd playing no doubt

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Guest firetotheworks

Bloke who works for ITV was on 606 before trying to defend them. Say that because they outsource the actual broadcasting of their live events, everyone should lay off because it's not ITVs fault :lol:


f***ing hell, aye, blame the outsource that they outsourced. f***ing idiots.

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