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The Liverpool Thread


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Reading some of the comments following that article made me feel sick. Who the fuck honestly believes in that context Suarez was being matey matey with Evra. Disgraceful, have some dignity and make a stance yourselves Liverpool. Condemn racism in all forms, condemn the fact that Suarez used the word even if he was unsure of its meanings (unlikely) and accept the punishment. Everyone would respect you for it and it would show how much everyone wants to get racism out of the game. Instead they wear t-shirts with Suarez on, I'm sorry but that's disgraceful in the context.

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Anyone see the banner the fans had last night?


'Patrice Evra.......Mutant Black Guy'



Surely that didn't actually happen?


Surely not :lol: Maybe it was 'militant' black guy, still not tasteful but just a joke based on that or something? Clutching at straws here, wouldn't be surprised in the least if it was mutant with these twats.


There is a photo of it in todays Star

I'm not believe it until I see it. If its true those fans should be banned for life. Its utterly stupid and ridiculous.

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Is it just me who, yes, thinks Liverpool should get the book thrown at them, but they'll get off with a slap on the wrists?


This is a chance for the FA to really send out a message and underline an absolute zero tolerance approach to all racism.


You're right, it's chance for the FA to show the world that they won't tolerate racism or its support in any form. Liverpool and Suarez should be heavily reprimanded and punished for their actions.


But we all know the 8 game ban will be reduced or rescinded and Liverpool will be awarded 10 points and automatic entry into the Champions League.

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Guest Roger Kint

Anyone see the banner the fans had last night?


'Patrice Evra.......Mutant Black Guy'



Surely that didn't actually happen?


Surely not :lol: Maybe it was 'militant' black guy, still not tasteful but just a joke based on that or something? Clutching at straws here, wouldn't be surprised in the least if it was mutant with these twats.


There is a photo of it in todays Star

I'm not believe it until I see it. If its true those fans should be banned for life. Its utterly stupid and ridiculous.


Why not beleive it, its not something i would lie about. The worrying thing is Kevin Francis the reporter for that match didnt even mention it in a bad light.

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Guest Roger Kint

Oh and the banner calling the FA corrupt was also pathetic, why would they get an indepenent tribuneral to deal with it then?

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Suarez is either guilty of ignorance or guilty of using a racist term here in the UK, either way he's guilty so Uruguay can go and do one because they don't work in the UK.

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Has anyone mentioned the amount of times Alan Hansen referred to "coloured players" on MOTD? Not a major issue like, but weird to hear that on the telly.


Go to the racism, John Terry thread. It's caused a stir. You'd think he'd have been sharp enough to realise that that isn't a word to use not only on Tv but in any context now

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Has anyone mentioned the amount of times Alan Hansen referred to "coloured players" on MOTD? Not a major issue like, but weird to hear that on the telly.


No issue at all really.


If Liverpool want to leave the league I'm sure Zenit and Spartak fans would welcome them in Russia.

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The funniest thing is that the quote on that poster is from Morris West, an Australian anti-racist author :lol:


Fucking hell. There isn't an ounce of logic or humility from anyone involved in this. Shameful.

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